Let's try posting how AWESOME our significant others are for



  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    My boyfriend always tells me how good i look, cooks healthy dinners mostly everynight and has them ready for me when i get home from work so i can eat before i go work out....

    Always supportive and always encouraging :o)

    loves him
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    My favorite quote from my bf:

    "If you are losing weight for me stop now because you are sexy . . . But if you want to feel better about yourself then let's go!"

    Yeah he is pretty great and he is changing his lifestyle right now too we are both trying to be more active and make better choices for eating habits (although he won't join MFP lol)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    my husband has been so supportive during my entire process training to compete in my first ever bikini competition. He was and still is my biggest fan. I cannot thank him enough for all he compromised so that I could have my gym time and even went so far as eating right with me, helping me figure out the best foods for bulking as well as for the leaning out phase. He was at my show all day Saturday and that is NOT like him AT all. He even took 224 pictures.

    I am fortunate to have him in my corner. He is my #1 fan.
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    My husband is my best friend... He's very supportive of me in everything I do and I couldn't imagine my life without him...
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    My boyfriend and I are both on MFP together, and encourage each other everyday. We generally have a friendly biggest loser competition, but he is extremely motivating.

    As I get thinner, he always makes sure he comments and tells me how well I'm doing and how proud he is of me. On days when I have a bad workout, he helps me understand that these things happen and to not feel bad about it. And of course, on days when I want to eat everything in sight, he reminds me about moderation...unless we've been really really good and then he helps me reward myself.

    I know I could not have made it this far without his love and support.
  • JoleneCooper
    JoleneCooper Posts: 74 Member
    Great idea!
    My husband is a huge part of why I'm losing weight - he is so amazing and I think he deserves a hot skinny wife! LOL
    He is that 1 in a million in my eyes and I'm happy there are so many others that feel the same way about their man!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    My husband understands why I want to do this - but he's awesome because it doesn't bother him what size I am. I knows I'm doing it for me, acknowledges that it's my choice, and does what he can... he's finally stopped asking me if I want extra pizza. :)
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    My favorite quote from my bf:

    "If you are losing weight for me stop now because you are sexy . . . But if you want to feel better about yourself then let's go!"

    Yeah he is pretty great and he is changing his lifestyle right now too we are both trying to be more active and make better choices for eating habits (although he won't join MFP lol)

    Love this :)
  • barbi1281
    My husband is really awesome! He started this to support me and is sticking to it so that I'm not frustrated or alone. Also, he gets me out of bed (even when I refuse) to do the Couch to 5K which he is doing with me at 6 a.m. in 30ish degree weather. Beyond that, when my thyroid made me get big right after he proposed he told me I was beautiful and never made me feel bad about gaining so much weight. I :heart: him so much!
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    my husband has been so supportive during my entire process training to compete in my first ever bikini competition. He was and still is my biggest fan. I cannot thank him enough for all he compromised so that I could have my gym time and even went so far as eating right with me, helping me figure out the best foods for bulking as well as for the leaning out phase. He was at my show all day Saturday and that is NOT like him AT all. He even took 224 pictures.

    I am fortunate to have him in my corner. He is my #1 fan.

    Damn! That is one good hubby, a lucky one too that pic is amazing!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    My husband is my best friend and knows how to make me laugh or support me when I need it the most. He loves me for who I am, but also supports me in my weight loss journey...
  • alisonwww
    My husband is such a nice guy and funny and handsome and he tries to be supportive but has no idea how to eat healthy. He is naturally thin and works out 5-6 days a week. When he doesn't, work out he loses weight (SO NOT fair!!). But he tries really hard to make me happy and I'm so thankful for having him in my life!
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    My fiance is amazing. He said if I was doing this for him to stop, but if it is what I want then go for it. If I want to work out, he'll take our son outside to play so I can get some time to my self. He (and the kid) like to join me on walks. He always compliments me. I didn't think he'd be so supportive as he can sometimes be a gigantic douche nozzle (I love him despite that lol), but he has really shocked me.
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    Love this idea!

    My bf is amazing... he pushes me to work harder when I'm feeling lethargic. He listens to me talk about fitness./weight loss stuff non-stop. He'll go to the gym with me to keep me company. He'll always ask me about my training sessions/classes I do without him. I feel like every week he's finding new ways to be incredibly supportive with my goals. I feel like he's one of my greatest assets in my weight loss journey. :-D
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    mine will ONLY take me to healthy places to eat, and just introduced me to my new favorite vegan restaurant!

    he bought xbox kinect so that we could play those crazy exercise games together instead of just sitting on the couch.

    he offers to cook a healthy meal at home instead of going out to eat.

    he's pretty much the only person who is supporting me in my choice to become a nutritionist instead of a teacher.

    he brings me to different health food stores that i haven't been to yet, just for fun lol

    i could go on....but he's just really awesome and i would be typing for too long :bigsmile:

    the best part is that he started seeing me at my heaviest and accepted me the way i was then. now he's just really proud of me :heart:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Love this. Mine is SO supportive and complimentary, He's always helping encourage me to get up for the gym, and has started eating a lot better and working out more himself. He's totally open to trying almost any new lower-cal recipe I find for us. I really couldn't ask for any more support.

    Some of my friends have already heard this one, but he told me a few weeks ago "I feel like I'm cheating on my wife with a hotter chick, because you look so different now".

    EDIT: How did I forget this one...he's giving me $500 next week to go shopping for new clothes because not of my old stuff fits anymore! What a man! :love:
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I love my significant other Bob,(stewpodasso here in mfp) he is so unconditionally supportive, always there for me, kind, patient, caring, instictively knows my needs, picks up on all the little things I dont say. He is there for me not only for my weight loss struggles but for me during times of family crisis and personal doubts. I would not of been here today without him. I would of quit and gave up but he has been so loving and so encouraging and non judgemental over every aspect of this with me. I watched him reach his goals and am so proud of him for this because he has shown me with proof that this can be done. I couldnt figure it out at first and he kept at it looking over my food diary checking my macro settings and my exercise burns, and finally he/we figured it out because he wasnt going to give up on me and if he didnt, then I cant give up on myself. I love this man he is amazing and I am so happy to have found him here in mfp. He is my best friend too. Bob, thank you so much! littlelaura loves stewpodasso sitting in a tree ... :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I love my significant other Bob,(stewpodasso here in mfp) he is so unconditionally supportive, always there for me, kind, patient, caring, instictively knows my needs, picks up on all the little things I dont say. He is there for me not only for my weight loss struggles but for me during times of family crisis and personal doubts. I would not of been here today without him. I would of quit and gave up but he has been so loving and so encouraging and non judgemental over every aspect of this with me. I watched him reach his goals and am so proud of him for this because he has shown me with proof that this can be done. I couldnt figure it out at first and he kept at it looking over my food diary checking my macro settings and my exercise burns, and finally he/we figured it out because he wasnt going to give up on me and if he didnt, then I cant give up on myself. I love this man he is amazing and I am so happy to have found him here in mfp. He is my best friend too. Bob, thank you so much! littlelaura loves stewpodasso sitting in a tree ... :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    awwww...so cute
  • frycase
    My husband is amazing. He tells me all the time how beautiful he thinks I am, and he always has, ever since we were first dating. He tells me how much he appreciates me all the time, and he's always supported me in everything I've ever wanted to do/accomplish. He's been working out with me, and he's been very patient when I go into super-brat "I want M&Ms and I can't have them" mode. He is the absolute best person I know, and I am so thankful to have him in my life.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I love my significant other Bob,(stewpodasso here in mfp) he is so unconditionally supportive, always there for me, kind, patient, caring, instictively knows my needs, picks up on all the little things I dont say. He is there for me not only for my weight loss struggles but for me during times of family crisis and personal doubts. I would not of been here today without him. I would of quit and gave up but he has been so loving and so encouraging and non judgemental over every aspect of this with me. I watched him reach his goals and am so proud of him for this because he has shown me with proof that this can be done. I couldnt figure it out at first and he kept at it looking over my food diary checking my macro settings and my exercise burns, and finally he/we figured it out because he wasnt going to give up on me and if he didnt, then I cant give up on myself. I love this man he is amazing and I am so happy to have found him here in mfp. He is my best friend too. Bob, thank you so much! littlelaura loves stewpodasso sitting in a tree ... :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Love you too, darlin'...you give me too much credit...