Why do some people have to be so mean?



  • balancebean
    balancebean Posts: 96 Member
    Just realize that it is he who has the problem, not you. I pity people who are filled with such negativity (hatred, anger). How pathetic his life must be to spew on a total stranger like that.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    It would have been worth it to get the cone, turn around, and smush it right in his face.

    This, this, this! lol

    I wish I had thought of this. :laugh:
  • Bunnyboo82
    Bunnyboo82 Posts: 42 Member
    Where the EFF does that guy get off! The girl with him should have told him to shut his mouth instead of just sitting there and take it. If you are a size 4 with 27 inches and this A-hole thinks you don't need it then in his sick twisted mine about 99 % of us shouldn't eat. He's a mean little man. I say he's get a small penis so he says mean things to make him feel 'bigger' :laugh:
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Are you sure he was talking about you? I find it hard to believe that even a complete jerk would say that about someone as tiny as a size 4.

    I was the only one in line, and the only person with a cone. The store was in an empty spell at that moment.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Just ignore those people. I've noticed that sometimes people will say stuff just to say it. You obviously aren't fat. Is there any way he may have been trying to make a joke because you're not fat, yet you got a child's size?

    I've just noticed that there are times when an individual or a group will say something incredibly stupid, and there really is no specific person it's aimed at, it's just random. Either way I know it hurts, just ignore it and the person to suck it next time.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I swear sometimes I want to slap someone upside the head:mad:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    What a real jerk! I was on the Metro bus one day and a heavy lady got on. She had a really large behind, the kind that I call a shelf butt. I don't mean to be critical of her because I used to have one until I started MFP. But this guy sitting in the front started making fun of her behind to his girlfriend or wife or whatever she was. He just kept making fun of the woman for several minutes not even caring that he was talking loud enough so she could hear him. I couldn't believe it. And he wasn't much to look at himself to be making fun of the way someone else looked! I wish now I would have said something to him. I just can't believe the rudeness of some people. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. (((hugs)))
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    It would have been worth it to get the cone, turn around, and smush it right in his face.

    This, this, this! lol

    I wish I had thought of this. :laugh:
    I'm glad you didn't. Don't waste perfectly good ice cream on such an ignorant fool!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Oh yeah, that's a case of "Little Man Syndrome". :D
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    It would have been worth it to get the cone, turn around, and smush it right in his face.

    My first thought. Then I thought he must be trying to show off, in a really strange way, to the gal he was with. Hope she realizes before it's too late the kind of character he's got!
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    It would have been worth it to get the cone, turn around, and smush it right in his face.

    Agreed!!!!! Oh that would have been AWESOME!!

    I have had more than one incident like that in my life. I was walking across the street with my then bf in So Cal (before I went on my health kick then - about ten years ago) and these stupid college boys peeled around the corner, not heeding the fact that we were in the crosswalk not far from them, and one boy moo'd while another called me a gigantic fat *kitten*. Though the guy I was with was a giant vag, he at least acted tough and yelled after them.

    Another time I was in a Walmart and this guy called me a hippo. This was 6 months after I had given birth. I'm not what you would call a "bounce back quickly" kind of girl, so of course I felt like a giant lardo. His comment.... DID NOT HELP.

    Unfortunately people can just be mean. They feel so badly about themselves that they put other people down to make themselves feel better. I'm sorry that douche nutted up and said something, however I am pro-smashing-the-ice-cream-in-his-face. :smile:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    So today at chick-fil-a, I was having a really bad sugar craving, and I was really good on my food for the day, so I went up and bought an Ice-dream KIDS SIZE not even a small. The guy behind me turned to his girlfriend and said "She really doesn't need that ice cream" loud enough for me to hear. When I turned around and looked at him, he just got this smirk on his face. I wanted to yell "What in the world is your problem? I am 5'6" a size 4, and have a 27 inch waistline?"
    I track my calories and excercise and the one day I really want to "treat myself" some jerk that doesn't even know me has to mouth off like that. I felt like I was back in high school. Why do some people have to be so mean? :cry:

    You are a size 4, not sure if story is srs.
  • oneLessS
    oneLessS Posts: 44 Member
    Some people never progress beyond Middle School. They are still trying to make themselves feel better by hurting others.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member

    You are a size 4, not sure if story is srs.

    It is. Believe what you will.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Thanks all, I just talked to my fiance about it and he pretty much just told me the same thing. He also asked me if any other guys opinion of my weight really mattered to me (he is happy with how I am) and that put it in a much better perspective. Thanks for letting me vent. It was just hard because he was at work and I couldn't call him about it.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Wow. Some people... I knew someone like that, but he was nice to people's faces and only made comments behind their back. Any girl that wasn't up to model standards was ugly or fat. As both I was "Quasimodo". :indifferent:

    That guy sounds a lot like the kids in school that act like bullies because they think other kids will be impressed and think they are cool.
  • letsdothis1995
    pshhh! fuuuck himmm!!! karmas a *****..just remember that ;)
  • Fanatic4j
    Ya that was incredibly rude, some men in a want to be cool belittle others thinking it has elevated himself, but it has only brought down the person he was mean to and proven how ignorant he is. How unimportant is a strangers opinion in the scheme of your life, this guy probably went home with his head raised high only to realize how little he is. Theres alot of growing up needed in people who find satisfaction in doing this. Sorry I couldnt talk longer I would have wonderful but I was already late. Glad everyone on here helped you :smile: , wish i could have been there.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    So today at chick-fil-a, I was having a really bad sugar craving, and I was really good on my food for the day, so I went up and bought an Ice-dream KIDS SIZE not even a small. The guy behind me turned to his girlfriend and said "She really doesn't need that ice cream" loud enough for me to hear. When I turned around and looked at him, he just got this smirk on his face. I wanted to yell "What in the world is your problem? I am 5'6" a size 4, and have a 27 inch waistline?"
    I track my calories and excercise and the one day I really want to "treat myself" some jerk that doesn't even know me has to mouth off like that. I felt like I was back in high school. Why do some people have to be so mean? :cry:

    I would have turned around licked it and said gooood that was soooooooo goooodddddd..............
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Ya that was incredibly rude, some men in a want to be cool belittle others thinking it has elevated himself, but it has only brought down the person he was mean to and proven how ignorant he is. How unimportant is a strangers opinion in the scheme of your life, this guy probably went home with his head raised high only to realize how little he is. Theres alot of growing up needed in people who find satisfaction in doing this. Sorry I couldnt talk longer I would have wonderful but I was already late. Glad everyone on here helped you :smile: , wish i could have been there.
