

  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inciting than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    I am just learning of the groups too. Looks like a cool way to meet new friends with common interests.
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD for Monday, November 7, 2011: Where do you find peace? Do you take time daily to turn everything off and to just be alone with yourself to assess life

    My peaceful time is my 45 min drive to and from work, it's the only time of the day i get to myself and sometimes i either just turn the radio up and sing along or no sound at all... this is also the time where i think the most about things that i want to get done or where i want to be in a few months
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD, Tuesday, November 8th: With the Thanksgiving season upon us, it's a great opportunity to share at least THREE things that we are thankful for this year!

    1. My kids
    2. My Family ( dad and bro)
    3. My job
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inciting than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    i have joined this group and sexy mamas i dont know how to share the link... sorry
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inciting than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!
    I have joined Christian Unite, Fit over 50, Supplement Reviews and Recipe Swap. I am responding from my e-reader so I can't include link - sorry.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    11/3/11-QOTD: What part of your body do you struggle with the VERY know the part I am talking about...the one that is always the very last to show improvement...the one you have the mental battle about all the time...saying "its never going to change...argghh" AND......what are you trying (and/or have tried) to improve it????

    My lower belly is what I struggle with the most and I haven't done anything yet...

    QOTD-11/4 What's your favorite strength training move? Why? Least favorite?
    I love lunges, although I haven't done them in a while because my knees hurt. This is a strength training move, right?

    QOTD, Tuesday, November 8th: With the Thanksgiving season upon us, it's a great opportunity to share at least THREE things that we are thankful for this year!

    1. I am Thankful for my Father. Without God I wouldn't be His Princess.
    2. I am thankful for my children, family and my friends.
    3. I am thankful for my health.

    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inciting than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    The challenges that I'm on, are doing Groups, so I've joined them. (I don't know how to put a link) And I joined an A&P/Scientific Group that I can't wait to read. And then an AZ Hikers one...

    I think I'm caught up with questions, but mini challenges need to be done...
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inciting than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    I joined my girls over on the 2000+ Calories group (women who eat 2000 calories a day - we don't all eat that EVERY day but we are mostly eating 1700+ every day. We get there by working out and having lower weekly weight loss goals - or some of the girls are already in maintenance so that's where they get it).

    I also joined a california group but I probably won't stay, I think its kind of silly because we have NOTHING in common other than one huge mondo state.

    I popped into those C25K groups someone linked. Probably will chill there too.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inciting than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    I have actually only done this challenge. I haven't joined any other groups mostly because I don't have the time. This challenge pushes me enough for now.

    The great thing about the groups is they aren't all challenges. There are groups that post recipes, or moms trying to stay fit while pregnant, or those doing a certain exercise program like C25K or 30DS.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Wow. I joined a lot. I joined Tough Mudders, Houston Girl Fitness, Ebony Fitness team, Bikini challenge Summer 2012, Single Peeps, Ebony Fitness Team, Awesome IN ALL CAPS,. Yeah I went group crazy this morning but I am probably not going to stay in all of them.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD, Tuesday, November 8th: With the Thanksgiving season upon us, it's a great opportunity to share at least THREE things that we are thankful for this year!

    We celebrated Thanksgiving (Canada) early October but I'd like to wish all of MFP American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving!
    I am thankful for so many things:
    1 - the love of my life, my husband of 17 years (for having the patience to put up with ME!)
    2 - my two beautiful children, who bring me so much joy!
    3 - my friends who love me for me and bring laughter to my life every day!
    AND MFP friends who keep me going on this journey!

  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inticing than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    I think the groups are a wonder thing!!!! This group is the only one I have joined (and I LOVE it)! I will probably join another once our journey here is done! I WILL MISS YOU ALL!!!
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inticing than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    I have not joined any groups yet, but I will be looking into them now!!! I can't wait for Stars Phase 2!!!!
  • tessacope2
    QOTD, Wednesday, November 9th: Recently MFP instituted groups, and I am actually finding it more inticing than I thought I would. What groups have you joined, if any? Please share the links for your groups with the rest of us!

    I haven't joined any groups yet, but will have to look into....
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Where's today's darn question????
  • Gazer362
    Gazer362 Posts: 35 Member
    QOTD, Friday, November 11th: Are you currently having to deal with any saboteurs on your weight loss journey? Maybe a family member, friend or co-worker? If so, how are you handling the situation in a positive way?

    Mini Challenge: Thank the person that supports you the most in your weight loss journey. Lets make it a nonMFP support person this time around. We already know how much MFP rocks!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    QOTD, Friday, November 11th: Are you currently having to deal with any saboteurs on your weight loss journey? Maybe a family member, friend or co-worker? If so, how are you handling the situation in a positive way?

    I would say my mom and dad. My mom has been very ill so I spend part of each week with them. They keep junk food in their home and my husband and I don't. I have been slowly encouraging some changes for them and bringing food from my home. We also took the halloween candy to the fridge in the basement yesterday so it isn't as easily accessible. She was unable to eat for so long during the worse parts of the chemo that I struggle with trying to push healthy all the time and just wanting her to eat whatever she wants. Of course I am aware that what they have should not control what I eat but the reality is there is a reason I don't keep it in my home!

    Mini Challenge: Thank the person that supports you the most in your weight loss journey. Lets make it a nonMFP support person this time around. We already know how much MFP rocks!

    I will be thanking my husband when I get home tomorrow morning. He supports me in whatever I want or have to do. Without that support I wouldn't even begin to be able to handle all I am responsible for. He encourages me and takes on anything I ask him to which give me the time I need to work out, prepare meals etc.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD, Friday, November 11th: Are you currently having to deal with any saboteurs on your weight loss journey? Maybe a family member, friend or co-worker? If so, how are you handling the situation in a positive way?

    I really don't have any saboteurs per say, but I don't feel I get the support I need mentally from my family and friends. I am sure at least part of it is me mentally projecting thoughts onto them, but I don't feel they want to here about every little accomplishment that I make -- the 0.4 pounds I finally lose after being stuck for a bit, that I finished day 2 of the C25K program, that I am halfway to my goal, that I have been committed to my weight loss journey for 130 days (as of yesterday), etc. They are supportive in their own way, but I use MFP to *really* get the support I need. Posting how proud I am that I survived 31 minutes of Billy Banks, complaining about how I am losing and re-gaining the same 3 pounds over and over again, and posting about how excited I am that I get to workout at the YMCA out of town on MFP keeps me motivated because all of my awesome friends here are supportive about my little victories. People would get tired of seeing those types of things on Facebook...
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD, Friday, November 11th: Are you currently having to deal with any saboteurs on your weight loss journey? Maybe a family member, friend or co-worker? If so, how are you handling the situation in a positive way?

    Mini Challenge: Thank the person that supports you the most in your weight loss journey. Lets make it a nonMFP support person this time around. We already know how much MFP rocks!

    In the beginning I didn't really feel supported by my family. They were used to me always giving up. Now that they see I have NOT giving up this time and WON'T they are there for me now. The way I would deal with a saboteur is to ignore them! Obviously it's not me they have a problem with, it's themselves!

    I would LOVE to THANK my wonderful husband. I just got a card from him not to long ago that said "Believing in you, Supporting you, and Cheering you on every step of the way" then he wrote "I am so proud of you and all of your hard work. I hope you feel as good as you look!!!" I keep that on the was of my workout room now. Puts a smile on my face everytime I see it!

    Thanks for the great question!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD, Friday, November 11th: Are you currently having to deal with any saboteurs on your weight loss journey? Maybe a family member, friend or co-worker? If so, how are you handling the situation in a positive way?

    No. The only person that I have to be cautious of is me. If I do not eat right when I am hungry I tend to want to cheat. I currently have the support of family, friends, and co-workers.

    Mini Challenge done, nice. Thanks.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD, Friday, November 11th: Are you currently having to deal with any saboteurs on your weight loss journey? Maybe a family member, friend or co-worker? If so, how are you handling the situation in a positive way?

    No one. This time around, I kind of stayed quiet about what I was doing. Started the program, got hooked up with MFP and then I started telling everyone. Once people started noticing a change, things have been great... I have an amazingly wonderful support group.

    Mini Challenge: Thank the person that supports you the most in your weight loss journey. Lets make it a nonMFP support person this time around. We already know how much MFP rocks!

    Lord, I have so many people to thank. I will do some taling over the phone and in person before end of day.