Turkey Trim & Slim Challenge (CLOSED)



  • Hi all!

    Ashley here, representin' GROUP THREE! Woohoo! I'm a 24 year old Seattleite, married to my best friend. We got married when we were 20, but have been together for a combined 7 years. My weight has been teeter-totting for the last 5 years. I was around 140-150lbs back in high school, but once I graduated, got a job, and moved out, it shot up to nearly 200lbs. When my husband and I got engaged, I joined Weight Watchers and got down to 180.

    Since we got married, we have done a lot of traveling and before I knew it, the weight was back on. My highest got to be to around 215lbs, so I rejoined Weight Watchers and got down to 200, then I went on vacation and regained it. I came back, joined Spark People and was determined to lose it all for good. I got down to 180, and then it was vacation time again. It came back. Again. Before I knew it, I was back up to 200lbs.

    If you see a cycle here, good, because this is how it happens every.single.time. I feel like I make decent choices and lose consistently, until I go on vacation. I gain and then when I come back, I am unmotivated and bloated. It can take me months to start back up again. It also just so happens that this challenge ends the EXACT day that we leave for Hawaii. LOL. Fortunately for this trip we will have a condo, and I'll be able to cook our meals.

    I joined MFP last year after another weight gain. I randomly found the app on my iPhone and it help me get down to 190, but then I went to Paris for New Years. With all the French delicacies I somehow managed only to gain 10lbs - HOORAY! BUT when we got back, we found out that CPS had taken our 18mo niece from my sister-in-law (for good reasons - drug related). The day after we landed, we begun making phone calls to try and find out where she was placed. Three days later, we had her and were weren't even unpacked yet! We haven't seen my sister-in-law since last year and our niece is still in our custody. We are currently in the process of trying to adopt her, and hopefully that will be finalized early next year. The unexpected lifestyle change and stress caused me to eat badly and another 10 pounds was soon added. I woke up one day and could barely button a pair of jeans that I swore fit just a month before. I started back on MFP and quickly lost what I had gained. Then guess what? I went on vacation. I came back with 6 more pounds to lose and that's where I'm at today.

    1. I have been trying to get back to my high school weight on and off for the last 5 years.
    2. Most recently I got myself down to 175. I haven't seen a number in the 170's in years! Of course I gained it back, but I'm only 8lns away!
    3. I got rid of all of my XL shirts and I can FINALLY fit back into some of my "skinny" jeans. I nearly cried the day that my favorite pair went up over my thighs/hips.
    4. I NEED this challenge to get myself back in gear and I thrive off of the competition aspect of it. When I did the Battle of the Bulged this last summer, I was down 40lbs from my highest weight and SO happy! I want to be there again. I just want to feel good.

    My goal for the next 5 weeks is to log everything, DRINK WATER, and work out at least 4 times a week. I want to be back at 175 for our next vacation and I do NOT want to gain it back!

    Go team #3, booyah! :tongue:
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    2) EVERYONE post in our message board A LITTLE about yourself (not a novel, just a few facts so we all know each other)
    1. how long you've been working to get in shape
    2. your weight loss successes to date (lbs lost, inches lost, or how you know you're in better shape!)
    3. a NSV since starting your journey (NSV = nonscale victory = not just your weight on the scale, but did someone notice your weightloss, do clothes fit better, etc.)
    4. Why you want to do this challenge

    Hi all!

    My name is Rita, I've been working seriously on getting in shape since January. I've been big all my life. Before that it's always been a "diet" and because I restricted myself, it would usually not last more than a week. My highest weight was 323 lbs. It's way different this time, I never lost weight or anything before. This time, Since Jan, I have lost over 60 lbs, gone from a size 26/28 (sometimes size 30) shirt and pants to current size 18 top (a lot of times, i can wear a size XL :) ) I am in a size 22 pant (sometimes size 20!), I can buy bras that are not plus size (38C...I haven't been in that since HS!!!) I want to do this challenge to stay motivated through the holidays. I participated in a BOB challenge this summer and loved it!!! I'm excited!!!!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    My younger sister, (she's 31,) is excited about my weight loss and decided she wants to get healthy.

    SheBB - is your sister on MFP?!? She should join our challenge!
  • Wow, mine got long. Sorry! I did not intend to write a novel! :blushing:
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    Ashley - wow talk about see-sawin!!! (you travel alot! - can I be like you?!?:laugh: ). Well we will all get you ready for Hawaii AND make sure you check back in with us after the vacation to make sure you didn't sabotage your progress!!!

    Seems like MY team members are M-I-A...where ya'll at?!? :frown:

    anyone else who didn't reply on here WHERE ARE YA?!? If we don't hear from people I'm going to encourage everyone to leave posts on their teammates walls when you don't see they have been posting in here...that way we can stay on each other rather than me alone going after everyone :tongue:
  • I live in S. Calif and recently bought a house w/ my fiance. We are getting married at the end of March. I had started this site a few months back w/ a friend, however she fell off. Now that we have our own place we are able to eat at home and do much more around the house than where I was living before. I want to be wedding dress ready and also photo shoot ready (or more comfortable) on Dec. 3rd as the photos are the gift on the wedding day.
    I've done weight watchers and it worked well but ever since my 30's i have just gained again. (thats what i get for working FT and sitting all day) Its hard for me to workout as i live so far from my job. however I do walk the dog and will be organizing at home... that is a workout in itself.
    I look forward to this challenge and will weigh when I get home.

    my goal in the next 5 weeks is to steadily lose... anywhere between 5 & 10lbs woudl be nice... 10 being high...

    Go! Team! 2~
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    1. My name is Crystal and I'm 28 years old. I have been trying to lose weight my entire life (pretty literally). I got serious about losing weight in December of 2010 when I finally weighed myself and realized I was 294 pounds (yikes!). I started with MFP in April and love it!
    2. Since December 1, 2010, I have lost 109 pounds. I still have about 35 to go to reach my first goal and then I figure I'll re-evaluate and figure out if I want to lose 5-10 more pounds.
    3. There have been so many so I'll just give you a couple of the biggest. I have gone from a 24W pants to a 12. I honestly cannot even remember the last time I wore a 12 (I was in plus sizes in middle school so it's been a looooooong time!). My boyfriend's mom didn't recognize me when we went to visit this past summer. She literally almost walked right past me at the airport. The list goes on and on.
    4. My weight lost has slowed since I don't have a lot left to lose and I know this challenge will help keep me motivated. The summer Battle of the Bulge challenge really kept me on track and kept me accountable. Also, I live in Nebraska and it's about to get really cold here. Usually when it gets cold I just love to eat so I really need to keep my focus.

    Go Team 4!!!!!!!
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    My younger sister, (she's 31,) is excited about my weight loss and decided she wants to get healthy.

    SheBB - is your sister on MFP?!? She should join our challenge!

    No she's not on MFP, I tell her all the time what she is missing. But I have a feeling she will be here soon
  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    My name is Ryan. I'm 35. I started MFP in January 2011. I have lost over 80lbs from watching my calories, doing the Power 90 series, doing a fitness boot camp, and doing the Power 90: Master Series. I'm hoping that I will be fit enough by the new year to be able to do P90X.
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member

    SO ya better be afraid, yeah very afraid.......

    come on guys .... help me out here.... lets DO IT (lets get serious!!! ) hahahahah
  • TheLanora
    TheLanora Posts: 11 Member
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    ~DAY 2: THURSDAY NOV. 10TH ~

    :smile: WEEK 1 of 5: 34 Days to go! :smile:

    Today's challenge is to FILL YOU CUP! :drinker: Drink AT LEAST 64 oz of water today!!!

    How are you successful at ensuring you drink enough water? Share JUST 1 WAY you try to fill your cup and drink at least 8 oz of water!

    Thank you to all those who shared your stories yesterday! If you haven't done so, please post your stories so we can all learn about each other. We have a lot of people with great successes - we can all learn from each other, and lean on each other to get our desired results!:flowerforyou:

    We've got 2 people who have not sent in their weighins - I would like to post total weights for each team so we know where we start as groups and then how all 20 of us are doing as a whole. This isn't just about individual results, but uplifting each other so we can all feel great for the holidays! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rally around your fellow group members AND all fellow turkey trimmers!

    Stay Motivated! Visit Our Web site: www.wix.com/prplangl4/trimandslim
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    I like the idea of Thirsty Thursday! For me to remember to drink water...I go fill up and drink my plastic 32oz container before I eat anything, breakfast, snack, or lunch!!! I fill it up at least 4 times throughout my work day and I fill it up on the way home, and then again when I get home and drink water to accompany my dinner! Good luck everyone!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    1 thing I do is I have an app on my android called 'Drinking Water' and you can set it to have however many cups you want to drink (minimum of 8) and as I drink a full cup I open the app and click on 1 cup and it records the time I drank it. If I don't fill a cup for a while the phone vibrates and makes a water pouring sound and an alert comes on the screen saying "you didn't drink any water!" or "DRINK MORE WATER!" It's a free app in the android market!

    If you don't have a smartphone, you could always set an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink every 1-2 hours...:drinker:
  • TheLanora
    TheLanora Posts: 11 Member
    So today is our 1st Thirsty Thursday, we have a water challenge, and are also to discuss drinks.

    Well....a challenge it most definitely is and has always been, as I have the hardest time forcing myself to drink water! The only time I seem to be thirsty for it is when I'm in the process of working out and are hot and tired. Flavored water like Propel, and flavored singles to go packs have helped tremendously with my effort though! While I've cut back on sodas and other sugary drinks by about 50%, I don't have the will power as yet to cut them out of my diet/life altogether, and honestly, I don't feel as if I want to as they are one of my guilty pleasure foods and haven't prevented me from dropping the pounds! I have purposed and long to drink more water!
  • mileneD
    mileneD Posts: 104 Member
    My name is Milene. I am 30 yrs old I'm ready to get my sexy back!!!! I've been on this weight loss journey for almost a year and a half. My heaviest known weight was 217 but I didn't step on the scale for months after that and dove into ice cream and soda's all summer of 2009, =/ I felt like I was already so huge that it wouldnt make a difference but I was oh sooo wrong! An ex of mine saw a pic of me on facebook and made a comment to my sister (my best friend!!) and that gave me the kick I needed to get it in gear.
    We got an elliptical and a treadmill and was on it religously!! Then we added Zumba and firming and toning videos that we got free in the Special K cereal boxes but it turned out to be THE BEST workout videos!! I can really see a difference all over!!
    Next week I am going to be joining Curves =D My sis is gonna train me!! I'm super excited and totally dedicated to working very hard on this challenge!!
    I love watching Biggest Loser and I feel like this is my own personal BL....Come on Team 1~ Let's ROCK this!!!
  • mileneD
    mileneD Posts: 104 Member
    Hehe, this one is super easy for me! All I ever drink is water and I love it! Except, of course, for my cup of joe in the early morning =)
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hello everyone, Happy Thirsty Thursday! Unfortunately, I don't have any tips on drinking water because I am not a water drinker. However, since I am in this fantastic challenge, I will definitely drink at least 64 ounces, so far today and it's now almost 1 pm here have 32 ounces down so I'm 1/2 way there. Good luck everyone!

    >>>>>>>>>>>Let's do this group 4<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi! My name is Carrie and I'm 34 years old and have a great hubby of 13 years and 5 beautiful children...3 girls, 2 boys. After the birth of my 3rd daughter I weighed close to 300lbs and on June 27(my anniversary) I had enough of it and joined WW and lost 150lbs. But it was short lived victory because I got pregnant with my 4th and then after he was born and trying to juggle everything, I forgot about myself and how to get back on the horse. I got pregnant with my 5th and after I had him had a VERY hard time trying to lose weight. He is now 9 months old, and I'm tired of weighing close to 200lbs and I want to be back to that skinny self I found. Now, in my life I never once was skinny but it's like the saying, Nothing tastes as skinny feels is absolutely true. I want to feel comfortable again in my skin and clothes so here I am to lose the weight for good and hopefully by summer wear a bikini(NOT). I am hoping this spring to hit one of my goals in 2 years to run in a 5K and so I need to put myself first for awhile and get myself back to where I was.