Did losing weight change your relationship status?



  • My fiance met me at a higher weight and I have lost a lot since being with him. He loves me for who I am and encourages my weight loss if that is what I want to do.

    He deploys soon and while he is away, we're both going to be changing our diet and eating habits to become healthier people.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    As for women flirting with me ... I'm pretty much clueless to such things. I think it may have happened a few times. I usually have to ask my wife to confirm or deny whether or not I just got flirted with ... :tongue:

    :D I have to tell my husband that "yes the cashier just flirted with you" because he doesn't have a clue either.
  • Changing my relationship status helped me lose weight! When I started dating my husband, I weighed 190 (though I carried it well). He is very mindful of his health and taught me so much about dieting and exercise. I went down to 149 within 4 months and I am so happy. Now, being pregnant, I just use MyFitnessPal to count calories so I don't fall into the misconception that I'm really eating for two and my pregnancy weight gain is right on target. I also use it to count my daily intake of protein. My baby is going to be born with muscles, lol. :)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    What's funny is that my ex broke up with me 2 months into my weight-loss process. Now he keeps trying to friend me on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy, and I will always want the best for him. But he knew what he was giving up, and he gave it up. Sucks for him. Honestly, I don't think I would've made the kind of progress I did if I had been in that relationship the whole time.

    As for flirting, yeah, there is a lot more of that. And staring. And random guys offering to do things for me. But that's to be expected. I'm sure guys get a lot more attention from women after they lose weight, too.
  • What's funny is that my ex broke up with me 2 months into my weight-loss process. Now he keeps trying to friend me on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy, and I will always want the best for him. But he knew what he was giving up, and he gave it up. Sucks for him. Honestly, I don't think I would've made the kind of progress I did if I had been in that relationship the whole time.
    Same here. I lost 20 pounds on my own before coming here AFTER I parted ways with my ex...now he wants me back all flirty flirty especially since he found out I lost weight....just shows he never liked me for my personality. Took 2 years to realize that, lesson learned.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    What's funny is that my ex broke up with me 2 months into my weight-loss process. Now he keeps trying to friend me on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy, and I will always want the best for him. But he knew what he was giving up, and he gave it up. Sucks for him. Honestly, I don't think I would've made the kind of progress I did if I had been in that relationship the whole time.
    Same here. I lost 20 pounds on my own before coming here AFTER I parted ways with my ex...now he wants me back all flirty flirty especially since he found out I lost weight....just shows he never liked me for my personality. Took 2 years to realize that, lesson learned.

    took me a year and a half lol but my lifes turning around amazingly and I will shed pounds like mad as long as I don't go into hibernation like some kind of bear this winter lol
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Nope, it's only boosting my confidence. My bf didn't care if I lost weight, he just wants me to do what makes me happy (and I looove exercise!)
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Actually Ive been hearing a lot on the radio that a good indicator someone is going to break up with their partner is if they lose a lot of weight and get in shape. Not true in my case but thought it was interesting
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    Well I have noticed much more attention of late. But being a short guy its hard to get a girl interested. My confidence is what has actually changed.
    I have been single for 2 years and struggle to find people who are actually single. But hey you just never know what may happen.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Nope, I met my guy at 135 had 2 kids got up to 200 & now I'm down 30lbs. He's always been happy with me but he may be a little happier now just because I am even more comfortable with myself than I was at 135. :smile:

    I do get more attention in the form of stares when I am in public. I never go "out" so I've yet to be hit on or anything.
  • My wife says she likes me thicker but her actions don't say that. She is way more touchy feely when I am slimmer. I think she likes me thicker because i get flirted with less.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    My man and I got together when I was a Much higher weight, but I dropped over 40lbs our first year of being together without even trying (just happened naturally because I was happier, we didn't have a car so we walked everywhere, we cooked food together or ate raw all the time, and lots and lots of..erm..exercise).

    In the past decade though, I packed on a ton of weight. He never said boo about it, just told me how much he liked watching my butt when I was walking upstairs (lol). Now that I'm 24 lbs down, he's been nicely forthcoming with the compliments - though they've shifted from my butt to to curve betwen my waist and hip, my thighs, and my greater..erm...'mobility'. ;)

    *However*, he's been rather vocally unhappy about not getting all the fried/gravy-covered dinners he's gotten used to and has no problem letting me know when I'm getting annoying with all the net calorie/saturated fats/"oh god I want buffalo shrimp and I can't have it I haaaate life" talk. (Granted, I have a problem with hyperfocusing on whatever gets into my head and I've been known to be annoying as hell on all sorts of topics.)

    We compromise, and I'll make him one nasty fried meal that he loves per week. Also, I can either moan about my diet or brag to him about my diet but not both in the same day, haha.

    I do wish he would stop bringing me the little seasonal snacks I love, though. I don't think he really means to sabotage me, he just doesn't really realize how many freaking calories are in a jumbo spiced pumpkin walnut muffin.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    for me "yes"! My husband became more insecure as I became more secure about who I was, what I was and what I could accomplish. The attention I was getting from strangers didn't help the situation either but I have to say it made my relationship stronger. He stopped taking for me for granted and started looking at me, I mean really looking at me and I of course love the new me. I'm doing things I've never imagined and life is good!
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Change? not really

    But I got propositioned at work earlier this week by a fairly hot woman who gushed over how much better I look. That was an NSV to the max!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    My partner got me into working out, etc cuz I was always complaining about my frontal buttocks. He's very proud of me and helps me along when I get my head up my *kitten*.
    I do notice that the guys I've worked with for years now are different with me now, dunno if its cuz maybe I'm different or what. Dunno...maybe its a good thing? Or it would be if I was single. I get snarky remarks from women though, more so than before.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I think I get flirted with a bit more, but I still haven't been asked out or kissed or anything so no it hasn't.
  • for me "yes"! My husband became more insecure as I became more secure about who I was, what I was and what I could accomplish. The attention I was getting from strangers didn't help the situation either but I have to say it made my relationship stronger. He stopped taking for me for granted and started looking at me, I mean really looking at me and I of course love the new me. I'm doing things I've never imagined and life is good!

    Good for you, glad he decided to man up and take better care of you! Thats the way it should always be :)
  • yupp. lost 60lbs in a year & had a few bf's[never had one before i lost weight]. my fiance said i looked fat in that picture..
    then yet, he's jealous of guys looking at me & he doesn't want me wearing certain things..he makes no sense to me xD
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Well I have noticed much more attention of late. But being a short guy its hard to get a girl interested. My confidence is what has actually changed.
    I have been single for 2 years and struggle to find people who are actually single. But hey you just never know what may happen.

    Hey - I'm short and have been single for 4 years!!!! I also struggle to find people who are single!