Why "MyFitness Pal"

Hi Everyone,

I am a 31 yo mom of 3 and have struggled with weight loss since as long as I can remember. I have tried Jenny Craig, Herballife, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Low Carb - you name it.

My friend, who lost 40 lbs with myfitnesspal.com, recommended I join. She expalined this site was different.

I would like to know of your personal stories with weight loss and tell me why you love myfitnesspal.



  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    I can eat anything!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, I never really tried any other diets because I knew sticking to something rigid would never work for me. What I love about MFP is that I still get to eat almost all of the foods I used to eat before, I have just learned how to do so in moderation by keeping track of calories, fats, protein, etc. Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    real people, real success, a special bond and support system (I have never tried any of the other programs so I don't know how they are)
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Because we use real food that is supportable for a lifetime. Using MFP I have dropped over 50 pounds and better yet I have gotten off all prescription medications. I can honestly say that using MFP and having supportive friends here has helped change my life for the better.
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,225 Member
    I've done some of the other diets out there, too. But this has a special appeal that the others don't.

    I'm challenged by my pals to exercise when I don't feel like it.....just seeing what they did inspires me. I get food ideas that sound yummy, and usually are! Because it's free, I can do this without using family resources on "another diet". Don't really want to feed the "diet industry" that is way too commercialized. I don't have time to go to meetings. Since I am honest with myself, this is a great tool to keep me accountable about what I eat and how active I am. HOPING that I can stay with it in some manner, in order to maintain my loss.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My Endocrinologist is working with me on a few rare conditions on top of PCOS, and suggested MFP to keep track of everything.. I have been loving this site immensely.

    I can print all of my food logs, results from here in a report-format and mail them off to her and she reviews them.

    I have had nothing but success so far...

    My highest weight was 303#
    My current weight is about 238#

    With MFP, I dropped 16.4# in the last two months... and I look forward to my Sunday weigh-in!!!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Accountability and inspiration from reading other members' post, diaries, etc.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    It's not really a "diet plan" - it teaches you how to eat healthy for life, whether you want to lose, gain or maintain.

    Also - it's free! (and fun :smile: )
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    The support on this site from other real people is instant, which is not something that other support systems like weight watchers provide. And I love that this site is not just about weight loss, but other health things too--if you want to find a support group to do a fitness challenge together, for example, it's usually as easy as posting a topic.

    That being said, it's not magic. I think the people who have had success using this site as a support tool have reached that turning point, emotionally. Without the AHA moment, I doubt someone would have success on any plan. (Not that I haven't had some yoyoing myself!)

    Also--THE APP! I log on everything I eat, about a million times a day! I actually used the app before I found the website! But I'm super glad I found the website. :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I love that I can eat whatever I want as long as I'm mindful of how it adds up. No one is telling me 'don't eat this' or 'don't eat that', but logging my foods has motivated me to improve my choices anyway, w/o any program rules telling me I have to do it like its a homework assignment. LOL. Plus it works. If you put in all your info correctly and do what MFP suggests, you get results w/o starving yourself or feeling limited in what you're allowed to do.
  • tracym17
    tracym17 Posts: 68 Member
    like you I have tried lots of other diets and nothing worked. I came across this site by accident and just find that it works for me. I'm not eating what anyone else says I should, I eat what I want but make healthy choices. I can see where I am each day, the logging of exercise calories encourages me to be active and I like having the support network.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I love this site for the support, inspiration, accountability, the fact that you can eat anything, and you can make friends if you want to interact. In order to lose weight successfully you have to be patient and stick with a plan....This site is fun so I am always surprised to realize how long I have stuck with it!! When you give support to others you feel good. I have loved doing some of the challenges because they keep me motivated and make me push myself! The only negative thing about MFP is that my husband hates how much time I spend on the computer....lol
  • CurtisRay0814
    You can eat anything you want. it helps to retrain you on what you should eat, as well as how much. before i started using this i ate large. i mean all fast food meals where large combo this and large combo that. it educates you on how bad fast food really is. i eat out a lot for work but before i eat i use the mobile site on my phone to see what i can have before ordering. i had lost 40 lbs. then i stopped due to vaction and gained 20 lbs back. so i am back at it. the only time i cheat is on a holiday. i call that my splurge day. gives me a break from my normal routine.
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    i cam across MFP while looking for a ap on the phone to help me keep track of what i was eating and i love it.

    I have dieted before but always get board and give up, at my biggest i was 16st 9lb the lowest was 13 st, i hit a sticky patch where i never lost anything and the diet fell away.

    but with help and support on here i know that if i have a problem there will be loads of help and advice with in mins if posting , i dont have to wait till next week when the next meeting is on ie weight watchers.

    good luck and welcome
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I've really liked it a) because of the community and b) it has the most comprehensive food database of any tracker I've used.
  • Obstinate07
    I love that I can eat whatever I want as long as I'm mindful of how it adds up. No one is telling me 'don't eat this' or 'don't eat that', but logging my foods has motivated me to improve my choices anyway, w/o any program rules telling me I have to do it like its a homework assignment. LOL. Plus it works. If you put in all your info correctly and do what MFP suggests, you get results w/o starving yourself or feeling limited in what you're allowed to do.

    I totally agree and that's why I love this site. It is also great for maintaining your weight loss, which is what I am doing now.
  • jenniffer324
    jenniffer324 Posts: 11 Member
    I love mfp b/c it really keeps me motivated. On days I don't feel like exercising I can see my friend's activities and see they exercised. So not to be outdone I drag myself on to the treadmill for at least 30 mins. I end up feeling great afterwards and I'm glad that I got the motivation.

    I also love the mobile app. It's so fun to scan bar codes. I found the app first then found the website. I love how it's set up. It has taught me to eat much healthier and to learn portion control.

    Since I just had a baby 13 wks ago the last month I've really been using mfp a lot to help me loose all my pregnancy weight. The first 2 months it was easier to drop the baby weight and since joining mfp almost a month ago I've lost just about 7lbs. All the pregnancy weight is gone and I am now at my thinnest weight in over 10 yrs.

    This site has definitely helped me and I'm loving it
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I stumbled across MFP searching for the amount of calories in lentils! Previously when 'dieting' I'd cut out carbs, and all the bad stuff and lived off rabbit food; yes I did lose weight but I soon got bored, and soon felt ravenous!! It didn't take me long before I started pigging out on all the things I'd been depriving myself of!! And quickly piled all the weight back on!

    I love MFP because it allows me to have my healthy days...and the not so healthy days!! Or to have a healthy day with a few treats thrown in! It allows me to eat the same meals as my husband and helps me with my portion sizes. It's not a 'diet' which is why I think it works so well.

    The database is very comprehensive and the support is fantastic! It just ticks all the boxes :bigsmile:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    First the support here is incedible, the accountability to your MFP peeps keeps you honest and in a way helps you start to look at some of the behaviors around your eating. With MFP I want to be honest because I know thats important to me and I believe it's important to my MFP friends. It's helped us learn to eat anything we want, but to be mindful of it. We've learned as we've logged, how what we eat feeds our body nutrients and what feeds our sweet tooth or fat tooth is not really necessary, but we ascribe to the "If we bite it, we write it" philosophy and that helps us choose wisely.
    I love the friends we've made and I look forward to being helpful, encouraging and to being encouraged. This is so doable now and it's as simple as logging and learning. Don't change all at once, pick one thing a week to change and then before you know it you got a whole lotta changes and whole lotta good stuff happening. I love losing, but more important I love getting off some of my meds and my BP getting normal and glucose getting normal, and just becoming healthy. My wife (hootsmamma) and I have lost a small person between us and are confident we'll continue to lose and achieve our goals. Friend us if you need support. Good luck!
  • ckoudsi617
    myfitnesspal (IMHO) has the most user-friendly and efficient food logging system ever! (Plus I have a lot of friends out here in the same boat with me)! Best Wishes!