What is the one food you are always in the mood for?



  • Guacamole...on everything...
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Tacos! Like authentic tacos (think taco truck) not the crappy Taco Bell tacos.

    THIS!! Also love them tortas! also I LOVE chinese and pizza also ice cream my biggest weakness!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Chips. I don't even buy them anymore because I will eat them all.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Pie. Any kind. Sweet or savoury, fruity or creamy it is deliciousness enveloped in a perfection of pastry.
  • MY tuna sandwich :] with eggless mayo, apples, and almond slices. On whole wheat bread... MMMMM
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Pizza,then chocolate after!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    - Kashi cereal with ice cold soymilk
    - Avocados
    - Tortilla chips and salsa
    - Veggie burritos from Chipotle!
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    CRISPS!! Sadly these are my downfall :blushing:
  • maruby95
    maruby95 Posts: 204 Member
    Popcorn :).
  • M-E-X-I-C-A-N.

    Nom nom nom nom.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Hands down, pizza. Obviously I don't have it often anymore, but it's my absolute favorite food.
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member

    I now make my own and for 350 calories I get two satisfying pieces and it makes it so I don't feel deprived!!!
  • Prettyinpaisley
    Prettyinpaisley Posts: 40 Member
    Salt & Vinegar Pringles
    Movie Theater Extra Butter Popcorn
    Greasy Eggrolls
    Malted Milk Balls


    I'm going to go with everything on this list (minus Spam, because I find canned meats repulsive).

    oh, and also Cheese Quesadillas.
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Chinese food
    Ice cream

  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
  • Nerruse
    Nerruse Posts: 40 Member
    Mashed potatoes

    My trifecta. If I had to choose only one it would be steak by a long shot. Rare only, the redder the better. Yes I am a carnivore.
  • Pizza or Lasagna
  • dippystick
    dippystick Posts: 168 Member
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member

    Nom nom nom nom.

    Yep me too!!
  • romping
    romping Posts: 64 Member
    Pizza. Big Mac.

    Haven´t had either in a very long time.