Question for tall girls....



  • I am 5'7" which I don't really consider tall but me goal weight is 140. I can imagine that someone who was 5'11" would look pretty thin at 140.
  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    I think it really depends on how you carry your weight and your muscle mass. I am 5'11" and my goal weight is 150-155. I carry my weight all over, but mostly in my stomach area (I have never had a flat stomach -- no matter what weight I was). I am 183 now and have rolls of fat around my back and stomach. I see some girls who are my weight and look like athletes with flat abs and tiny waists!

    This sounds like me! I'm 5'11 also and at my heaviest I was 201 and I carry most of my weight in my stomach & back. Right now I am about 175 and still look as if I have another 20lbs or so to go. My legs are amazing, my upper arms a bit flabby but it's this stomach and back fat that is killing me!
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    I'm 6' tall and feel quite good at 170 (currently 190). I can weigh less, but it's hard to maintain. For me personally, 150 is a bit too thin. It really depends on your frame and body composition though. I have a med/large frame.

    Gabrielle Reese after all was a world class athlete and a drop dead sexy model at 6'3" and 170.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    And how exciting to hear from all these tall lovely ladies!
  • joyzoso
    joyzoso Posts: 66 Member
    I love this post.

    I am 5'11 and last time I weighed was 196, shooting for 175/180 (although I just completely caved and ate pizza and cake tonight after being sick all week!!! ech)

    I have been disciplined for the past couple of months (except for the comment above of course!) and know I have gained muscle and body if transforming. I love my upper body. For me, its the saddle bags/thighs that are killing me. I could even live with the stomach if need be.

    Fascinating how we are all different shapes at the same height!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I am 5'10" and have a large frame and an hourglass figure (large chest and hips, small waist). My goal weight was 180 and I was quite happy there, but I've shed a few more pounds anyway because getting the hang of maintenance is harder than I thought it would be. I weigh 168 now and would be healthy a little bit lighter or heavier, although I would rather not lose any more.

    The biggest thing is how healthy you are.
    Do you have a healthy body fat %? Do you FEEL healthy? Are you fit/strong? Those are all more important than the number on the scale.
  • I am almost 5 10 and my goal weight is 140-145. I am at 153 right now and no worries I still have lots of curves and pretty good muscle definition. I would say it depends on your body type. I know that I feel a lot better in my clothes in the range I am aiming for.
  • If I go any less than 160, I look like I'm dying. I'm 5'9 tall with a medium to large build.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I'm 5'10" ish (probably a bit less) and the lowest I've hit is 145...I wear a size 4. I think I could lose 5 to 10 lbs more and not be too thin...that is what I weighed when I got married 20 years ago. I easily maintained that weight then. Don't know if it would be so easy now. I still have some excess flab in my belly, arms and buttocks. I am active and working out so if I can lose all of that and tone I wouldn't kill myself just to see some arbitrary number.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I'm 5'9 and is aiming for 140. It really depends on how comfortable you are. I am 171 as of now and look like I dont need to lose, but I have tons of stomach fat. But the taller you are, the more weight is expected due to height. So 5'9 and 140 is great, but 6'0 and 180 is great too because of the height differences. :)

    And I use to be 135 so I think 140ish goes well with me. Once again everyone is different :)
  • I'm 5'9 and is aiming for 140. It really depends on how comfortable you are. I am 171 as of now and look like I dont need to lose, but I have tons of stomach fat. But the taller you are, the more weight is expected due to height. So 5'9 and 140 is great, but 6'0 and 180 is great too because of the height differences. :)

    And I use to be 135 so I think 140ish goes well with me. Once again everyone is different :)

    Ahh this is basically where I am.

    I am currently 5'10 and approximately 163 pounds. I feel heavy, I would like to get down to 140. About 5 years ago I was 120 which was too small. I think ultimately though I will know when I have hit my perfect weight. My main focus is to lose my stomach and to get the lean toned look and gain muscle, : ) I love that there are many other tall girls!!!!!
  • I'm 5'9" and "big boned". I've ranged in weight over the years fom my lowest 135lbs and highest 265lbs. At 135lbs I was 14yrs old, borderline anorexic, SUPER active in sports, and battling some drug issues (crappy childhood). I look back at photos of myself then and I looked sickly skinny - you could see my ribs. At 265lbs I was 22yrs old, a couch potatoe, and self medicating myself with food since I got sober. I think I looked my best when I was around 155lbs. I'm currently 225lbs and lucky enough to have curves in the right places and a flat tummy so most people would "eyeball" my weight at ~190lbs. But I'm also physically fit - I have 2 very active jobs that have me on my feet all day and usually ride 1-3 horses a day. For the purpose of having a number to work toward I have my goal set on 155lbs but in reality I just want to get to a weight where I feel comfortable with myself, look good, and feel healthy. One thing I know for sure is that I never want to be 135lbs OR 265lbs again.

    Always remember - Muscle weighs more than fat so don't get too hung up on the numbers on the scale. As you start loosing weight judge your progress more on how you feel and how your clothes fit than any number on a scale :-)
  • I am 5'10" I am round 167 right now. People are telling me I look great and i need to quit losing. I would like to get down 140-150. I think it all depends on your body type and what weight you are comfortable at. Listen to your body. good luck
  • Marley112586
    Marley112586 Posts: 168 Member
    My body gallery an awesome website! I feel 160 is a better goal. Thanks to everyone that replied!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Honestly... I'm 5'8 and would be ecstatic to see below 200. I'll reanalyze then.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I am 5'9 and right now 158. My goal is 150 and the way my stomach is I may go lower. I have a large body frame so I no I couldnt go lower than 145
  • I'm 5'9 and I have a super small frame, so when I was 172 I looked really overweight. I'm going for 125-127 (130 at them moment). It's cool to see the differences in body composition, though!
  • 44beanie
    44beanie Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'10. My lowest weight was about 157. I went from a size 14 to a size 6 a few years ago. That was very thin for me and hard to maintain without excercise, because you get so hungry. You will see during your weight loss journey what looks good on you. I have a larger frame, so people actually told me to stop losing weight. You have to remember your weight is just a's really how you look and feel that counts!:smile:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    There's a site that I like a lot called My Body Gallery on which you can input your height and body shape with your desired weight and you'll get to see real women who are that same height, body shape, and weight. I used it to help me determine my goal weight of 160 pounds.

    just looked at that website its really good :)
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Yay! A tall girls post! :) I am a little over 5'11" and currently weigh 172 (down from 176 a week or so ago..woo hoo!). Right now I have my goal set at 155 which is where I was when I got married and a weight I think I looked really good at. I was 125-130 in High School and through college and I think I looked too skinny. I'll get to 155 and then see what I think and go from there. I don't think I'd ever go below 150 though and like the others said I'd like to add muscle so a more fit and toned 155 would be awesome. Thanks for posting the website to see what the weights look like on girls my height. Very helpful and it reinforced what I already thought.