Who are you losing weight for?



  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I am losing weight for myself. I am a bit over a quarter of the way to my goal. It is taking me a long time losing weight but it is okay because that way it is staying off. I think external influences won't hold up long term. I mean sure I want to look good for my husband, and keep up with my son, but over all it is me. I am the one looking in the mirror, and I am the one that wants to like what I see. To feel cute in regular sized clothes. To be able to consider wearing a bikini. and so on, but I am the one who has to to feel like I look well, and healthy and beautiful. My husband can tell me that but only I can believe it when I feel it.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Me. My husband won't complain, I'm sure, but mostly, its for me.
  • angee1126
    angee1126 Posts: 185 Member
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm doing it for me first, than so my kids can have a healthy mom, for my hubby who loves me no matter what! Now also for the baby inside of me so loosing weight has been haulted for awhile so now its just continuing being healthy and fit and than will continue to my goal weight after i have this baby! I want to be the healthiest i have ever been by the time I'm 30!
  • DKWaggoner
    Me and me Alone! For my health & to feel better about myself
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Me! I have 4 beautiful grandchildren and I want to be around to see them grow and start their families.
  • OutiR
    OutiR Posts: 93 Member
    ME ME ME!
    I love to feel good when I
    - eat and know it is not only delicious but healthy food which gives me right kind of energy and nutrition
    - exercise and it's not so hard that it used to be and I know it does very good to me
    - look myself in mirror and pictures
    - go fitting room and normal (smaller than before) size clothes fit nicely
    - friends notice the change
    - undress and make love with my boyfriend
    - live my life

    And no, it is not selfish! When I do those things and feel that good also others benefit since
    - my dinner guests get healthy, good homecooked food
    - i encourage friends to exercise with (or without) me and do good for themselves too
    - my better self-confidence makes me much better and more interesting person to deal with
    - i can save the world by reusing old clothes that didn't fit me long time and also adjust newer ones to my new measurements - no need buy new ones and burden nature through their manufacturing process
    - friends get inspired by my new look and increased energy
    - bf enjoys more when I enjoy more ;-)
    - I smile more to everyone I meet and reflect the good feeling inside

    If I had kids this list could be longer.

    Main thing is like so many people before have told that this is something that you do by yourself and for yourself - and everyone around will benefit from it, even strangers!

    Only people that are very unsecure and full of hate might want to torbedo your efforts. They want to drag you down where they feel deep inside THEY are. Don't go there - you and your loved ones, the ones who REALLY care about you - are worth of so much more.

    Love yourself, love your life and good luck on your journey - everyone in MFP! :-)
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    I am definitely losing weight for myself. I am tired of feeling unhealthy and self-conscoius. I am lucky to have a boyfriend that loves me no matter what I weigh, so at this point, its all about what I want. And I want to be back in shape!

    I am in the exact same boat my partner tells me im sexy and he loves me as I am, but i dont love me as I am so this is for me firstly.Secondly for my daughters, I want them to see that you can achieve what you want and be healthy while doing it :)
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Only me!
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member

  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722

    Now I am a better me, I can help others (wife, kids, peers, fellow workers, the students where I work, MFP friends, other social networks, relatives, the great I AM, etc., etc.) .... there is a 1000 others right there !

    You have no idea who else you help after you are able to help yourself.

    It is not selfish, it is a responsibility.

    Oh, and I'm enjoying life heaps more too !!!
  • _Tinka_
    _Tinka_ Posts: 1 Member
    For me. I've had 3 kids in 3 and a half years. I want my old body back, primarily for health reasons, but I also want to start a certain kind of modeling and I can't do that looking as I do now. =D
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    I'm losing weight as a favor to my internal organs and my bones. I'm afraid that if I kept going at my weight, then i'd have serious consequences with my back and diabetes.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I'm here for the nachos.
  • tinydancer13
    I'm losing weight for the me I see in the mirror. Also, for dance and a future career on stage. It doesn't hurt to be healthy, and hoping you can influence a loved one to do the same.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Me, myself and I only!!

    If i was to loose weight for someone else eg - family member who passed away threw blah blah blah then i wouldnt have as mich motivation to do it! But because its for myself only, i can focus more :) if this makes sense?
  • CassOfAllTrades
    CassOfAllTrades Posts: 40 Member
    Me! I have three kids and I want to see them grow up. I want to see their kids and their kids' kids. I want to be that spry old lady that still powerwalks every morning with her husband wearing matching jogging suits.

    If I'm completely honest, a little bit is for my husband. He has loved me at my biggest and smallest. He's never said he wanted me to lose weight, only that he wants me to be happy. And I can't be happy with myself how I am.
  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    i would say me - but if that was so, i would be sticking harder to this. So at the moment i would say no one. Maybe a new day will take it back to me.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Me and only me. I dont care what people think, dont care what my family thinks, its none of their business. Ive been given some pretty nasty feedback from my mother pertaining to my weight loss (youre NOT LIVING if you eat like that ).... truth is, I eat so much better than her, healthier than her and CHOOSE to make this choice for myself and not rely on fads like she does. She is a nasty-jealous type who after a heart attack, a stroke, adult-respiratory-distress-syndrome and about 12 medications taken daily, chooses not to make healthy decisions or choices for herself - and if she thinks putting me down is going to make her feel better, well... that is one person I never need in my life again, period!

    Weight loss is one of those "Its all about ME" situations. If people cant say anything nice, I keep moving along and away from them, family included.