Coke Addiction . . .



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It really is up to you. There's no scientific evidence as of yet that aspartame is dangerous in the amounts you consume in sodas.

    For me, it caused a lot of bowel pain, cramps, constipation, puffiness, and aggrivated my heart condition. After switching to water, I feel 100% better. I'm not convinced that diet sodas are without side effects, but this is really a personal observation more than science.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    just fyi...there is such a thing as 'aspartame poisoning'...I know I'm addicted to diet pop...I allow myself one a day and am working on getting it down to a 'small sized' pop. I'm going to ask my doctor to test me for the poisoning. Don't want to scare anyone...but the stuff is awful. I hope to give it up.

    I'm pretty sure you'd have to drink about 3 times your body weight in pure aspartame to become poisoned. In lab rats they were given like 1000X normal consumption or something when they became "poisoned".
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    There is no high fructose corn syrup in diet mt dew. (just checked the label b/c I knew it sounded odd) I believe that's typically used to sweeten the non-diet sodas.

    Actually there is high fructose corn syrup in diet mt dew. It is made with a blend of sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium as sweeteners. Sucralose is one of the many other names for high fructose corn syrup.

    No actually, sucralose is Splenda.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    SODIUM! Best reason to give up soda all together!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    SODIUM! Best reason to give up soda all together!

    There is 100 mg sodium in the whole big 24 oz bottle of diet mt dew in front of me - total 4% of the reccommended daily whatever. I don't think that's too bad as long as you're not guzzling it all day long
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Before I started this current diet, I was big on coke zero. Zero calories, no sugar, no fat, no carbs, 40mg sodium in a 12oz can. I figured it was ok. Which its not the worse thing to drink, but I realized a big part of my weight problem is, I refuse to drink water. I couldn't stand water. But I forced myself to drink it, I started drinking 1 16oz bottle a day, I moved up to 2 the next week. Now I am drinking 60-90oz's of water a day. It's all I crave drink wise, once in awhile I'll get a craving for a coke zero. I just had one, and I have a full case of them for a just in case I feel the urge. This is the 2nd can missing from a case that has been sitting there for 2 months. I took 2 sips and I can't drink anymore of it.

    Basically for me I winged myself off them because for me having them reminded me of my weight issues and so I decided to give it up.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Just because they are calorie free does not mean they are free of other diet disasters. People have already mentioned the artificial sweeteners and sodium, to name a few.

    I used to drink probably 6 cans of regular Coke a day. It was bad. Now, the only time I drink soda is if it has alcohol in it, lol. I don't even like the taste anymore, really. Ever since, it's water (or milk, in the morning) for me!
  • msterlitz
    There is no high fructose corn syrup in diet mt dew. (just checked the label b/c I knew it sounded odd) I believe that's typically used to sweeten the non-diet sodas.

    Actually there is high fructose corn syrup in diet mt dew. It is made with a blend of sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium as sweeteners. Sucralose is one of the many other names for high fructose corn syrup.

    No actually, sucralose is Splenda.

    Splenda contains bulking agents. All artificial sweeteners use bulking agents made of sugar, dextrose, sucrose, and maltodextrin. (Maltodextrin is corn syrup solids composed primarily from fructose and glucose in a starch form.) All the more reason NOT to drink diet soda. It is a personal choice what we eat or drink but, as educated consumers I would think people would want to stop drinking soda knowing it it just a bottle of chemicals.
  • cflec1
    cflec1 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm trying to cut back too, for the last three days only had one and that was last night. Been trying to drink more water instead of diet coke.
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Diet soda's especially the caffeinated ones ages you immensely. If that's all you drink, you'll look 10years older than you are. I've seen the difference of changing diet soda to water. It doesn't just age you outside but inside too. Although it has caffeine for energy, after a while your body just asks for it so it can function normally.
    Start by flavouring your water there are so many alternatives now. I like Cordial, I add less amount than advised and it gives just a tang of flavour.
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    It is a personal choice if you have one or two. I use to drink about a 12 pack a day of diet coke....very little water. I cut it back to maybe 5 or 6. I now haven't had a diet coke in 10 days :). I figured out that I am saving about $1,400 a year on not buying diet coke and that doesn't even count not buying diet coke while eating out. That's a lot of savings!!!

    My sister told me if I had a cup of coffe in the morning I wouldn't get a headache....I needed two at first.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Used to drink a 2l bottle of diet dr pepper a day but now I don't drink any! Cutting out Fake sugar helps with weight loss bc it tricks your brain in thinking it's intaking sugar and when it's not u get calorie hungry. To get me started with quitting sodas I would make myself frappacinos and have now moved onto just drinking espresso and coffee
  • JenniferH007
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    I was drinking 4-6 20 oz Coke zeros during the work day alone - I gave it up cold turkey September 1 (mainly for financial reasons) and have felt SO much better since I gave it up! I still drink my coffee, water and crystal light and yes i use artificial sweeteners in my coffee but I think cutting out the soda (which I was drinking WAY too much of) I've been able to break through my weight loss plateau. Plus I've saved a ton of money!
  • divainme
    divainme Posts: 69 Member
    Went out for lunch with a girlfriend and downed 4 glasses of refillable Coke. It's still less than normal on average but still too much.... none is too much.
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    Although it may not work for everyone, based on my experience with a Coke addiction, that for me it was best to quit cold turkey.

    Once I quit I would have bad caffeine withdrawal for a day or two (migraines all day), but was fine after that... Until I went back to soda and got hooked immediately. The cycle just kept repeating itself. I feel it is a lot harder to try and drink it responsibly than it is to just not drink it at all.

    Now I don't drink it at all (going on about 3-4 wks). I get a craving every once in a while, but I just have to do my best and ignore it.

    Good Luck!!

    This is me. I am badly addicted to diet pepsi. I quit and had horrible headaches that lasted for four days. Finally, they subsided, but I still really wanted to drink the stuff. I decided to try to drink it in moderation. HA, I am evidently not a moderation person. I have to try to quit again. I am just working on building up the will power.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I stil drink diet coke and diet Pesi Maxx and am not having trouble losing weight. I've been drinking diet sodas since high school, although I do not drink as much as I did at one time. I also love tea. Occasionally I ask for half and half (sweet and unsweet) at a restaurant (here in the south, sweet is most common). I like herbal/flavored tea and black brewed tea without sweetener or just a splash of juice.
  • StatutoryGrape
    Man, I love me some Diet Coke. But I'm not a big soda drinker, so I'll have maybe 1-2 a week and that's plenty for me. I used to drink a ton of soda as a kid, but it's almost like I "outgrew" it. Still...fountain Diet Coke. There is nothing like it.
  • ThisTimeIsIt1956
    When I was gestational diabetic, the doctor told me to switch to diet soda (because I drank a lot regular soda), but she suggested only one a day. This may have been more for the caffeine factor. However, I could never really get use to the taste and I can only handle drinking so much water. So I started adding the crystal light packets to my water. It's only 10 calories for a whole packet that you would add to a 16oz bottle and there is no sugar. They come in many different flavors, my favorites are fruit punch and lemon. Sometimes I even use half of the lemon and strawberry to make strawberry lemonade. ;) They are pretty good, you should try it.
    I am having a cranberry apple packet in a bottle of water and I think it isawesome. Was thinking I was hungry and this really helps.
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    There should be a group for this. I've already conquered it, but a group here is exactly what I would have wanted it. :D I'd suggest starting one! :p