Need advice - What would you do?

lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
edited 4:11AM in Chit-Chat
Long story short ...
I met a guy and started seeing him. He had a girlfriend of 5 years at the time so we broke it off. A couple of months later they split up and him and I started seeing each other properly.
Things were great up until a few weeks ago. He started speaking to her again and went weird with me. He then told me he told her he didnt want her, had never really loved her, and asked me to make things official with him. I agreed and was happy.
Then a few days later he called me and said he had to be single, he needed to sort himself out etc. I asked if they were getting back together and he said no, definitely not. He didnt love her anymore etc. They have 2 mortgages and a lot of other stuff so I know for a fact that if they got back together, it would be because it was easier. He even admitted that himself.
He was still sleeping with me up until less than a fortnight ago.
Yesterday, he changed his Facebook status to in a relationship with her. They've been back together for a good few weeks.
He's lied to her about how he knows me and stuff, and she has no idea he cheated on her with me months ago, and as recently as the past few weeks, she has no idea that I stayed at her house and slept in her bed, and also that he slept with her cousin - something he admitted to me.
I know the truth will never come out, he'll never tell her.
Should I tell her everything? Or walk away? Would you want to know?


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I would go get yourself medically 'checked' out for anything... GEESH this guy cant keep his junk in his pants!!!!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Walk away...try running!

    Yes I'd want to know...but not from the person he cheated with.
  • angeldelight13
    angeldelight13 Posts: 177 Member
    God that sounds like my ex and i put up with this for 4 years :noway: Cramernh is right get yourself checked out, i personally would walk away, men like that will have there cake and eat it if you let them... and nobody deserves a man like that. Good luck x
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    WALK AWAY! Once a cheater, always a cheater. You know what he is now so you know not to touch him with a barge pole. She will find out soon enough what he is. So just walk away.
  • xamyxx
    xamyxx Posts: 30
    babe walk away and thank ya lucky stars you are not with a loser like that! karma will come bk and sting him in the butt secrets like that never stay covered, he will prob cheat on her again and get caught x
  • _Angie
    _Angie Posts: 19
    Long story short ...
    I met a guy and started seeing him. He had a girlfriend of 5 years at the time so we broke it off. A couple of months later they split up and him and I started seeing each other properly.
    Things were great up until a few weeks ago. He started speaking to her again and went weird with me. He then told me he told her he didnt want her, had never really loved her, and asked me to make things official with him. I agreed and was happy.
    Then a few days later he called me and said he had to be single, he needed to sort himself out etc. I asked if they were getting back together and he said no, definitely not. He didnt love her anymore etc. They have 2 mortgages and a lot of other stuff so I know for a fact that if they got back together, it would be because it was easier. He even admitted that himself.
    He was still sleeping with me up until less than a fortnight ago.
    Yesterday, he changed his Facebook status to in a relationship with her. They've been back together for a good few weeks.
    He's lied to her about how he knows me and stuff, and she has no idea he cheated on her with me months ago, and as recently as the past few weeks, she has no idea that I stayed at her house and slept in her bed, and also that he slept with her cousin - something he admitted to me.
    I know the truth will never come out, he'll never tell her.
    Should I tell her everything? Or walk away? Would you want to know?

    Walk away and move on with your life, he will get what he deserves
  • lh12xx
    lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
    Ahh I don't know what to do!
    I WANT to tell her, but I know I'd be telling her out of pure spite - I'll admit that!
    I know for a fact she'll NEVER find out. He told me himself she thinks he's the perfect boyfriend.
  • _Angie
    _Angie Posts: 19
    Ahh I don't know what to do!
    I WANT to tell her, but I know I'd be telling her out of pure spite - I'll admit that!
    I know for a fact she'll NEVER find out. He told me himself she thinks he's the perfect boyfriend.

    Don't as he can sue your for defamation of character.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    i'd want to know, no matter who'd be the one to tell me.. but you have to ask yourself if you need the drama. probably best for you to just walk away.
  • lh12xx
    lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
    Ahh I don't know what to do!
    I WANT to tell her, but I know I'd be telling her out of pure spite - I'll admit that!
    I know for a fact she'll NEVER find out. He told me himself she thinks he's the perfect boyfriend.

    Don't as he can sue your for defamation of character.

    I can guarantee he wouldn't go that far, he hasn't got the braincells for that!
  • lh12xx
    lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
    i'd want to know, no matter who'd be the one to tell me.. but you have to ask yourself if you need the drama. probably best for you to just walk away.

    See the drama is exactly what I cba with. And the abusive messages he'll give me!
  • nishantmathur
    nishantmathur Posts: 1 Member
    how could he do this to you. Give him what he deserves... Just tell everything to that girl .
    He cannot go on flirting and cheating girls like this..? Girls are not a material.. Pls go ahead.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    He sounds like a right tosser. Run as far away as possible and not being funny hun but starting a relationship with someone who is already in one is the basis for a disaster. I would forget him and move on.
  • _Angie
    _Angie Posts: 19
    Ahh I don't know what to do!
    I WANT to tell her, but I know I'd be telling her out of pure spite - I'll admit that!
    I know for a fact she'll NEVER find out. He told me himself she thinks he's the perfect boyfriend.

    Don't as he can sue your for defamation of character.

    I can guarantee he wouldn't go that far, he hasn't got the braincells for that!

    Even so it is best you walk away. Guys don't like it when you move on with your life, they will hurt you and expect you to crawl back.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I do not believe that every person falls into the category of "once a chester, always a cheater" first of all.

    Secondly, please go have yourself medically checked out.

    Third...Why do you want to tell her? Is it because you care about her feelings and the life she has with him? Or is it because you want to hurt her as you have been hurt?

    If the reason is revenge...then just walk away.

    If you care about her...then tell her.

    It might also help if you put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if the guy was cheating on you?
  • lh12xx
    lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
    I do not believe that every person falls into the category of "once a chester, always a cheater" first of all.

    Secondly, please go have yourself medically checked out.

    Third...Why do you want to tell her? Is it because you care about her feelings and the life she has with him? Or is it because you want to hurt her as you have been hurt?

    If the reason is revenge...then just walk away.

    If you care about her...then tell her.

    It might also help if you put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if the guy was cheating on you?

    I plan to get checked out this week, don't worry.
    I'm not going to lie. It's mostly spite. But to spite him. not her. Surely it is in her best interests, but tbh it's be the satisfaction of f*cking things up for him.
    I'm sorry, that makes me sound like a horrible person. But why should I suffer and he shouldnt?! What a mess :(
  • foxygirlact
    foxygirlact Posts: 98 Member
    what you need to be prepared for is the fact that she might not believe you. Guys like this get very good at lying and convincing their girlfriend that this other woman is a crazy bitter ex just trying to break them up.

    I've been in that situation, and until she finds out for herself, or from someone she trusts, chances are she will believe him over you
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Ahh I don't know what to do!
    I WANT to tell her, but I know I'd be telling her out of pure spite - I'll admit that!
    I know for a fact she'll NEVER find out. He told me himself she thinks he's the perfect boyfriend.

    I think you best leave it she will probly knock you out to be fair there is nothing more lethal than a woman scorned. I doubt very much she said anything of the sort to him unless she is both blind and deaf. I would seriously worry about other things instead of him.
  • lh12xx
    lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
    what you need to be prepared for is the fact that she might not believe you. Guys like this get very good at lying and convincing their girlfriend that this other woman is a crazy bitter ex just trying to break them up.

    I've been in that situation, and until she finds out for herself, or from someone she trusts, chances are she will believe him over you

    I have months of texts, emails, facebook messages to back up everything I say. If she doesnt believe me it'd be because she's in denial because I could prove it.
  • lh12xx
    lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
    Ahh I don't know what to do!
    I WANT to tell her, but I know I'd be telling her out of pure spite - I'll admit that!
    I know for a fact she'll NEVER find out. He told me himself she thinks he's the perfect boyfriend.

    I think you best leave it she will probly knock you out to be fair there is nothing more lethal than a woman scorned. I doubt very much she said anything of the sort to him unless she is both blind and deaf. I would seriously worry about other things instead of him.

    Nah, she's far too timid for that. Whereas I'm the opposite, I'm not timid at all. I know he'd warn her not to go near me because he knows what I'm like. I'm the woman scorned just now!

    I know what I'm coming across as here but I promise I'm a nice girl and a good person - I'm just really heartbroken :(
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