Diet Coke

I am trying to wean myself off of diet coke's this week. Can anyone give me some suggestions? I drink about 32 ozs a day. I think this might be the reason that I am not losing weight even though it is diet.


  • Jessyrabbit
    Jessyrabbit Posts: 24 Member
    When I was trying to give up pop I started using it as my dessert! I can ONLY have diet pop if I go to a sit down restaurant! Or if I have to choose between this cookie and a pop later tonight which one do I want more! I usually choose the cookie :)
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    Get yourself a SodaStream and you can mix your own and make them weaker and weaker.
  • roseemb
    roseemb Posts: 85 Member
    I too am a slave to the diet coke. I have done the following to help me from over-indulging:

    Never keep it in the house
    Only buy fountain drinks (that way, I feel like I'm getting a lot more, but the ice is taking up a bunch of the volume)
    Stick to one per day - never more.

    Good luck - it's a tough one to kick!
  • grandtheftuno
    I used to be an addict, and now I can't even finish a can when I do drink it. I'm not sure how I got to this point though, I kind of just stopped drinking it. I think it started with forcing myself to drink water when I was thirsty, and only having a diet coke when I really wanted a treat. I grew to dislike the taste a bit over time, and that basically did it.
  • princessf1
    princessf1 Posts: 495 Member
    I buy those little 8 oz cans - I used to have 2, 12 oz a day but now try to have just one 8 oz. I also alternate diet coke and coke zero.
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    I did a bit like Jessyrabbit. When I starting weaning off, diet coke became the thing for craving, for when I wanted to be bad. Or instead of alcool (i.e. friends were having wine, I'd order diet coke). I am still now totally down, but from 1 or 2 cans a day to 1 during the week; and maybe a few during the week-end.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    From what I have heard...stopping the diet soda habit is hard to do. It is the caffeine that you are craving. So, I would suggest going slow. Stop all at once and you will get one heck of a headache. Try drinking lots of water. This will give you the fluids you need plus it will fill you up. Good luck.

    I can't drink soda unless there is rum in it.:laugh:
  • Secret_Agent_007
    I doubt it's the diet soda. I lost 40lbs while drinking 3 - 4 cans a day. That said, apparently it's not good for you so replacing it with water can only help.

    These days I only drink pop at home. At work I only drink water. Zero coffee, a tea once in a while and diet coke with dinner usually.
  • sryan8408
    I actually decided to cut out artificial sweetners for just one week. My sugar was truvia for the week (artificial but mostly natural). So naturally I had to give up diet coke. Well I went out to eat after my week was up and got a diet coke. It was horrible, tasted so nasty!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    Try Crystal Light tea or switch to caffeine free Diet Coke for a couple of weeks then just water. Your skin will thank you.
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    I drink minute maid lite lemonade instead.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I drink 8+ cans a day and have lost 30 lbs (well, lost 32, gained 4 back, so average of 30. lol). So it's probably not the soda. But if it's the caffine you need, try alternating with tea or another caffinated beverage. If it's the bubbles, try alternating with seltzer water. Little by little, up the amount of tea or seltzer until you are happy with the amount of DC you are drinking :)
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I can't even drink pop any more. The only time I'm able to sip on some is if its ginger ale and I'm sick.
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    None of the aerated drinks are good! It hinders the process of weight loss. If you can gradually reduce the intake, it will be nice for your body! Drink water instead! Buy smaller packs of Coke instead of Big ones. Smaller packs will restrict your consumption !
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Studies have shown that the artificial sweeteners can actually make you crave sugar etc, so it can effect weight loss. But I'm a diet coke addict too :(
  • andrialindsay
    I used to drink insane amounts of diet soda! Ew. did you know Dt Mt Dew has vegetable oil in it? gross. Also, diet soda can decrease bone density and calcium in bones. Hello Osteoporosis.
    I went cold turkey. However I now have a diet coke every once in awhile. I just had one this week after not having one for 4 months, and it didn't taste all that good. Anyway. I drink Perrier water when I'm craving bubbles, or soda water. You can purchase the flavored Stevia's and put a few drops in the sparking water. Vanilla Stevia+sparkling water tastes like creme soda. Yum. Its hard to kick the habit. I mean I still drink coffee so I know.
  • birdinho
    birdinho Posts: 86 Member
    Try Pepsi Max instead!!

    sorry that was no help. I use it as a treat. Unless I have excercised that day I cant drink Diet Coke. 15 mins Cardio Circuit this morning = diet coke for lunch.

    I think drinking litres and litres its a problem but the amount you drink shoudlnt cause any problems in weigth loss. Unless its all you drink???
  • amg0811
    amg0811 Posts: 2 Member
    I switched to regular soda for a few weeks, and then weaned myself off that. For some reason it helped me kick the diet soda habit. I had drank diet soda for years and tried to quit multiple times with no success, but when I switched to regular it made it easier for me to kick the habit.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I used to drink 4 20oz. diet cokes a day. I had to quit cold turkey. I let myself have one 12 oz coke in the morning (for my caffiene) and then the rest of the day it's one green tea and the rest is just ice water. I would never be able to just wean myself off of them ... had to drastically cut it or I wouldn't have been able to do without it. Good luck!
  • SarryC
    I used to drink 6 cans a day and I gave it up 3 months ago. I went cold turkey & had bad headaches for a week. I stayed off it cold for almost a month then I figured I was ok to have twice week as a treat. But it's like an alcoholic I am afraid to day not having it I felt **** again. So best way, cold turkey, and if you must have soft drink have lemonade or mineral water. When I first stopped having diet coke as well as sick headaches, I drank around 6 litres of water sometimes....I think it was to do with missing the refreshing fizzyness or something.
    Before going cold turkey I suggest weigh yourself & take hip and waist measurement....I lost a couple kgs but I lost 6cms on waist after 3 days. It's all the bloating!