November 30 Day Shredders (CLOSED GROUP)



  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Well I ended up skipping Monday, but completed L1D7 on Tues and L1D8 earlier this morning. I've been able to get the video to work on my laptop, but no audio! bummer, but at least it's something.

    I had also forgot my hand weights but luckily there was a sports store near my hotel, so I picked up some 7-lb dumbells (heavier than the 3 & 5 that I have at home). The 7 lb weights are definitely a challenge - a few of the exercises I have to downgrade to soup cans ~ 1 lb in order to finish... but hoping 7 lb will really help build some muscle!

    Noticing that the workouts are becoming much more manageable & I'm not nearly so sore anymore. I'll try to skip my normal "rest" day this weekend so that I'm back on track with the group by Monday.
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    L1D8 complete. Gonna workout Sunday to catch up.
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    L2D1!!!!!! I forgot how much harder L2 is!!!!! Keep shredding!

    Should we try to message the people on the original that we haven't heard anything from?
  • Sheriemae
    Well I did my measurements this morning. I was upset, half way through I started crying. I only lost .8 lbs, gained .5 in my chest lost nothing in my arms or waist. Which I thought I lost in my waist, I think it looks smaller. Lost .5 on hips, .5 on left mid thigh, 1.5 on right mid thigh, .5 on left calf. I thought about quitting. Well that would be dumb!!! I was just discouraged. After doing my pilates and run/walk I'm feeling better about it. I think I just had my expectations to high. A loss is a loss, and now that I look at it, they are really Good losses. It's only been 10 days since my first measurements. Ugh! I'm just to hard on myself. I should be proud! I think I'm just emotional because it's a week before my not so favorite monthly friend is coming. I'm always emotional before, during I'm fine. I'm going to keep pushing through. Level 2 tonight! Happy sherdding
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Level 1 is done! I'm down 4.5 lbs and feel leaner! I can't wait to weigh in on Sunday and next Friday, I'll take my measurements again. I hope Level 2 kicks my butt!
  • southofmadness
    southofmadness Posts: 316 Member
    weighed today and im sitting at 187 so i guess im down about 5 lbs in 2 weeks. i am not sure what i started at but i think it was about 193. 5 down 15 or so to go :) level 2...ugh
  • shanaevans84
    I am so under motivated to work out.........HELP!!
  • shanaevans84
    I haven't done the shred everyday and I'm feeling very guilty about I'm telling on myself!!
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    L1D9 done. I don't know it it's because of doing other exercises with it but I can honestly say that I am sore but in a good way. My abs are super sore which I am STOKED about. Means I actually worked them out.

    Hope all of you keep on shredding!!!
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    I am jazzed- just finished day 10 and added extra weight. For some reason I have the hardest time with the first cardio set- after that I make it through pretty well. I have stayed on level one until I am a bit stronger- but I feel the difference already in my abs and legs.
  • Tsdennis
    Tsdennis Posts: 45 Member
    I have not been posting everyday but i have been working out today i completed L1D9. I went back to work from maternty leave this week its been hard but it feels good after i complete it. Last day of level1 tomorrow.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    First day of level 2 and it kicked my butt! I loved it!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    :huh: Dilemma :huh:

    So I've been noticing some tightness in my right knee the past week - it always pops up right after I finish the L1 workout. Feels tight, like it's been hyperextended & I just thought maybe I was overstretching at the end.

    Well, after completing L1D9 last night, I felt behind my knee & there's a big bump. Internet research suggests Baker's cyst which is basically a pocket of joint fluid that forms in a lump behind the knee. Yes, I know your first advice will be to see the Dr. but let's face it - a GP is just going to say "rest a few days" and it will take weeks to see a specialist.

    I've already been working thru it (after all, it doesn't really hurt until after the workout is done) and doesn't seem to be aggravated by my regular jogging routine... of course this was all based on a little joint discomfort before I noticed the lump.

    So... decision time - how much time to take off and whether to stop all activity or just the lunge-and-squat intense 30DS? I'm really bummed because I was finally starting to notice a difference in my strength (and running) just from the 10 days of 30DS.

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    L2D2 complete. Can definitely tell the difference between the 2 levels.
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Well I'm officially out of this challenge - knee is still swollen so will be taking some time to let it heal before trying again. Good luck to all!
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    I'm bowing out of this challenge - I thought Jillian and I could spend time together but I can't seem to fidn time for her in a day! Instead, am heading to the YMCA today after work with the kids to see what classes are available. I need the kids entertained if I'm to find time to take care of me too I think.
    Next round of Jillian I'll be in! Good luck all!!
  • Sheriemae
    Level 2 is pretty tough, but a good tough. Tonight is day 4 for me. I took my first rest day yesterday. My body just needed a break. I'm feeling refreshed and ready to go today. After my coffee it's time for pilates and a run. Have a great day shredders! :)
  • Tsdennis
    Tsdennis Posts: 45 Member
    Level 2 Day 1 I had to really push myslef this morning but i made it. I can tell the difference in level one and level two but I also can feel the difference in my body I am able to do the workout and feel good. I may even go home tonight and do another round to make up for some rest days if time permits it.
  • helen2307
    helen2307 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh Dear have fallen off the wagon for the past couple of days : o( Promise to start again today

    Will post measurements next monday x
  • Rewinds
    I haven't done the 30DS for the past 3 days...just becauuuuse on Friday I did a 9km run and on Saturday I had a rest date because on Sunday I did my 14km run! Huzzah! NSV.

    Going to resume with a 40 minute session tonight with my last level 1 workout rolling into level 2.