5'2" - 5'3" ladies. Starting weight, daily cals & goal?



  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    I'm 5'2"
    SW-129 (Nov 1)
    I average 1200 cal a day (more on weekends)
    I sometimes eat back exercise calories
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    I am 5'2" and 42 years old I started in April at 147 on MFP and just hit 115. I restricted my calories to 1200 per MFP recommendation plus exercise calories until about a month ago. Now I am upping my calories to maintenance. Since we are short the amount of calories we can eat will never be to high and with a desk job my base calories are about 1400. I exercise so I can eat more. In turn I am in the best shape of my life however I was never althetic even in high school when I weighed 105. My goals now are to reduce my body fat and tone.
  • indiawastaken
    indiawastaken Posts: 47 Member
    I am 5'3 & currently weigh 132.8, with a goal of 129. (Just so I can say I weigh less than 130, so silly). I started out at about 160. I feel your pain everytime I get to 130 I gain. I don't know if I sabotage myself or what. I always eat at least the 1200 cals set by MFP, I typically eat the majority of my exercise cals as well.

    Feel free to add me:)
  • sandybirrd
    I'm 5'2", 29 years old
    Starting weight: 133, back in August (my highest ever, blah!)
    Current weight: 116.6
    Goal weight: 113, just to make it an even 20 lbs lost, then I'll re-evaluate and decide where I want to be from there.

    I try to leave a perfect 500 calorie deficit between calories in and out each day, which means I eat back almost all of my exercise calories, but not quite. I do my best never to end the day below 1200, but I have to confess that on days when I work super-late, I sometimes don't quite make it.

    Since I have been tracking my weight every Wednesday for a few months now, I have noticed a major trend: the weigh-in one week before my period starts, I either don't lose weight or I even gain a little back, no matter how good I've been. Then, the next three weigh-ins, I lose weight fast, somewhere between 1-2 lbs per week, a bit faster than predicted for a 500 calorie-a-day deficit. Then Aunt Flo strikes again, and I flounder in that fourth week. Majorly irritating, especially on top of PMS hormones!!! But now that I know it's a pattern, I live with it and just don't expect to see a loss every 4th week (which is this week, boooooo!)

    Proportion-wise, I'm slender in the ribcage, shoulders, and arms, but quite hippy...and my thighs LOVE to hold onto the weight. I'm hoping to slim down my lower half a bit more, but maintain enough muscle all around so that I don't get bony on top. It's so frustrating to be short sometimes--just a few pounds in certain areas is so noticable!!!
  • designerel
    designerel Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I am nearly 5'2". My starting weight on MFP was 158.4, but my highest was around 160. My goal is around 120 (because that is what it says on my driver's license) but I wouldn't mind lower than that. I really don't know how I would look once I get back down to 120 (because the first time around, I was not working out and had very little muscle tone).

    Since my goal is to lose about a pound a week, MFP has me set at 1200 cals a day so I try to stick to that. I am currently around 131, give or take a few tenths of a pound.
  • CaraBeara1
    Hi, I'm 5'2" and 36 years old. I just started on MFP and my current weight is 165 lbs. My highest three weeks ago was 172 lbs. i was retaining mucho water. My weight starting college was 111 lbs and 120 lbs leaving college. I have a very petite and small frame and an hourglass figure. My weight on my hips and thighs is the last to go and I look better proportioned at the lower end of the healthy range for my height. 125 is my current goal because I have a bunch of clothes that fit me when I was that weight two years ago and then I will reevaluate at that point.

    I keep my calories around 1200 right now since it is working for weight loss. I walk/run 3x per week and plan on adding weights soon. I seem to lose best if I stay away from starchy carbs and get my carbs from fruit, veggies, honey, and dairy rather than things like rice, pasta, and bread.

    Previously my highest weight had been 147 lbs which felt huge at the time a couple of years ago. I used an unhealthy diet to get back down to 120 in just a few months, but slowly gained it all back and more. I was shocked when I stepped on the scale last month and saw 172. I'm still in shock as I never imagined ever weighing that much.
  • LindsayInNYC
    I'm 5'3" and maybe a little extra, not sure. My starting weight was 124ish and my goal weight is 115. MFP has me at 1,200 calories per day which I find difficult to stay at/under without working out. I've been maintaining my weight but not losing which is frustrating. I've cut back on sweets and carbs and cut out mid-week alcohol too.
  • Coleyrole
    hello. i'm 5'2" and my starting weight on here was 205. i'm now at 186 and do 1200 calories a day. my goal weight is between 120 and 140. sometimes i'm under my cal count but i try not to do that. my name is nikki and i hope we can help each other out :) ttys.
  • CarrieJ85
    CarrieJ85 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello! I am 26 years old and am 5'3".
    Starting weight - 146
    Current weight - 140
    Goal weight - 120-125
    MFP has me at 1200 calories/day and I just started 30 Day Shred.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member

    I'm 46, 5"2 starting weight april 2011 142. CW 117
    From April -june daily cals where 1200-1400 and ex 3-4 days a week.Did not eat cals back.10 pound loss during that timeframe.
    From end of june to now- daily cals 1600-2000 mainly 2000 + I lost the remaining 15 pds at this calorie level, I still do workouts 3-4 times a week.And eat my ex cals.* weight has stayed at 116-118 since June at this level of cals.
    My goal weight was 115, however, if I stay around this weight I am fine with that. My main goal is to be strong and toned and healthy.
    And not starve! I love food and drinks;-) I just focus on 80 percent of the time doing the best I can, making healthful choices. and the other 20 I am just human. I have learned that anything you do along your weight loss journey, must be something you will do always. not for 12 weeks of certain foods or ex. It has to be workable for always.
    Best wishes along all of your journeys~
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Hi-ya I'm just 5"3 and my starting weight was 145lbs in July , that's the highest it's ever been.

    I have lost 12 lbs now and am following MFP as well as training for a half-marathon and doing Jillian Michaels' DVDs.

    I have found the combination of logging everything, running and light weights have really helped me. I am currently 133lbs and have a goal weight of 125 lbs.

    It really is all about logging when you are little. My worst weeks have been when I didn't log in. The support on MFP is awesome so log in everyday if you can :).

    5 lbs lost shows up dramatically but so does 5 lbs gain, my best weeks are when I log everything! Sometimes it's a wake-up call to actually see how many calories are in some of my favourite snacks, it makes me think twice the next time,

    Good luck!!!!!
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 5'2" and you are where I am trying to be. I started out at 173 lbs on MFP but my highest weight was 188 lbs, that was last May. I lost 25 pounds on my own last year doing a journal similar to this but not as good. I gained 10 lbs back within a year (between October of last year and this year, because I stopped doing my journal, lol) and so far on MFP, I have lost 13 pounds in one month! So, with all that said, I am currently at 160 lbs and am looking forward to being at my goal weight, 135 lbs, by the end of February. It has been a pretty smooth ride on MFP so far, but I think the closer I get to my goal, it is gonna get a little harder. I have been logging everyday for at least 40 days straight and exercising at least 6 times a week, and it has been working like a charm. I know I've lost more this month but I will not weigh in again until November 26; only weighing myself once a month otherwise the fluctuations will drive me crazy, so I don't wanna put so much emphasize on the scale. I have had a lot of NSV's so I'm pretty satisfied with just that.:-)

    Hey you look like my lost twin..:)
    I am also 5"2 , started MFP in sep'11 at a weight of 173 and have lost 15 lbs so far . That means I am 158 currently and goal wt. is 120-125lbs. MFP put me to 1320 cal when I started but after about a month , after seeing a smooth ride with weight loss I decreased my cals to 1200, just to speed it up..I eat my cals and some of my exercise cals , too. This weight loss journey is going smooth so far and i am enjoying it a lot.
    Friend me if you like..
  • dcjackson50

    I am 42 and currently weigh 167. My highest weight was 176, and at 5"2 this was a very depressing and round situation !!! lol
    I love MFP for all the support and advice, and really feel I am on my way to success in reaching my Goal Weight of 125.
    I may re-evaluate at that time to see if maybe 115-120 is more ideal since I am so short, ....but I guess since Ive been overweight so long now, that just sounds so small !!!!

    I can fluctuate by 3-4 pounds in a day and it gets very depressing,.....like othrs have posted, I think for shorter women it has to be somethin related to the excerc ise, cardio speciically. If I skip the workouts ....I gain, even if I stay under the calories I am abiding to now which is 1200 a day. The other big thing for me is water,......if I am drinking 10-12 glasses or more a day I do well, but on days I don't hit that target I see it on the scale.
  • shunta864
    Hey. I'm 5'3" S.W. 253 C.W. 219-220 and my G.W. 150. I have been stuck between 219-220 for about a week and a half now. Its a little annoying because I've been use to dropping about 1 1/2- 2 lbs. A week. I hope it picks back up soon.
  • abonilla20
    abonilla20 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 4'11 and when I started this (Oct. 10th) I weighed 151 and now as of this morning I am at 141. It has been a lot of sacrifice and hard work on my end. I am also only allowed 1200 calories, but I stay well under that. I usually don't consume more than 800 - 900. I am also doing a bootcamp class 4 times a week, but I find that I am losing more weight by just making better choices. A typical day for me consists of Greek yogurt for breakfast, salad (spinach, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes and Paul Newman's Light Balsamic Vinagrette Dressing) for lunch and dinner I will either eat a High Fiber Progresso soup or a whole grain turkey sandwich with just the bread (100 calories for 2 slices), turkey or roast beef (the brand I buy only allows me 6 slices for 60 calories), turkey pepperoni (17 slices only) and red wine vinegar. That is what I eat Monday - Friday. You can add fruit to that to increase your calorie intake. I am a big red wine drinker and now instead of drinking it 3 days I only drink it 1 day a week. I also try to keep the same breakfast routine on Saturday and Sunday. Lunch and dinner get a little difficult, but I still try to watch my caloric intake. It's definitely hard, but it works with a lot of effort. I am wearing something I haven't been able to wear in 3 years by just losing 10lbs so far. I want to go down to 115lbs. I used to be 110, but I don't think at this point (I'm 34) I can do that anymore. Good luck and don't lose your motivation!
  • abonilla20
    abonilla20 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 4'11 and when I started this (Oct. 10th) I weighed 151 and now as of this morning I am at 141. It has been a lot of sacrifice and hard work on my end. I am also only allowed 1200 calories, but I stay well under that. I usually don't consume more than 800 - 900. I am also doing a bootcamp class 4 times a week, but I find that I am losing more weight by just making better choices. A typical day for me consists of Greek yogurt for breakfast, salad (spinach, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes and Paul Newman's Light Balsamic Vinagrette Dressing) for lunch and dinner I will either eat a High Fiber Progresso soup or a whole grain turkey sandwich with just the bread (100 calories for 2 slices), turkey or roast beef (the brand I buy only allows me 6 slices for 60 calories), turkey pepperoni (17 slices only) and red wine vinegar. That is what I eat Monday - Friday. You can add fruit to that to increase your calorie intake. I am a big red wine drinker and now instead of drinking it 3 days I only drink it 1 day a week. I also try to keep the same breakfast routine on Saturday and Sunday. Lunch and dinner get a little difficult, but I still try to watch my caloric intake. It's definitely hard, but it works with a lot of effort. I am wearing something I haven't been able to wear in 3 years by just losing 10lbs so far. I want to go down to 115lbs. I used to be 110, but I don't think at this point (I'm 34) I can do that anymore. Good luck and don't lose your motivation!
  • Teddiedoll
    I'm 5'2" ~ 143lbs

    Goal weight: 115lbs

    I just started on here yesterday and I very impressed with the site and the people on it. I am/will be working out 30mins - 1 hour a day 6 days/week. I do not have a complete handle on my eating but hope to find out what works best for me during this time.

    If we all stay focused, we will achieve our GOALS!!!

  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    Please add me! There are so many great replies that MFP is limiting how many of you I can add at a time!
  • Alison__
    Alison__ Posts: 107
    I'm 5'2 and my starting weight was 132.5 lbs, but now I'm at 123.5 lbs. I usually try to stay underneath 1000 calories, but if I work out a lot then I eat a little more. My goal is around 110 lbs, but as long as I feel comfortable in my body then my weight doesn't matter that much :)

    What helped me the most was when I started weighing myself everyday. I know, this could be destructive and I am aware that my weight will vary during the day, but I check once every morning. It helps me to keep focused :) What are your tips?

    Under 1000? That isn't enough :/

    I know it's not enough, but it works for me. I've been trying with 1,200 calories for a really long time but it just doesn't seem to be any change. My BMR is 1,300 calories, so eating 1,200 calories makes barely any difference, even though I work out. Also, this is healthier than other diets I've been on since my dieting has been somewhat destructive sometimes.
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 5'3" my starting weight pre MFP was 145. I got down to 120 but then went back up to 135. This time around I started seeing a personal trainer and going to a boot camp. Part of the package was a calorie point and cardio point assessment. After these tests my trainer put me on a 1500 calorie a day with 40c/30f/30p split. The goal is for me to loose 1/2 to 1 lb per week until I'm 118. It is a slow weight loss, but this will allow me to build muscle and while losing fat. Last thing I want to do is lose lean mass (I heard this is part of what makes us get shorter in old age). So far in my first 3 weeks I've lost 6 lbs, but I can really see some better definition in my arms and legs.

    I'd love friend requests from those trying to accomplish the same things.