*sigh* i can't be the only one...

april_beth Posts: 616 Member
...who does not get "full" or sustain any type of anything when i eat these three things:

greek yogurt

even if i ate them all together id be hungry an hour later. everyone on here suggests these things as go-to staples but ive given them months and months of a good ol effort...also, i hate breakfast foods...

i am in a serious need of good simple, fast, easy breakfast ideas. i go to the gym every single morning but i have a 10 year old im getting out the door for school and a 2.5 year old son to take care of before i go so i need fast and simple. im starving by the time i get to the gym for crying out loud.

PLEASE help a struggling gal!! *much love*


  • klynn22091
    klynn22091 Posts: 47 Member
    bagels are my favorite :-)
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I have to pair eggs with a carb.. eggs alone don't do much, but neither do carbs alone for me.
    Oatmeal... blech. Never keeps me full for more than 4 minutes so I'm with you on that one.
    Greek yogurt helps curb my hunger as a snack but not as a meal alone.

    hopefully others will have some better insight :)
  • I find that the good hearty cereals keep me satisfied longer. Kashi Go Lean Crunch or Kashi Cinnamon Harvest are great.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    there is no rule that defines "breakfast foods". Eat what you like. I just ate leftover Hungarian Goulash from last night's dinner for my breakfast.

    Leftovers work great for quick breakfast . . .
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Apples and Pears help you to be full. . I half of an all seed or whole grain bagel with natural nut butter. . (ie sunflower seed, almond, cashew, or peanut)

    It will do wonders and sustain you till lunch. Good luck my dear. . I have other things I eat that are high protein for breakfast that will keep you full if you need more suggestions. XOXO:smile:
  • DawnB86
    DawnB86 Posts: 99 Member
    Try adding some fiber in to your breakfast. Fiber + water = full stomach for longer.
  • I still feel hungry myself with those things. I tend to eat a fiber one bar or some kind of breakfast bar if I dont have the time to make something.
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I know how you feel I have oatmeal at 6:30 at work and am hungry again at 8:30. Maybe have a bigger breakfast to start the day then smaller meals later. They say that's the best way to do it but who can cook every morning. Good luck
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I cut my breakfast in half so I eat cereal@6am and then some kind of smoothie or bagel by 10am.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    What are you pairing them with? Eggs on their own don't tend to fill me up, and neither does greek yogurt, but I pair them with something else. For breakfast I usually make an omelette using two egg whites and 1 oz of low fat cheese with coffee, and that's enough for me.

    With the greek yogurt I usually eat fruit with it as well. I also drink a glass of water before and after. You're right though, it doesn't fill me up for long, but I also have five small meals a day rather than three larger ones, so that's ok for me. You just have to find what works for you. Try making an omelette with eggs, cheese and some cooked ham and see how that goes for you.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Yogurt mixed with granola keeps me full for hours in the morning. Also, when I feel like an insatiable garbage disposal, a tablespoon of peanut butter is my go-to filler upper.
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    I usually add a fruit to my yogurt (not including the yogurt with fruit). I like the blueberry greek yogurt with an apple. Use it like a dipping sauce and you'll get full faster and maybe have some left for later.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    you dont like eggs at all? hard boiled eggs if you peel them a head of time are great for a preworkout breakfast. but if you dont like "breakfast" foods try a pbj with lite bread and it is only about 250 i think. love that for breakfast. slimfast bars are great.cheeseheads work for me also.i grab a couple of those on the way out. do you like fruit? a banana or apple you can eat on the way. i love peanut butter with both banana and apple. or apple and cheese is good also.you can eat anything for breakfast you want. you could nuke leftover pizza if it was within your calorie count!
  • nsanati
    nsanati Posts: 40 Member
    Hard boiled eggs, instant oatmeal (not as wholesome as old fashioned, but you said FAST!) A handful of Almonds combined with a piece of fruit ... Whole grains combined with any fruit, really ... cereal bars or protein bars if you need more to go on. Farina or cream of wheat ... peanut butter on toast, a protein shake ... fresh squeezed juices (berries, watercress, beets, etc). Get creative! :flowerforyou: Oh yes & WATER WATER WATER. I'd also like to find some chewable fiber tabs to eat in between meals ...

    FYI ~I know I've only lost 2 lbs so far (very athletic build; my legs are getting stacked, lol) but I've lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist! YES!
  • ryvenna
    ryvenna Posts: 83 Member
    i wonder if the way you eat these food items would make a difference...

    i eat egg whites almost every morning-- but i usually make egg white omelets (using 6-7 tbsp of egg whites), which i eat with spinach and half a string cheese sandwiched between! this morning, i cooked half a bell pepper and a quarter of a small onion, in addition to .9 oz of beef sausage. then, i put in my usual 7 tablespoons of egg whites and once the mix was cooked well on both sides, i added half a kraft polly-o string cheese and folded, to have a very delicious and filling breakfast. i ate breakfast at 8 am and i am just now starting to get hungry...!

    if not for my egg white omelets, i also like eating oatmeal, but with a big serving of fruit and cinnamon on top. i usually enjoy adding blueberries, mangoes, or kiwis.

    when it comes to greek yogurt, i mash in a banana and some type of grain-y cereal.

    if i ate greek yogurt, or eggs, or oatmeal by itself, i know for sure that i'd get really, really hungry soon after. but when i add fruits or veggies or grains (sometimes, when i make my breakfast omelet, i put it in a flat-out flatbread, which is 9g of protein and only 90 calories!), i'm able to have very low calorie, but very filling meals :]

    hope this helps!
  • those things alone aren't as filling, i eat a piece of toast with oatmeal and it fills me up. i eat eggs in a wrap/burrito with veggies/veg meat and that fills me up...

    but if you don't care for breakfast foods, those things might now work for you. perhaps something non-breakfast-y for breakfast? what foods do you like?
  • LuLuRunner1
    LuLuRunner1 Posts: 329 Member
    I love oatmeal! After years of eating the instant-in-a-packet kind of oatmeal, I have recently rediscovered minute oatmeal mixed w/ raisins, stevia & cinnamon. And yep, within an hour or so, I am hungry again and starving by lunch!

    I think that is my problem today, I am eating everything in sight and I had oatmeal for breakfast before taking the kids to school at 7am (usually eat the instant at work around 9:30 or 10).

    Two fried eggs will usually last me longer, but not always. I have to have a morning snack regardless! Granted, I run/walk on my lunch so I don't usually eat lunch until almost 3, but it keeps me from needing an afternoon snack as bad.
  • I work out at 6am.. I either have egg whites on hand or even a complete hard boiled egg. I prepare a sort of egg mcmuffin sandwich to eat on the go.. w/ 1 strip center cut bacon, whole wheat english muffin, soy cheese. My trainer says to eat 10 gms fat, 20 gms protein, 30 gms carbs at each meal..
  • Grace4415
    Grace4415 Posts: 1 Member
    I make protein smoothies for breakfast with apple juice (1 cup), one small banana, 1 Tbsp. brown rice protein powder, pumpkin puree (canned, 1 cup), and water (1 cup). I add cinnamon and one packet of Stevia (Trader Joe's). On the Nutrition Data website (http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2601/2), it gives a very high rating for "fullness factor" to pumpkin puree and only 49 calories. I also make smoothies with frozen strawberries, blueberries, or mangoes, but the pumpkin stays with me the longest. On cold mornings I use warm water in the smoothie and it tastes great, if you like pumpkin. Once you get the hang of this, you can make it in about two minutes.

    I also sometimes prepare brown rice (1/2 cup) and vegetarian, fat free refried beans, which are also relatively low-cal but high in protein and staying power. You can add tomatoes or artichoke hearts for a fresh taste.

    It's great that you go to the gym every morning, especially with children to care for! Courage to you.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    This morning I took two Kashi Go Lean waffels, and cooked an egg and heated up some lunch meat and made a sandwich of sorts. Waffels with peanut butter are also good or making a sandwich with a bagel thin is good.
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