To Mordor!



  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 138 Member
    I changed my mind tonight. I'm not going to be walking with Frodo just yet. I'm going to walk with Bilbo first and do "The Hobbit" mission before I start the journey with Frodo. I prefer (and have to) do things in the order that they were intended. Therefore, this is what I did yesterday on the journey with Bilbo: We left Bag End and ran south down the lane toward Hobbiton. Then, we crossed the bridge across the Water. After crossing, we turned east on the road to Bywater. It's not as long of a journey as Frodo went on, but still a long one nonetheless.
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 138 Member
    According to The Hobbit mission: After we had kept walking until we reached the Great East Road, we turned east. Then, from there, we walked 2 more miles and passed Three-Farthing Stone. But, we didn't stop there. We walked another 2 miles on top of that before we finally stopped and camped. So, that's what we are doing now. Just camping and resting for the time being.
  • nevadjinn
    nevadjinn Posts: 75 Member
    Oh my god MFP has other LOTR geeks! Count me in!
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    222 Miles in. Heading toward the foot of the Weather Hills.

  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I havent updated on this for a loooooong while, i was at about 80 miles i think, anyway this is where i am:

    I have travelled a total of 204.4 Miles.

    Swam 1.48 Miles
    Cycled 72 Miles
    and Run 130.87 Miles

    I am on my 5th day from Bree; Reach eastern edge of the Marshes. Can see Weather Hills ahead. Land starts to rise. Land drier and very barren. A few birds.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I havent updated on this for a loooooong while, i was at about 80 miles i think, anyway this is where i am:

    I have travelled a total of 204.4 Miles.

    Swam 1.48 Miles
    Cycled 72 Miles
    and Run 130.87 Miles

    I am on my 5th day from Bree; Reach eastern edge of the Marshes. Can see Weather Hills ahead. Land starts to rise. Land drier and very barren. A few birds.

    Awesome!! I will get to Bree someday! ^_^

    I'm still on the path in the Old's a few miles through there!
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    Ok first of all you guys are amazing didn't know there were so many LOTR fans out there! I would like to join a little late. Are you guys going from Hobbiton to Rivendell first and then moving to Rivendell to Lothlorien and so on?
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    Ok first of all you guys are amazing didn't know there were so many LOTR fans out there! I would like to join a little late. Are you guys going from Hobbiton to Rivendell first and then moving to Rivendell to Lothlorien and so on?

    Also I don't have a HRM or anything so how can I track my distance?
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Ok first of all you guys are amazing didn't know there were so many LOTR fans out there! I would like to join a little late. Are you guys going from Hobbiton to Rivendell first and then moving to Rivendell to Lothlorien and so on?

    Also I don't have a HRM or anything so how can I track my distance?

    Hi there! We are all actually going at our own pace; some of us are starting out from Hobbiton to Rivendell as the first leg. I plan to add the next destination on to my ticker when I indeed get to the Last Homely House. :) There's another fabulous user who is doing the Hobbit, and the strongest of heart have already set their tickers all the way to Mordor! (This was before they took non-MFP tickers out of our signatures.)

    This challenge is really what you want it to be, and completely at your own pace. As for tracking your distance; if you walk or run outside, then I have heard that is a good place to check up on your miles. Gym machines will often tell you how far you've gone, and if you're like me and walk all on your own indoors, then I have a pedometer (but intend to invest in a better one eventually).

    Please let us know how we can help you, especially if trolls waylay you or something! Welcome to the journey.

  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 500 Member
    11 miles in so far, hope to get a bunch more this weekend.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Last week I walked the equivalent of 24.88 miles.

    Miles walked to date: 246.04
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 500 Member
    15 so far, I didn't get in as much this weekend as I had planned.
  • janski2
    222 Miles in. Heading toward the foot of the Weather Hills.


    How did you get your ticker to stay? Mine disappeared.
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    222 Miles in. Heading toward the foot of the Weather Hills.


    How did you get your ticker to stay? Mine disappeared.

    I copy/pasted the url code from LilySlim straight into the post..
    I'm pissed my signature is gone :(
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    Still hanging in there...haven't had any milage in 2 weeks, since I have been sick, but am going to be working on it again starting at lunch today. I also have a weight lifting class after work, so today is going to be killer in terms of calories burned, lol.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    365 miles total!! Strider has found an elf stone and we are less than 100 miles from Rivendell!!
  • deegeemarie
    You all may be part way there already but I will join up! To Mordor!! How are we keeping track?
  • janski2
    Gone 380 miles. Hills are higher and steeper. We are forced north out of our way. Still raining. Camped on a stony shelf by a shallow cave.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    You all may be part way there already but I will join up! To Mordor!! How are we keeping track?

    *kicks thread* Wake up!

    Since MFP banned tickers (other than their own) in signatures, it is hard to see one another's progress. However, I am cutting and pasting the image code directly into the body of the message, which still seems to work right now. Try or for a ticker you like.

    And post back as you progress from your chosen starting point to Mordor! See you on the path. :)

  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    241.83 miles in = Injured, Frodo is carried on pony. Head south from dell.

    Made it to Amon Sul before the snow! YAY! That was the goal. ^_^
    Next target is the lands of the Trollshaws
