


  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    that happens to me too but only when i eat too much. See i used to be a smoker and some meals, like eating to much would be a two cigarette meal. then i switched to sweets. Now if that happens i know ate too much. i'll have a piece of gum or brush my teeth and try to remember next time not to go overboard.
  • stephiejones
    Extra has some really good mint chocolate chip gum, apple pie gum, and strawberry shortcake gum....yummmm with only 5 calories...I love the mint chocolate chip gum taste so real.
  • namenumber
    namenumber Posts: 167 Member
    I always save enough calories for dessert because if I don't eat it, I get cranky.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Why is it so ingrained in my mind that I MUST HAVE something sweet after eating? Blahhh! Gotta stop that!

    Can you eat a cookie or 2, or a fun size candy bar. Some people have problems with portion size, initially. I did, now I grab an oatmeal cookie after I eat and I'm fine. Knowing I may eat whatever I choose (in moderation) is psychological Freedom for Me.
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    Make sure your meal does not have a lot of white flour ingredients in it or other foods cycled around sugar. once your body gets that quick spike off of sugar from sources as above, it takes only minutes to go through your body and your body to crave it once again. It is like a drug high, needs to be constantly replenished. Have grapes or something sugary but natural. kills that sugar intense rush that you want and gives that sweetness that you crave and will last longer than refined white sugar/flour products :)
    PS: works for me! but if i have just one candy bar i want more and more and uurrrrrrggggggggg
  • shaesimpson
    Viactive Calcium Chews!! They have chocolate and caramel and some other flavors if I'm not mistaken. Stop taking your pill form of calcium and have one of these after dinner. They are sooooo good. And, you get to have TWO a day!
  • weldinchic
    weldinchic Posts: 34 Member
    I love all of these suggestions! It really is something that I just need to cut off cold turkey, because I know ME and I have no (none, zilch, zero) self-control. Fun-size bars= lots of options :D, cookies = can't have just one, cake must have ice cream, ice cream must have chocolate syrup, if you have syrup you might as well throw some marshmallow fluff on there and so on. Okay here goes, puttin' the kettle on to boil!