Why not just eat fruits and veggies????



  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    I can see that would be very annoying. Your topic title would be exactly what I would say to her.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I had a "friend" who really pushed the juiceplus crap as well.
    I don't believe in it - its over processed to start with, and is NOT the equivilant to eating actual fruits and veggies.

    My "friend" even tried to push CDs on me to explain how its a cure-all and would change my life.

    sorry to say....we're not "friends" anymore.

    I think its got to be a pyramid scheme while else push it on people who couldn't care less??
    They call it "multi-level marketing," which is a fancy way to say "pyramid scheme."

    I just don't understand why anyone even believes this stuff. And, yes, she pushes it as a cure-all!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think I'm just going to hide her and check for photos and stuff every week or so. We've been friends for years and she's been a wonderful friend to me, but this stuff is getting out of hand.

    I just can't say anything. I'm far too nice! lol
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    I just can't say anything. I'm far too nice! lol

    You could also suggest to her that she create a business page for facebook. I have my own business (I'm an entertainer) and I use facebook to broadcast, however I have my own page so that my friends can choose to be a part of it or not. It's completely separate from my personal page so that I don't annoy my friends by advertising.

    Just a thought. In closing I feel bad for you in a way--I'd be pissed too.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I just can't say anything. I'm far too nice! lol

    You could also suggest to her that she create a business page for facebook. I have my own business (I'm an entertainer) and I use facebook to broadcast, however I have my own page so that my friends can choose to be a part of it or not. It's completely separate from my personal page so that I don't annoy my friends by advertising.

    Just a thought. In closing I feel bad for you in a way--I'd be pissed too.

    I just can't help thinking that saying that would hurt her feelings. I'm probably overthinking. I think she honestly believes this stuff will cure anything and everything and keep everyone healthy, so she thinks by pushing it, she's doing us all a favor. Plus, I see by comments that a lot of her friends are buying it from her, so I guess what she's doing is working on a certain level. On another, I've spoken to some mutual friends who are NOT buying it and they're annoyed, too.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yes, why not just eat them? They're GOOD!

    Glad you vented :) I hate those marketing things. I've thought about doing direct sales to make extra money on the side (no gimmicks, though - for example, I'd be selling bags or make-up, you know, tangible stuff), but I abhor high-pressure sales tactics and "parties," so I can't imagine I'd be very successful. I hate those "parties" where it is nothing but an attempt to sell things (and the "hostess" gets free stuff as well). Not only do I generally not want the stuff because it is overpriced, but I don't feel it's right to invite people to your home (or someone else's) under the guise of socializing when all you are doing is trying to make money off of them. If you want friends to come to your house, invite them over as friends - and nothing more!

    Anyway, I'd just hide her updates. If she asks you why you didn't respond to a certain post/picture she thought might interest you, tell her flat out that you had hidden her updates because you got tired of reading advertisements. If she doesn't understand, then she's not a very good friend, and it might be worth re-evaluating the friendship.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    I just can't say anything. I'm far too nice! lol

    You could also suggest to her that she create a business page for facebook. I have my own business (I'm an entertainer) and I use facebook to broadcast, however I have my own page so that my friends can choose to be a part of it or not. It's completely separate from my personal page so that I don't annoy my friends by advertising.

    Just a thought. In closing I feel bad for you in a way--I'd be pissed too.

    Agreed - my husband and I have our own business (law firm) and are starting a non-profit. We have a Facebook page specifically for our firm and will have one for the non-profit once we have officially filed. Our personal pages are, well, personal, though they never contain anything that might jeopardize our professional lives. I "like" lots of businesses that I patronize, and so I don't think that businesses should be excluded from Facebook, but if you're my Facebook friend, it's a personal thing, not business!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes, why not just eat them? They're GOOD!

    Glad you vented :) I hate those marketing things. I've thought about doing direct sales to make extra money on the side (no gimmicks, though - like selling bags or make-up, you know, tangible stuff), but I abhor high-pressure sales tactics and "parties," so I can't imagine I'd be very successful. I hate those "parties" where it is nothing but an attempt to sell things (and the "hostess" gets free stuff as well). Not only do I generally not want the stuff because it is overpriced, but I don't feel it's right to invite people to your home (or someone else's) under the guise of socializing when all you are doing is trying to make money off of them. If you want friends to come to your house, invite them over as friends - and nothing more!

    Anyway, I'd just hide her updates. If she asks you why you didn't respond to a certain post/picture she thought might interest you, tell her flat out that you had hidden her updates because you got tired of reading advertisements. If she doesn't understand, then she's not a very good friend, and it might be worth re-evaluating the friendship.

    I hate those parties, too! And not only do they invite you over just to sell you stuff, they pretty much kick you out as soon as the sales pitching is done AND they never have decent snacks. Usually something crappy no one wants to eat and not enough of it. That really makes you feel welcome ...

    The only time I've enjoyed a party like that was a Passions Party that my coworkers and I all got together and decided to have together. We drank a lot and joked around and ate good food and it was fun. But it wasn't one person deciding she was going to make money off the rest of us.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I just can't help thinking that saying that would hurt her feelings. I'm probably overthinking. I think she honestly believes this stuff will cure anything and everything and keep everyone healthy, so she thinks by pushing it, she's doing us all a favor. Plus, I see by comments that a lot of her friends are buying it from her, so I guess what she's doing is working on a certain level. On another, I've spoken to some mutual friends who are NOT buying it and they're annoyed, too.

    I dated a real estate agent for a bit. She was pretty new to it and went with the facebook slant. I feel where you're coming from, it can be extremely annoying. I haven't talked to her in a while, but her facebook posts have been much less pushy recently, so I like to think that she finally got around to a more professional angle for it. Took a couple years though, maybe it'll be similar for your friend?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yes, why not just eat them? They're GOOD!

    Glad you vented :) I hate those marketing things. I've thought about doing direct sales to make extra money on the side (no gimmicks, though - like selling bags or make-up, you know, tangible stuff), but I abhor high-pressure sales tactics and "parties," so I can't imagine I'd be very successful. I hate those "parties" where it is nothing but an attempt to sell things (and the "hostess" gets free stuff as well). Not only do I generally not want the stuff because it is overpriced, but I don't feel it's right to invite people to your home (or someone else's) under the guise of socializing when all you are doing is trying to make money off of them. If you want friends to come to your house, invite them over as friends - and nothing more!

    Anyway, I'd just hide her updates. If she asks you why you didn't respond to a certain post/picture she thought might interest you, tell her flat out that you had hidden her updates because you got tired of reading advertisements. If she doesn't understand, then she's not a very good friend, and it might be worth re-evaluating the friendship.

    I hate those parties, too! And not only do they invite you over just to sell you stuff, they pretty much kick you out as soon as the sales pitching is done AND they never have decent snacks. Usually something crappy no one wants to eat and not enough of it. That really makes you feel welcome ...

    The only time I've enjoyed a party like that was a Passions Party that my coworkers and I all got together and decided to have together. We drank a lot and joked around and ate good food and it was fun. But it wasn't one person deciding she was going to make money off the rest of us.

    With the right group of ladies, that could be a LOT of fun! I'd imagine there'd be more tittering than at a candle party :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have FB friends that sell things, but it's not EVERYTHING they post. They post regular stuff and then every once in awhile mention what they have available or post a pic of the new cool thing they made. If it was ALL they ever posted or like many many times each day, it would get old really fast.

    Maybe gently suggest to her that it might be really slick and professional of her to create a business page on FB for her sales, and keep her business updates and promotions to her business page. Then people that are interested can friend her business page if they want to see the advertisements and updates.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I just can't help thinking that saying that would hurt her feelings. I'm probably overthinking. I think she honestly believes this stuff will cure anything and everything and keep everyone healthy, so she thinks by pushing it, she's doing us all a favor. Plus, I see by comments that a lot of her friends are buying it from her, so I guess what she's doing is working on a certain level. On another, I've spoken to some mutual friends who are NOT buying it and they're annoyed, too.

    I dated a real estate agent for a bit. She was pretty new to it and went with the facebook slant. I feel where you're coming from, it can be extremely annoying. I haven't talked to her in a while, but her facebook posts have been much less pushy recently, so I like to think that she finally got around to a more professional angle for it. Took a couple years though, maybe it'll be similar for your friend?
    I certainly hope so!

    RBX -- It was a BLAST! We kind of angered the rep, though, because we kept interrupting her. lol I went to another one earlier this year with a different group that was far more uptight. The first one, we actually invited men (and one came!), but the second group was all, "Oh, we just wouldn't be comfortable with MEN around!"

    Who do you think you're going to use this stuff with??? lol

    I guess I understand that to a point, but I've found the less uptight and prudish women more fun at a party like that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have FB friends that sell things, but it's not EVERYTHING they post. They post regular stuff and then every once in awhile mention what they have available or post a pic of the new cool thing they made. If it was ALL they ever posted or like many many times each day, it would get old really fast.

    Maybe gently suggest to her that it might be really slick and professional of her to create a business page on FB for her sales, and keep her business updates and promotions to her business page. Then people that are interested can friend her business page if they want to see the advertisements and updates.

    Even when she posts what could be regular stuff ("Took the kids to the park!"), she'll find a way to mention JuicePlus+.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have FB friends that sell things, but it's not EVERYTHING they post. They post regular stuff and then every once in awhile mention what they have available or post a pic of the new cool thing they made. If it was ALL they ever posted or like many many times each day, it would get old really fast.

    Maybe gently suggest to her that it might be really slick and professional of her to create a business page on FB for her sales, and keep her business updates and promotions to her business page. Then people that are interested can friend her business page if they want to see the advertisements and updates.

    Even when she posts what could be regular stuff ("Took the kids to the park!"), she'll find a way to mention JuicePlus+.

    You mean like 'I had so much energy from taking my JuicePlus today that I was able to take the kids to the park!' LOL
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Even when she posts what could be regular stuff ("Took the kids to the park!"), she'll find a way to mention JuicePlus+.

    I had a friend that was doing this with MonaVie or something like that. Didn't matter WTF he was talking about, it came up in the post somewhere, even if it made no damn sense.

    "Man I was on I-90 today driving home from work and I ran into a Deer! CRAP! Damaged the front end of my car, and my airbags went off and I got a bloodied nose. Ended up getting home just after 2am and got almost no sleep. Umm.. Drank some Monavie before bed, can hardly feel my nose and my car fixed itself!"

    Makes me want to punch him in the face.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Even when she posts what could be regular stuff ("Took the kids to the park!"), she'll find a way to mention JuicePlus+.

    I had a friend that was doing this with MonaVie or something like that. Didn't matter WTF he was talking about, it came up in the post somewhere, even if it made no damn sense.

    "Man I was on I-90 today driving home from work and I ran into a Deer! CRAP! Damaged the front end of my car, and my airbags went off and I got a bloodied nose. Ended up getting home just after 2am and got almost no sleep. Umm.. Drank some Monavie before bed, can hardly feel my nose and my car fixed itself!"

    Makes me want to punch him in the face.


    CM -- Something like that. Or she'll say, "Took the kids to the park and then we came home and had some JuicePlus+ to boost their immune systems so they don't get sick from the other kids at the park!"
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I could send her a hint if you want me to lol it will be nice but she'll get the message!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I could send her a hint if you want me to lol it will be nice but she'll get the message!
    I'll keep you in mind ...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    Even when she posts what could be regular stuff ("Took the kids to the park!"), she'll find a way to mention JuicePlus+.

    I had a friend that was doing this with MonaVie or something like that. Didn't matter WTF he was talking about, it came up in the post somewhere, even if it made no damn sense.

    "Man I was on I-90 today driving home from work and I ran into a Deer! CRAP! Damaged the front end of my car, and my airbags went off and I got a bloodied nose. Ended up getting home just after 2am and got almost no sleep. Umm.. Drank some Monavie before bed, can hardly feel my nose and my car fixed itself!"

    Makes me want to punch him in the face.

    Ok, I actually did laugh out loud at that. People like that are why I consider quitting Facebook on a weekly basis. However there are too many good folks that I know I'd lose touch with that keep me on there.
  • adiesilver
    adiesilver Posts: 13 Member
    I do some direct selling on the side, but even I'm irritated by what your friend's doing. There's a tasteful way to go about it, without annoying the crud out of your friends and family! If people don't want to buy from you once, chances are shoving the product down their throats won't help. Suggesting a business page is a great idea.