


  • ChshireKat
    Does anyone thinks it’s weird that I am happy to keep my weight around 230? I know it’s like a BMI of over 40 but to get the calorie deficit I need to lose weight is starting to need some depravations that I just can't live with. It’s not like I am bummed about having to give up soda or something; I have already cut that down to like 2 12oz cans a week, back from 2 a day. My diet isn’t all that great and it consistently tips past the 2000 calorie mark, but at least at that calorie count I don’t feel like I have to skip a meal to stay on target. When I do the “eat lots of fruits and vegetables” I still go over the limit, even if all I do is roast the things with Pam and salt & pepper . Eating is a pleasure that can last most of your life, I don’t think I should have to forgo it almost completely to get to an “approved” weight, mediacal or social.

    Based on the weight and clothing size I was in high school, I would have to drop another 70lbs before I would even drop another pant size; I have no high blood pressure, diabetes, heart, or breathing problems, any joint problems I have are in my hands and not my legs or back. If you take the BMI out of the equation I am in perfect health. Am I crazy for being willing to maintain at 5’-1” and 230 lbs?
  • tatauu2
    tatauu2 Posts: 7 Member
    Love this board. I'm a generous 5'1". And like every other "fun-size" (love that phrase btw) weight shows up right away. And some people don't seem to understand that my short legs just can't keep up with them unless I'm running. I will definitely be coming back to this board.
    I have 60 lbs to be satisfied but more to be happy. I've let myself go the past couple of years but I'm getting back on the treadmill..literally. :smile:
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I'm 5'3"--5'3.5" if I really stretch myself out. I always thought I was pretty tall :/ oh well, anyway I'd personally liket o lose 10-15 lbs by next march/april when weigh-ins are for the PFA.

    @ Chshirekat-it's all up to you. I personally wouldn't want to be that weight but if you're happy with it and there are no health problems because of it then go for it.
  • pmcder10
    Does anyone thinks it’s weird that I am happy to keep my weight around 230? I know it’s like a BMI of over 40 but to get the calorie deficit I need to lose weight is starting to need some depravations that I just can't live with. It’s not like I am bummed about having to give up soda or something; I have already cut that down to like 2 12oz cans a week, back from 2 a day. My diet isn’t all that great and it consistently tips past the 2000 calorie mark, but at least at that calorie count I don’t feel like I have to skip a meal to stay on target. When I do the “eat lots of fruits and vegetables” I still go over the limit, even if all I do is roast the things with Pam and salt & pepper . Eating is a pleasure that can last most of your life, I don’t think I should have to forgo it almost completely to get to an “approved” weight, mediacal or social.

    Based on the weight and clothing size I was in high school, I would have to drop another 70lbs before I would even drop another pant size; I have no high blood pressure, diabetes, heart, or breathing problems, any joint problems I have are in my hands and not my legs or back. If you take the BMI out of the equation I am in perfect health. Am I crazy for being willing to maintain at 5’-1” and 230 lbs?

    From a personal stand point, if you are happy with yourself at 230, then you are happy and I do not see any reason why not to maintain. From a health stand point, I don't believe its worth all of the potential risks associated with having a bmi that high. Though you might not have any health issues now, maintaining that weight with your height could very well create issues down the road.

    As far as the calorie count issue, I think a lot of it comes down to will power...and an over all adjustment. Currently, you are not used to eating less calories a day. I know when I first started, it was very difficult for me to stay within my range because I felt so hungry when I didn't eat as much. Limiting the calories a day is not about limiting the meals you eat...its about adequately portioning your meals throughout the day and eating lower calorie foods so you can eat more of them.

    Instead of eating three main meals, have you tried eating 6 small meals throughout the day?
  • ChshireKat
    I have tried eating 6 times a day, the problem I found is it means eating while working and I don't have the attention span for it. For example, I make instant oatmeal for breakfast every work day morning, I start it at 8 and generally finish it between 9 & 10, and most of the time heat it up at least once. I was literally eating all day while I tried spreading everything out, by the time I was able to break my focus to finish 1 snack it was literally time to start the next. It's even worse on weekends. Without the mental stimulation of working, I don't get hungry at all, most of the time on weekends I eat meals because the clock is telling me I haven't eaten in six hours or more. I just can't split my focus enough to remember to eat multiple times a day.
    I know it sounds like I am making excuses, but I have tried to do this, I have set alarms to remind me to eat, but short of wolfing any food down, it is easy to start eating, but I don't finish before the next one is due. You would be amazed on how long it would take me, if I am working, to eat a 2 1/2" diameter apple. I once brought a sandwich and probably chips or something to work for lunch and figured I'd eat it and work so I'd get a 1/2 hour of over time, I started it at noon and hadn't finished it by the time I left at 5. I can't split my attention between task that require any amount of motor control.

    Yeah, woe is me.:cry:
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 5'3" and just started my journey, I want to lose 80 pounds by September 29,2012 when I am taking myself to Disney World! I have already lost 6 pounds and am so excited!!!

    That's a fantastic reward!...

    I think so too, I got to go there in May for my college graduation present with my family. Unfortunately my family didn't enjoy it quite as much as I did, partially because my siblings are still quite young and get tired quickly. That is why I am going by myself, so I can stay in the parks as long as my heart desires!

    Update on my weight, I have now lost 9 pounds!! YAY!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ChshireKat,
    It took me until I was over 60 to get to a place where my weight and my health were more important to me than anything else. Your pain and frustration sound a lot like what I experienced through most of my life. I worked at eating healthy and exercising for many years and that's what probably kept my weight from getting beyond the 180's but never any lower like I thought I wanted. I balked at counting calories or logging my food or giving up certain 'treats". I can't explain what caused me one day to decide to plan my food for the day and stick to the plan no matter what. I guess I just got tired of not succeeding in an arena where others had succeeded. As long as you are asking questions and being mindful of your eating you are doing good things for yourself. Stay open minded to new ideas and you'll find the right path for yourself.

    :heart: Barbie
  • rodeorider178
    Hi everyone I actually just joined. I am trying to lose weight by april 1sth so that I can join the Navy. I have been wanting to go in scense I was 9. I am now 11 years later actaully almost able to go in. the only problem is that I have to be a scerten weight to join. I have 40lbs to loss by april. I have lost 5lbs already this week and the week is not even half way over yet I'm so excited.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    Hi everyone I actually just joined. I am trying to lose weight by april 1sth so that I can join the Navy. I have been wanting to go in scense I was 9. I am now 11 years later actually almost able to go in. the only problem is that I have to be a scerten weight to join. I have 40lbs to loss by April. I have lost 5lbs already this week and the week is not even half way over yet I'm so excited.

    Welcome......take this journey one day at a time, stay open minded to new ideas, and never, never, never give up

    Barbie from NW Washington


    November goal----walk for an hour with the dogs every morning even in the dark and cold

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • Jenh714
    Hi all.
    I am very frustrated because I have been gaining and losing the same 5lbs for about 5 weeks now. I have been working out and eating ok. I am proud of myself for winning the Bally's Weightloss Challenge. It was a 6week challenge and I lost a total of 12.9% of my weight in those 6 weeks. My husband came home for 2 weeks from Afghanistan. I definately did not eat that well at dinners but breakfast and lunch were fine. Yesterday I started a new goals:

    Goal #1: losing 10-15 lbs by mid January when my husband comes home for good.
    Goal #2: I want to be comfortable in a bikini by late March for a cruise.
    Goal #3: Be able to run 5 miles by late April.
  • ChshireKat
    I try to sleep 8 hours a night.
    -I start going to bed at 9 pm, walk through the house turn everyhting off, corral the cats to where they are supposed to be.
    -I am under the covers and trying to sleep by 10.
    - my alarm goes off and I am up at 6am
    -I leave my house at 7 and am at work by 8
    -8 am to 5 pm I am at work.
    -I leave work at 5 get home approx. 6:30.

    That leaves 3 hours a day in a work week when I am not otherwise occupied and some of that time has to included cooking dinner.
    Where am I supposed to find exercise time when bangs and thumps are prohibited in my appartment by my down stairs neighbor (they complained about the noise I made playing the WII games), so vigoruse exercise involves a commute, or at least leaving my apt.
    I can't do anthing on my lunch break becaue I can't eat and work, I have proven that impossible for me. Other then shorting sleep, skipping a meal or saying "the hell with it, my home doesn't need to be clean", what do I do?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: what about spending half of your lunch hour eating and the other half taking a walk????

    :flowerforyou: do you drive for an hour an half to work?????wow, that really takes a big bite out of your day.:grumble: :grumble:

    if you drive, can you park farther away from your office?????

    what about long walks over the weekend.........exercise twice a week is better than no exercise at all.

    what about yoga, hand weights, exercise bands, squats, crunches ???????
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    Hi, everyone! Am I late? I just found you guys. :smile:

    In February my son will be 7 years old. Two weeks after he was born I had lost all my water weight (night sweats and swollen feet are gross) and I tipped the scales at my biggest, 230 lbs. Just to give you an idea, I'm 5'4" on a good day. I looked like I had no eyebrows! :laugh:

    I started trying to lose after I stopped breast feeding. I've done a number of things that have worked and lots of things that didn't work and a few things that helped me gain back some weight. Poo on that.

    After nearly divorcing this time last year my husband and I are doing SO much better. Following our marital crisis my husband was hospitalized for emergency surgery, and he was told he needed to lose 250 lbs. He's lost over 100 since March.

    In August, weighing 190, I decided to try and finish this weight loss journey down to a healthy BMI so that one day my PCOS will be better and I can think about having more kids. Since August I've lost 25. I'm back down to my thinnest in ages and I have 35 lbs left until I reach my goal.

    I weigh 165 right now and this is always a place where I plateau so I'm getting SCARED, but I'm still tracking. I understand weight-loss comes in bursts and I'm praying for my next burst so I can keep going. I've started jumping on our trampoline, and I'm going to buy myself a hula hoop and a jump rope.

    I used to do treadmills and ellipticals, but I decided this time I want to exercise in a way that is fun and that involves my son.

    How do I get past the idea that it's all going to start unraveling from this point when intellectually I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm heading in the right direction? How do I not jinx myself? This is always the weight I get down to that I can't get past. I guess I'm just nervous.

    I want so badly to leave the 160s and keep going. I'm tired of being on this rollercoaster, up and down and up and down and back up!

    One day at a time. I know. :happy:

    Thank you all for being here.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member

    How do I get past the idea that it's all going to start unraveling from this point when intellectually I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm heading in the right direction? How do I not jinx myself? This is always the weight I get down to that I can't get past. I guess I'm just nervous.

    I want so badly to leave the 160s and keep going. I'm tired of being on this rollercoaster, up and down and up and down and back up!

    One day at a time. I know. :happy:

    Thank you all for being here.

    :bigsmile: the truth is that taking it one day at a time is a major part of the solution.....staying in the moment is even more important. Don't drift into guilt or remorse about yesterday (or this morning) and don't worry about tomorrow (or later today). Be present in your I am meditating, here I am playing games with my child (or, in my case, my dogs)., today I am eating healthy, today I have been active.......don't sit too long at the computer or anywhere else.....avoid anyone who tries to steal your dream from you (don't listen to anyone who discourages you in any way)
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ChshireKat
    Does walking up and down 8 flights of stairs on a site tour count as exercise?
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Hi! I had meant to check in at least once a week. I joined Oct 31st and here it is Nov 18th! Sometimes life gets in the way. On the brighter side I now weigh 189lbs. and have lost 3.6lbs since joining. I started mfp at 208.5 which is a 19.5lbs. loss. My weight may be coming off slowly but it's coming off! I can't wait to reach the 20lb mark. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

    @ChshireKat---stairs does count as exercise! Remember one day at a time. And if you're doing small things it adds up to big things.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    Does walking up and down 8 flights of stairs on a site tour count as exercise?

    do you have a pedometer????? that's a great way to show that you are a lot more active than you think you are......yes, going up and down stairs counts as exercise :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    ChshireKat – Maybe your are cutting too much from each day. If you are eating 2000 calories a day, try eating 1900. That would give you a pound a month and you should not miss the 100 calories. My worry is the older you get the more likely you will get some of the long term side effects of being overweight so long. What ever you decide, it is your decision.

    Tatauu2 – Welcome. Good luck with starting back with the treadmill.

    Emily – Welcome. You and I have about the same amount to use. Good luck to both of us this month.

    Dadzpeach – Congratulations on loosing 9 pounds. That is awesome.

    Barbie – As usual your advice is sound and applies to so many of us. With me, it was when I turned 55 and my chance of heart attack went up.

    Rodeorider – Good luck in getting into the Navy and meeting your goals. That is so admirable.

    Jen – Welcome. Congratulations on winning the weight loss challenge. Please thank your husband for his service.

    Patas – Welcome! It sounds like you have been through a lot. This is a place were we can all vent. Just take one day at a time and focus on it.

    Nitalynne – Congratulations on 3.6 pounds. That is fantastic.

    I started back exercising this week and have been watching what I eat even though I have actually missed logging this week. I got new batteries for my scale and looking to this week to stay on track.

  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Well at last I have some good news to report - an unscheduled weigh-in this morning and lost 1 lb! :drinker:

    This is after nearly 4 weeks of gains and so much hunger. Soooo glad to see a bit of movement - I was not happy to see the scale creeping up, amazing how even a few lbs can change the way some clothes fit.

    Plus, I was asked out on a date earlier in the week. I declined but at least it was an ego boost :smile: (I'm only 3 months single after 6 yrs :brokenheart: ... just not ready yet)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I've had two embarrassingly bad days with eating ( too much cornbread one night and too much of everything last night) but I'm back on track today and gearing up for better choices on Thanksgiving. We'll be with people with hardly know (the family of one of hubby's very best friends) so I'll have to be on guard for eating to mask how uncomfortable I'm feeling or to fill the time.