How realistic is your goal weight?



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hiya MFPers,

    When I set my goal weight here, I didn't choose the number that I was really hoping to reach (185). I set one that I thought might be tough to reach, but was still doable (190). Now that I'm two-thirds of the way towards that 190, I'm wondering if I should change that goal weight to the 185 that I'm really hoping to reach. I'm sure if I reach 190, I'll adjust it to 185 at that point, but am considering doing it sooner.

    But in the meantime, I'm just curious how realistic or unrealistic people are with setting their goal weights. Did you set it to where you really wanna be, or where you realistically thought you could get?

    Thoughts, anyone?

    Thanks, and happy MFPing! :)

    "Goal Weight" should never be a number, but a Range, like 185 - 190 (185 being your lowest expectation and 190 being your drop dead highest before you do something major.) The Body is such that you can eat per you plan, follow your exercise routine and STILL gain weight if something goes on with you. Even Stress can cause weight gain (on the scale.) And don't mention all the stuff women have going on. So trying to stay at a SPECIFIC weight for more than a few days is unrealistic, and is setting oneself up for frustration and disappointment.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    My goal weight is currently 125-ish, which is right in the middle of the healthy range for my height (5'4"). 25 lbs down, 15 left to go. I think it's very reasonable. It's 5 lbs lighter than I was the day I got married but still 10 higher than what I was when I first met my husband. I'm not trying to get all the way back down to 'dating weight' b/c I fully intend to be in much better shape at 125 than I was last time. If Jillian doesn't kill me first, anyway.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    My weight goal is based on my body fat percentage goal. I calculated it. At 150lbs I was 25% body fat. To get to 20% body fat I'd have to get to about 140 if I didn't lose any muscle at all, but you away do lose a little bit of muscle..... So instead I decided to gain muscle first, then worry about reaching my goal body fat percentage.

    Use this.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    "Goal Weight" should never be a number, but a Range, like 185 - 190 (185 being your lowest expectation and 190 being your drop dead highest before you do something major.) The Body is such that you can eat per you plan, follow your exercise routine and STILL gain weight if something goes on with you. Even Stress can cause weight gain (on the scale.) And don't mention all the stuff women have going on. So trying to stay at a SPECIFIC weight for more than a few days is unrealistic, and is setting oneself up for frustration and disappointment.

    That's the plan for "real life," but I'm talking about the goal weight that people set on this site for the number they're hoping to reach.

    But yes, what you said is exactly what I'm planning on doing: getting past 190, never going over 190 again, but shooting for 185 as my "goal." The 185-190 window is where I'm planning on living.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    My goal was more a BF% than a weight. My goal was 10%BF. When I was at 10%BF my weight was about 145. I am now about 9.5%BF and 150 pounds.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    I set mine for 190 then when I saw how good I was doing I changed it to my real goal weight of 180. Once I get to that I am going to change my workout to more strength and see if I can keep 180.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Well, I'm 40 and 5'1". My goal is 120 ish. Not sure if I'll change it once I get closer. That's still 65 pounds away. I would love to think I can get there. I want so badly to be thin and fit. And to be able to look awesome in a pair of jeans or Daisy Dukes..Hahaha.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    You just have to be flexible about your goal. Mine has changed repeatedly along the way as I have changed. I am 10lbs under my original goal weight now, and am happy enough to stay here, but just be aware that you change along with your body, so you just have to decide what's right for you when you get there.

    ITA with this.
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I want to go lower than my goal, but I think a 40 pound loss is a big enough hurdle. I was actually 7 pounds lighter than that at one time. Once I hit my 'first' goal, I will reevaluate. I think after the 40 pounds my clothes in my closet will fit again! I am hoping!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I chose the higher end of healthy for my height. I'm 5'2" and my goal is 130. I probably could go lower, but I didn't want to get discouraged trying to reach something more difficult.

    If I hit 130 and feel like I could keep going, I might, but I am not changing my goal until I reach this one.

    I don't want to reach a weight that I can't maintain.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I started this at 140 lbs (im 5'3"). my goal weight is the weight I was when I was in high school (120-ish lbs).. playing softball & lacrosse I was able to maintain that then college hit (along with the all nighters, binge drinking, cafeteria junk food, overall laziness & all that other good stuff). but even at that weight I had little pockets of fat everywhere so I decided I'll re-evaluate how lean I want to get when I get back there.
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    my goal weight is 135-140lbs (:
    i set this because it's where i really want to be, HOPEFULLY.
    a more realistic goal for me personally would be more of 150-160lbs.

    but i set it because i'd rather think of where i'd WANT to be rather then where i'm COMFORTABLE :):):)
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    My goal is 120lbs, that means I have 48 lbs to loose. I have been exercising, etc goin on for 3 months now and I don't plan to stop. I've only lost 3-4lbs, but I'm steadily loosing iches.

    When you first look at my goal it may not seem realistic, but I promise it is! It's realistic to me because I KNOW I CAN do it. It could possibly take me a year to loose the weight, I am happy with that!

    I choose not to set goals like they are deadlines because to me that's when goals become non-realistic.:bigsmile:
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    According to my BMI, I am about 12 pounds overweight (5'11 and 191), so I just want to get to a "normal" BMI. After I get there, I will reevaluate, like you, and determine if I want to lose more weight or maintain. Part of it is I just can't imagine myself any thinner than about 175, which was my smallest adult weight. I have no idea what I'd even look like at 160 or less...I guess we'll see! Right now, I'm focusing on getting to 175.
  • myth4ever
    I set mine at 100lbs for numerous reasons....the main one is my health I suffered a back injury that has set me back almost a year now, even though I have been able to maintain a 6 pack at 300lbs when I was able to train like I wanted to. Once I got injured I put on an healthy 60 lbs and it has been a true hurdle to overcome. So being 6'4 300 plus no matter how much muscle I can carry if my body is gonna suffer it isn't worth it. Therefore I figure let's get away from this over 300 neighborhood and chill at a slimmer 240-250 range for a few years....then maybe get to 220 in my late 30's early 40's.... I know that it gets tougher as the years come so I might as well get to work now!

    Another reason is that I have show others that it can be done and provide a blueprint for them to follow!!!!!
  • madisonsteelex
    When I started my weight loss, my goal was 140 because it's the lowest I can remember being in high school, I then realized that I would still be overweight at 140 so I set it to 127 which was in the normal weight range for my height. I am now 135 and recently lowered it to 123 which is exactly a 22.5 BMI. pretty realistic I would say. Only 12 more lbs:)
    But I'm more focused on BF% now than weight. I have a 27% BF so thats 36 lbs of fat on my body, I want a 21% body fat so I have to lose approx. 10 more lbs:)
  • mistylynnfoster
    mistylynnfoster Posts: 14 Member
    I set my goal weight to a weight that I have never been in my adult life... some might say unrealistic, but I have always been overweight, and I don't want to be that anymore!! I am only 5'1", so a healthy weight for me is 120 lbs. That is my ultimate goal. And that is what I set on this site. This is a very long-term plan. Even if I keep losing weight at the same rate as I am now, it will be almost two years before I am there. (And it is likely that progress will slow down between now and then.)

    BUT I also set short-term goals every 8 weeks. I don't put them on MFP; they are just for me. I keep a log elsewhere. This way, I feel good about reaching short-term goals and the HUGE long-term goal doesn't seem so daunting.

    And I do agree that goals change as life goes on. I might get to 150 lbs. and decide that I want to keep whatever meat I have left on my bones. Who knows? I won't know until I get there. :tongue: