5'2" - 5'3" ladies. Starting weight, daily cals & goal?



  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 35 (will be 36 in a month) and am 5'2". I am currently at 126.8 with a goal of 118 (or really to have some defined abs and look good naked). Highest weight was 134 but that was a couple of years ago. Currently, I am not sure that I will be able to get to 118 without impacting my muscle mass. I am an endurance athlete (swimmer, cyclist, and runner) and I have worked super hard to get a athletic body type with defined muscles and I don't want to lose that just to say I weigh a certain amount. I have recently started taking measurements so as long as those are decreasing, my weight can be whatever it ends up being.
  • I started at 220lbs, I am 5ft 2. I have hypothyroidism that was untreated for years. I try to stick to 1200 net calories, so i eat every single one of my exercise calories at that level, however I usually allow myself one day where I eat at a 1lb a week level (1600 net), or even maintenance so that I can still socialise, I don't find this has a bad effect!

    I am now at 192lbs, I exercise pretty much every day, weights 3 times a week and Cardio of somesort at least 6 times a week!
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    5'3" here ... starting weight (my highest weight.. thanks college!) was 140. my current weight is 127. goal weight is 120 (i'll re-analyze when I get there if I want to go any lower to lean out).
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently 156lbs. I started at 165. My goal is 130, but if I can successfully hit that and keep going, I might let it go as low as 120 if it's something I can maintain.

    As far as calories go, I stopped tracking. I worked really hard to eat right and exercise for about 6 weeks this summer. I lost a few pounds, but I was exhausted from it. I fell off the wagon for a couple months and gained some of it back. I tried to figure out why it was so difficult to lose weight.

    Then... I read the side effects on some of my medications. It turns out that some of them were increasing my appetite and making it really hard to lose.

    I also have hypothyroidism, but my thyroid levels are stable at the moment.

    I am losing weight slowly now, but it is a thousand times easier now that I know what was causing some of my problems.
  • tanikarvt
    tanikarvt Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5' 2 1/4". My starting weight was 130#. My goal is 115, after that I may reevaluate and go a bit lower. Currently, I'm at 120#. My daily calories allowed is 1200.

    I do pretty well staying just around 1200. Some days it's hard. I have a difficult time getting my exercising in. This cold weather and getting dark earlier makes me feel blah. I am trying to get better at it though.

    I am pear shaped. I love my chest and butt (unfortunately I think that's where I've lost my weight). My thighs and my tummy fat are what I was wanting to lose, but I know I can't be control where it comes from.

    I'm glad you started this thread. It's encouraging to see how others my height are doing.
    Good luck everyone and great job on how far you've come so far.
  • I'm 5'1 and 132 currently... Lot Of muscle from being an ex gymnast. I'm really looking forward to losing weight by controlling my calories... I am completely satisfied with a little under 1200 calories today and I don't feel deprived at all. Hoping to be 120 by new years! I'm toning it down on work outs because all I do is bulk up... Might try some yoga for lengthening!

    Nice to see other people on here that are in the same boat as me:) I'll post pics soon!
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5'3 and am currently 130 pounds. My highest weight was 159 pounds in 2008. I lost about 25 pound in 18 months, but then got stuck at 135 lbs for another 18th months. I joined fitness pal about 3 months ago and have been able to lose another 5 pounds. My calories are set at 1200. Sometimes I go over, but I try not go over the equivalent of my maintanence calories which is 1560. I bumped out my workouts from once a day to twice a day - I run, bike, do Jillian Michael's workouts, and yoga.

    My goal right now is 124 pounds, but I will reassess when I get there. I want to have a flat belly and I don't think that's gonna happen at 124.

    I pretty much fight every pound like its a battle. Right now I'm fighting my way to 129.
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    Hey there! I'm 5'3 and am currently 130 pounds. My highest weight was 159 pounds in 2008. I lost about 25 pound in 18 months, but then got stuck at 135 lbs for another 18th months. I joined fitness pal about 3 months ago and have been able to lose another 5 pounds. My calories are set at 1200. Sometimes I go over, but I try not go over the equivalent of my maintanence calories which is 1560. I bumped out my workouts from once a day to twice a day - I run, bike, do Jillian Michael's workouts, and yoga.

    My goal right now is 124 pounds, but I will reassess when I get there. I want to have a flat belly and I don't think that's gonna happen at 124.

    I pretty much fight every pound like its a battle. Right now I'm fighting my way to 129. I agree that it seems really easy to gain weight. One bad weekend and I will gain a couple of pounds, but I find if I get right back on the wagon those pounds usually come off again.
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    It's very encouraging to see that most girls my height are on 1200 a day and losing. My weakness is alcohol (I'm not an alchie), even when I drink within my cal limit I find it still causes a gain.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Hi! I'm 30 years old and also 5'2"-5'3".

    At my heaviest I was 154Ib but lost a bit before starting MFP a few years ago.

    Starting weight on MFP: 132 Ib
    Current weight: 121 Ib (which I haven't been since before I was 15 years old!)

    My daily allowance for calories was 1200 but I've upped it to 1300 and have since lost another 2Ib =)

    I usually do some form of cardio 3-4 times a week for about 30-40 minutes. Really need to get into the weights =P

    I have found that eating back my exercise calories and paying attention to my macro's (especially carbs) has really worked for me.

    Good luck!
  • schmorla
    schmorla Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 5'2
    Starting weight : 135lb
    First Goal: 120
    Second Goal: 110

    My daily allowance is 1200 but I usually eat about 1300. Try not to eat back exercise calories because when I did it stalled my weight loss.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm just over 5'2 and started off at the end of July 2011 at 63kg (around 138 lbs). Now I'm at 55 kg (around 121 lbs). I eat an average of about 1500-1600 calories per day, somedays going up to 1900 and make sure never to go below 1200 a day. My goal is to be 51kg or so (112 lbs).

    Can I ask what your exercise regime is like? I too want to be at about 51kg and am thinking if upping my calories to 1400.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi There,
    I'm 5'3
    currently 112.4lb
    I am strict with my food and regular with my exercise.
    If I have a 'big' food day, I cut back the following day.
    It seems to work for me!
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I'm 5'2
    I'm 154 24% BF
    NO goal weight, just goal BF of 19%

    I eat between 1700-2100 cals per day (Average net 1500)
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    I'm 5'3, my start weight was 224, but I'm down to 202. my first goal is 199lbs (so close!) My ultimate goal is 145 for now, since I'm a very curvy girl. It'll prob change to 130 when I get closer, but for some reason getting to 130 seems more overwhelming than 145!

    My current intake is 1550 but I add an extra 300 calories because I'm nursing. Seems to be working really well for me. I had to increase my cal intake a few weeks ago from 1380 because I was on a plateau for 3 weeks. Since then I dropped 6lbs!

    is there a group for short women? that would be fun to start one! someone should do :drinker:
  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    is there a group for short women? that would be fun to start one! someone should do :drinker:

    Check out Vertical Challengers under groups. There are a lot of us short ones out there. :)
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    Anywhere from 110 - 140 is an ideal weight for your height. Looking at these posts, I'd HIGHLY recommend not trying to get below 110. 105 is the ABSOLUTE lowest you should go to stay in a healthy BMI range, but you'd be right on the edge of healthy and unhealthy.

    Unfortunately society is pointing women towards flat stomachs, no body fat, and well below the average BMI body weights. So my suggestion...listen to your body and aim for the weight that feels comfortable to you! I find it discouraging that women are setting their goal weights SO low and encouraging it on message boards. We all want to be thin and beautiful, but encouraging other women of your stature to follow you into unhealthy BMIs isn't cool. Especially on MFP. (I'm not referring to every response here, but I have noticed lately that some women on this site's goal weights are worryingly low!).

    Another thing...a women who weights 140 and is solid muscle is MUCH healthier than a women who weighs 110 and is skin and bone (and probably looks a whole lot better too!) So don't aim for low weights women, aim for healthy lifestyles!
  • badtheory
    badtheory Posts: 13 Member
    hello! i'm 22, university student. i'm 5'2, around 100lb. a little underweight, i know. :( I eat around 1300 cal a day, exercise every day. i use MFP to keep track of my protein/carb/fat intake. i'm celiac and not much of a meat-eater, so i often have problems with vitamin deficiencies, and logging my food really helps to make sure i'm getting enough protein.

    about five years ago, when i first decided to make some changes to my diet/lifestyle, i weighed around 135lb and was totally out of shape, to boot.