How did you get proposed to? <3



  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    We ere laying on my bed he looked over and said wanna get married
    Exactly the same senario except he said "so, are we getting married then?" This was after 9 1/2 years together - been together nearly 17 years now and have two children.

  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    we were in Di Maggios eating pasta and talking about the change in the law to allow "Civil Partnerships" in the UK.
    She said - I suppose we should do it.

    We're divorced and i'm now with the most wonderfully romantic woman. :0)
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    We were necking :blushing: he wrapped his arms around me , breathed me in deeply and said "Oh, I want to marry you!" .. very sweet and romantic
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    You're making me want to get married!! I've been with my boy for only 6 months, but I see us having a great future :)

    I know it hasn't been long but I would love for him to propose sooner rather than later so we can save up and have the perfect fairytale wedding :) although I have high expectations on what a proposal should be like.. And I think he knows this..

    Fingers crossed right?

  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    We were up at his snowmobile camp sitting around a fire - he had been away and brought me back a "novelty" gift.
    It was a wallet that said (blah blah blah's) wife. I was like thanks - cute. We sat around the fire a while longer....finally he was like "aren't you going to look inside the wallet?"... me "what for?"

    The ring was inside :)
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    1) All these great stories are making me wish for a divorce so I can propose all over again!!! Might even be to the same woman! :bigsmile:

    I already owned a diamond ring (never mind where it came from or why I had it). We had been living together for several months and she had two teenagers at home. As part of my work I had to take a week long trip along the coast of California. I took her and the kids with me and we all spent a great week together. Traveling can be stressful, and if we could all survive that together I figured we could survive a lot more as well. When we got back home I showed her the ring and asked her if she'd like to wear it for awhile. That was 26 years ago. About a month after we got back we took a half day off work on a Friday afternoon and got married in the courhouse with her best friend and my father as witnesses. She had the huge wedding the first time, she said it never helped that marriage so why bother doing it again.
    Her 17 yr old son and I got along great and he didn't have a problem with me being younger than his mom. I never tried to replace his dad (he still had visitation). The 13 year old daughter didn't have such a great concept of age, she probably just thought I was another 'adult'. About a month after the wedding for some reason we were discussing age and she found out I was 18 yrs younger than her mom. I actually had to show her my dirver's license. She was shocked and I think pretended to be mad, but only for about 10 minutes. Now she lives about 300 miles away, and for her second husband has married a guy younger than her by about 7 years, and we talk on the phone about 2-3 times a week.

    2) This could apply to anyone....Expecting him to propose and assuming he is going to do it puts a lot of unnecessary stress on a relationship...what if he isn't even remotely thinking about doing it? And why wait for HIM to do it, stop dropping hints, get off your butt, and if you want the two of you to be married YOU could propose to HIM.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    The Cure was going to be in Houston Texas 3 days after my birthday. So my boyfriend (now husband) says to me "Hey! We should get married and then for our honeymoon go to Houston to see The Cure!" LOL.. I said.. OK!

  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Adam and I had been talking about marriage forever--I mean we moved in together after 3 months of dating and we were about two years into our relationship at this point. We wanted to pick out the ring together because we wanted it to be our two birthstones--opal and sapphire. So we picked one out online and had it mailed to the house.

    So we had this small box--still packaged up--sitting on a table for a week. I was going CRAZY! I just wanted to see my ring!

    Adam works third shift so Saturday mornings we spend some time together after I wake up. I woke up at 7 am and sat on the couch next to him--not noticing that the box was moved. Out of nowhere he pulled out the box and asked me to marry him :)

    Less than 7 months to the day!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    My fiance and I have been together for 4 and a half years and will be engaged for 1 year this December 3! (We have a kind of a long engagement which is perfect for us).. our wedding is July 14, 2012! :)

    I knew it was coming, he told me it was, but wouldn't give any hints when. I thought for sure it would happen Thanksgiving of last year and when it didn't happen I cried in the bathroom alone lol .. got my hopes up.
    Then pretty much a week later, he asked me out to dinner... so we went out to dinner (I was like OMG OMG OMG THIS IS IT the whole time haha) but our waitress was SO slow that we were at the restaurant for 2 and a half hours and by the time we got home it was after 10 and I was like, it's not happening tonight. He said he was going to take the dog out (we were living in our old apartment) so I made myself comfy on the bed and just vegged out (food coma haha). I heard him come back in and our dog RAN into the room and jumped on the bed so I went to pet him and then realized the damn ring was HANGING ON A RIBBON ON THE DOG'S COLLAR. I died haha It was the cutest thing ever and our dog was so excited (he def knew something was up!) Dan had come in the room at that point and asked me. The ring fell off the ribbon (the dog was so excited he kept jumping around) but we found it on the bed and he put it on my finger! I was so excited, it was almost 11 and we knew both our parents would be sleeping but we called them anyway haha

    Can't believe its been almost a YEAR already! haha
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    We were at a favorite bar, I got up to put some music on the machine. I came back and there was a glass of champagne with the ring box behind it on the bar. After I said yes a bunch of friends came pouring through the door to celebrate with us. We were together for 10 years, never did get married though.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    Mine is coming.. I know he has the ring... I'm so nervous and I'm trying not to have expectations.. he's not good at this stuff.

    i totally can relate. i was afraid he'd blow the surprise and i'd figure it out. he's not good at being sneaky or planning out anything extravagant. i told him i never dreamed of a perfect wedding, but i did dream of a proposal i could tell people about for years. so ...

    one night we were sitting on the couch watching tv. he gets up and heads to the bedroom saying he'll be right back. i IMMEDIATELY think "he's going to propose!" and then am upset that i figured it out. when he came out of the bedroom he had a weird look on his face but just sat down beside me. meanwhile, i have my laptop on my lap and he leans over and asks me if we can look up fourwheelers on google. i automatically forget about him proposing because i got angry. he had been BEGGING me for years to get a fourwheeler. he knows that if i had the money, i'd buy him whatever he wanted. but we don't have the money, so i had asked him a little while ago if we could stop looking at them, because he knew we couldn't get one and it made me feel bad. So when he asks this, i got really irritated, but typed in the make and model he asked for. This brought up a ton of pictures, and he had me scroll through them, and i'm just irritated and not really looking at them. He says "no, no... those aren't the ones i was thinking of... try this.." and spits out some more makes and models. Again, i didn't say anything but typed it in, not paying attention to him or whatever comes up on the screen... i'm just so irritated!!! He says that the pictures that came up weren't what he was looking for either, so I just said to spit out whatever the heck he is thinking of so i can google search it and get it over with!!!! He goes "try ... will you marry me" .... I start typing, and get to "Will you Ma..." and it hit me!!! I looked over and he got down on one knee and held out the ring!!

    The sneaky little guy figured out the ONLY way that I wouldn't have guessed he was going to propose, by making me mad first!! I have to give him props ... he succeeded in surprising me!! :)
  • leannelately
    leannelately Posts: 31 Member
    Oh man! Friday will be a year ago my boyfriend and I met and I am HOPING beyond hope that he'll propose. Neither of us were the type to fall in love fast but we did with each other. I refused to even talk about buying a house until we were engaged, but an amazing house fell onto our laps and we bought it in August. So needless to say, I am really in a hurry now. Plus, I'm 31 and we want to have kids so we need to start soon.

    I have to admit, I looked through his phone last night to see if he texted my best friend about it or anything. he didn't. And he also keeps saying he wants to do it right and give me a ring I'll love but I'm just hoping that is all a ruse and he does it sooner rather than later.

    I'm trying not to get my hopes up for this weekend only to be disappointed when it doesn't happen.
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    We took a trip to the Boardwalk with my bestie and her bf. We had lunch and split up to go shopping. I was trying on clothes when Grant called me saying that it was fixing to rain and he needed me to come see this waterfall he found. So, after begging him to just give me a few more minutes (haha) he came into the store and was begging me to hurry up and get out of the dressing room. Everyone knew but me. Grant put him arm around me to rush me and we ended up at the waterfall on a bridge. He's like "Oh, this is awesome isn't it?" Yea sweetheart... it's a waterfall pond. My mom has one. lol Then he said "Hey baby, you do love me right?" while reaching into his back pocket and getting the ring out. I said, "Well duh!" and then he got on one knee and said, "Well, I love you more than anything. Please marry me." I FREAKED OUT! You should see the pictures his friend took of us. I jumped back at least 3 feet then tackled him. I didn't give him an answer because I didn't have too. Yea... It was perfect for me. He got the ring I had picked out but said I didn't like because of a few things... so he found a guy and got it handmade! My hubbie is awesome!!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    My husband proposed to me on a cruise - in front of the entire ship on bon voyage night - cruise director was involved, had it set up perfect. She "picked him out of the crowd" to dance with her on stage, I thought it was legit that she picked him at random until she made me come up on stage, too. He got down on his knee, the crowd collectively "awwwww'd" and I said yes. We spent a week being congratulated by total strangers, and it's all on DVD bc the cruiseline filmed it. :love:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My cousin came to Oregon for his honeymoon. He and his new wife had a room at Timberline Lodge. It was February and snowing like h*ll, so he couldn't get down the mountain. Jan and I went up to meet him. Ended up staying the night in their room. It was me and Jan's second date.

    After dinner, I suggested to Jan that we go down to my VW Camper Van and give the newlyweds some time alone. Got in the van, popped the top, got the heater going, pulled out a bottle of champagne. After a couple glasses of champagne and a little osculatory interlude, I slipped off the seat to the floor of the van, dropped to one knee and proposed.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    i took him to the store to "pick up a few things" and we signed up for a wedding registry.

    3 months later we were married. i kid you not.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    2 days after christmas we went for a walk in the snow at night time, i fell down and when he puled me back up he put the ring on my finger. i knew it was coming .

    we are now divorced
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    After a nice dinner of sushi and hot sake, we held hands and walked around downtown. I stopped as we were crossing the bridge to look out at the water, and I noticed that he wasn't beside me. I turned around, and he was on one knee with one hand extended forward holding my ring. It was so sweet, he was nearly crying as he asked. Of course I said yes!
  • brandeejean
    brandeejean Posts: 25 Member
    My husband and I dated for 5 years (college and beyond) before we got married. I was expecting a Christmas proposal because that is what we had discussed. I came home from work on my birthday (in July) to find music and candles and roses and he dropped to one knee and proposed ...and I laughed. He didn't have a ring because the jeweler didn't have the stone set in time but he still wanted to follow through with the plan...I thought he was joking. After he got me to focus and realize it was real I of course said yes. We've been married over 12 years. I still hear about how he tried to be romantic and I laughed at him!
  • brandeejean
    brandeejean Posts: 25 Member
    My husband and I dated for 5 years (college and beyond) before we got married. I was expecting a Christmas proposal because that is what we had discussed. I came home from work on my birthday (in July) to find music and candles and roses and he dropped to one knee and proposed ...and I laughed. He didn't have a ring because the jeweler didn't have the stone set in time but he still wanted to follow through with the plan...I thought he was joking. After he got me to focus and realize it was real I of course said yes. We've been married over 12 years. I still hear about how he tried to be romantic and I laughed at him!