male physique and your perception?



  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    What if that aesthetically pleasing male approaches you, and through simple conversation you're overwhelmed with his sense of culture, refined vernacular, and cunning magnanimosity?
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    What if that aesthetically pleasing male approaches you, and through simple conversation you're overwhelmed with his sense of culture, refined vernacular, and cunning magnanimosity?

    Then he gets a phone number
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    What if that aesthetically pleasing male approaches you, and through simple conversation you're overwhelmed with his sense of culture, refined vernacular, and cunning magnanimosity?

    Then he gets a phone number

    Ah, I love a story with a happy ending. :)
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I like a guy who looks nice has some tone but is content to go rugged sometimes but has to have a loving, humorous personality to go with the looks. Also if I like you it doesn't matter your weight because woman are more attracted to the way the guy makes her feel then the way he looks.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    If I saw a guy at the gym that was extremely fit, yes I'd assume he's getting a lot of girls which would most likely mean I'd never talk to him because I'd never have a shot.

    Example, two of the trainers at my gym are extremely fit and good looking. I do think they get a lot of girls. I don't know much about their personality other than yelling "COME ON GUYS! 5 MORE SECONDS!" lol but I don't see why they wouldn't have girls around them all the time.

    True, they could be complete douche's outside of the gym but that's not what first goes through my mind when I see them.
    thanks, this is more of what i was looking for.
    i used arms as an example because it is the easier seen part of the body
    you'll never see a man's built quads at the gym , unless he was posing
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I've heard personality is more attractive than big arms. I am currently working on both so I'll have the 1-2 combo smiley-sport017.gif[/url]
  • The ability to "get a lot of girls" is not something I consider to be an attractive quality.
    I notice if a man is fit and has a nice body. Because I appreciate the work and discipline that goes into it.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I've heard personality is more attractive than big arms. I am currently working on both so I'll have the 1-2 combo smiley-sport017.gif[/url]

    Wins thread.
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    The important thing to remember is that attitude is a million times more important than muscle definition. I couldn't care less if a man has obvious muscles or not, but I wouldn't look twice at a man who acts like he loves himself.

    Hope you meant "ONLY loves himself" - I don't think I would be worthy of being with my wife if I didn't love myself too. You can't really accept the love of others without loving yourself, and I don't believe you can give love without it either (sex, yes - love, no).
  • What if that aesthetically pleasing male approaches you, and through simple conversation you're overwhelmed with his sense of culture, refined vernacular, and cunning magnanimosity?

    Then I'd thank him for his interest and tell him that I am very happily married. ;) LOL
  • callherbeautyxo
    callherbeautyxo Posts: 124 Member
    i assume they get girls and they are cocky about it too
  • I feel sorry for guys whose only or at least main reason to work out is to "pick up chicks", there are so many more rewarding reasons to get fit which aren't as superficial. My advice to those guys would be to read more and work on developing a sense of humor.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Girls (and guys?) If you see a guy that has big arms and you can tell he worksout do you presume he gets lots of girls and has no problem with the ladies? I ask this because from my perspective it is true.

    I'd like to LOOK like that guy but act like the guy that was a normal joe. I act like a normal joe but am currently working on the physical part. I've never thought of myself as the ripped dude in the gym or the good looking dude.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Definitely not! I seriously think we are all deluded to think that either a man or a woman would be attracted to the opposite sex simply because of their physique. It might even work in the opposite way if a woman relates muscle to beefcakes!! :laugh:

    I think the initial 'look' might get some pheromones moving, in a purely animal attraction way, but we all want more than that out of a relationship so there needs to be some back up in the brain department :bigsmile:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I can't deny I :heart: the look of Broad strong shoulders, Big guns and a Hard chest :tongue: . However, when I glance down and his calfs (sp) look like I cant wrap one hand around them.... :huh: . Looks like a Lollipop. :laugh:

    Also, i'm not one that requires a man to have a great looking face. A good heart and caring person, with a great physique is my Total Package. :wink:

    I'm curious.

    Why do some men, NOT workout their legs to match the top? Don't they notice or am I missing something? Maybe this should be another topic.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member

    I'm curious.

    Why do some men, NOT workout their legs to match the top? Don't they notice or am I missing something? Maybe this should be another topic.

    Because 70% of the male gym population don't truly understand what they're doing, and how muscle growth works. So they work out the 'disco' muscles like arms and abs because they believe it's the most aesthetic look.
    But what they don't understand is, skinny legs on a big top half looks stupid, and, legs being the biggest muscle group, release more growth hormones when they're worked on.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    What if that aesthetically pleasing male approaches you, and through simple conversation you're overwhelmed with his sense of culture, refined vernacular, and cunning magnanimosity?

    Then he gets a phone number

    Ah, I love a story with a happy ending. :)

    Isn't 'refined vernacular' an oxymoron? :laugh: Oh, and I just like 'em bigger than me, so I feel dainty. A bit of beef, but not necessarily muscle, and certainly not 'ripped'. Eugh. Unattractive and would make me feel inadequate.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    I'm curious.

    Why do some men, NOT workout their legs to match the top? Don't they notice or am I missing something? Maybe this should be another topic.

    Because 70% of the male gym population don't truly understand what they're doing, and how muscle growth works. So they work out the 'disco' muscles like arms and abs because they believe it's the most aesthetic look.
    But what they don't understand is, skinny legs on a big top half looks stupid, and, legs being the biggest muscle growth, release more growth hormones when they're worked on.

    Thank you for the response.

    I wish those guys would research more... :laugh:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Girls (and guys?) If you see a guy that has big arms and you can tell he worksout do you presume he gets lots of girls and has no problem with the ladies? I ask this because from my perspective it is true.

    No, but I'm going to read some of the replies in here and see what the consensus is. Since we're on a fitness site the results could be skewed a bit, but nonetheless it will be interesting to see what people write.

    I say no because I don't think women are nearly as visually stimulated, and additionally (and more importantly) I think men really over-think the importance of physique.

    Just don't smell too bad, try to make yourself look presentable, and shut your mouth and listen to them and that goes a lot futher than biceps.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Girls (and guys?) If you see a guy that has big arms and you can tell he worksout do you presume he gets lots of girls and has no problem with the ladies? I ask this because from my perspective it is true.

    No, but I'm going to read some of the replies in here and see what the consensus is. Since we're on a fitness site the results could be skewed a bit, but nonetheless it will be interesting to see what people write.

    I say no because I don't think women are nearly as visually stimulated, and additionally (and more importantly) I think men really over-think the importance of physique.

    Just don't smell too bad, try to make yourself look presentable, and shut your mouth and listen to them and that goes a lot futher than biceps.

    I think this is possibly the case as you get older? But certainly in your 20's there is a lot of pressure on looks.