Here Comes Summer - Week 6

Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
Hey gals, I only managed to remeber posting the new post on the 1st ay of the week for a change WOO-HOO !!!!! :drinker: :laugh: :bigsmile:

I overate at the weekend, and put 2 of the 3 lbs I'd lost back on, but I am determined to LOSe those 2 lbs plus some over the next few weeks! I can't beleive how close June is now - 6 weeks!!!!! :noway:
That stubborn 20lbs is really sticking to me at mo! Ah well, either way, I'm lighter and more toned than I was this time last year :drinker: I've even had the courage to buy a swim suit Woo-Hoo (now whether I muster the courage to wear it is another matter).

How is everyone getting on? didn't have many weigh-ins last wekk, but assume peeps are busy - no biggie, seems we are all here more for support anyways :happy:

I'm using my home gym today - had to move those planters - really taking up space - more like day of the triffids out there now LOL.

Take care, and love to all xxx
:heart: Jackie


  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hey gals, I only managed to remeber posting the new post on the 1st ay of the week for a change WOO-HOO !!!!! :drinker: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    I overate at the weekend, and put 2 of the 3 lbs I'd lost back on, but I am determined to LOSe those 2 lbs plus some over the next few weeks! I can't beleive how close June is now - 6 weeks!!!!! :noway:
    That stubborn 20lbs is really sticking to me at mo! Ah well, either way, I'm lighter and more toned than I was this time last year :drinker: I've even had the courage to buy a swim suit Woo-Hoo (now whether I muster the courage to wear it is another matter).

    How is everyone getting on? didn't have many weigh-ins last wekk, but assume peeps are busy - no biggie, seems we are all here more for support anyways :happy:

    I'm using my home gym today - had to move those planters - really taking up space - more like day of the triffids out there now LOL.

    Take care, and love to all xxx
    :heart: Jackie
  • mlck2323
    mlck2323 Posts: 87
    Hi Here Comes Summer group...

    May I join? What do we do?

    I am 21 and recently had my 4th knee surgery (Dec), so I am up to bike and elliptical but miss my running a lot (and running body!!).

    I want in!

  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hey mick of course you can join!!!!!!! We just weigh in once a week and then we are here to give support and motivation!! We lots of fun here so welcome. Oh what a bummer on your knees!!! oooooofff yikes. welcome welcome@

    jackie glad you seem to be cheerful this mornig!!!!:happy: Kathyyyyyyyyyyyy where are ya gal?? haven't seen allll weekend hahahaaha

    gotta run
  • mlck2323
    mlck2323 Posts: 87
    thanks!! which days are weigh-ins?
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Official weigh in day is Sunday :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to the group :drinker:

    Jenny - I'm with you, WHERE IS KATHY??? Has she gone to meet Katherine from Ireland ????? :laugh:

    :heart: Jackie
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Official weigh in day is Sunday :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to the group :drinker:

    Jenny - I'm with you, WHERE IS KATHY??? Has she gone to meet Katherine from Ireland ????? :laugh:

    :heart: Jackie

    :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm Home!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Glad to be back.. i could have come home a day earlier tbh... so much to rant about but im not... either way i had a lovely time and im not going to complain! weather was glorious and food was good!!
    havent put weight on.. i have maybe lost some - still feeling toned! :smile:

    I certainly didn't see Kathy out there! Ooops!

    Glad to hear you are all ok? Did i miss out on much?

    Welcome Mick - you will find a lot of support here!! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Katherine
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    WELCOME BACK KATHERINE :drinker: :laugh: :bigsmile: :love:
    Sounds like you had a mixed trip - glad the weather & food were though :drinker:
    If you need to rant, go aheaad hun, we won't stop you, might make you feel better too :flowerforyou: (It certainly helped me the other day - thanks for listening guys :wink: )

    I've just done an hour's worth of gardening and burnt up 379 calories - ready for the scrap heap now - I'm exhausted LOL :laugh: gonna sit down, put my feet up, read a book and have a nice cup of lemon tea :tongue:

    :heart: Jackie
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi all,

    I haven't had time to read the post. I've been busy with life :bigsmile:

    I will catch up with you all later to day.

    Welcome :flowerforyou: mick

    My week end was another success.

    :heart: Kathy
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi all,

    I haven't had time to read the post. I've been busy with life :bigsmile:

    I will catch up with you all later to day.

    Welcome :flowerforyou: mick

    My week end was another success.

    :heart: Kathy

    Hey Kathy nice to have you back :happy: have a they do those of MFP too???????? If so, I WANT ONE :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Well done on yet another successful weekend :drinker:
    :heart: Jackie
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    WHERE IS EVERY BODY ???? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    It's lovely and sunny in Brighton (UK) this morning, I took a long walk to the shops and back again this morning, took me 3 hours and I burnt 800 calories :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi All you summer slenders

    Jackie:flowerforyou: I'm just opening my eyes in Massachusetts (US). So glad you are doing well. Great Job on 800 calories burned. Walking is good for the soul. :drinker:

    It is starting out cloudy here but the weather man is predicting sunshine and clouds in the 50's. Not bad for April.

    We must be having a lull on our thread. I've been busy and really had no time to get on the computer for a long period of time. Sorry.

    Katherine,:flowerforyou: I'm so glad you are back and had a great time. No weight gain great job. You must be tired. Nice to have you back.

    Welcome Mick :flowerforyou: Sorry for the long response. You will like this group ladies.

    Jenny :flowerforyou: where are you. Are you cleaning your little bitty house???? Or, are you working your little bitty butt off. :laugh: :laugh: Hope all is well.

    Well, I have been off work this week and have been very busy. Of course I managed to get to the gym daily. That is a must. So, I'm off again. I will pick up the house and get to the gym this morning. I am determined to keep these pounds that I have lost off for good. Boy, its a tough one.

    Not sure what the afternoon is going to bring.

    Hope all have a great day. I'll try to check in later when I input my calories.

    :heart: Kathy
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hey gals! Sorry i have been super busy working outside! We cut some trees down and it made a huge mess of my back yard which I had just got all nicely raked in to I have to rake a bit again plus all those nasty sticks! That stuff plus (looking all giddy) my hubby came home and surprised me yesterday and we got to go and pick out our front deck that I have been patiently waiting 2 years for....lets just say that 2 milk crates are our front steps at the moment....oh it pretty 'classy' hahahaha. So we were gone all day! Unfortunately we went out to eat twice, it is hard to log in those meals someimes so I just write in the bottom of the notes....I did burn like over 700 cals doing the yard work though so I think that I was fine....*shrugs* if not oh well I don't do it all the time and it was fun!

    I will try to be on more today!!! We don't wannt a lull on the thread!!! Hi to one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have to now go and work on my itty bitty yard!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good afternoon everyone... so after the weekend im having a bit of a slacked week... im Ill with a cold and it sucks at the mo cause i havent been able to get down the gym... its killing me!!! im not sure if im well enough to go today - but lets put it this way... 310cals on mini caramel shortcake bites and 234 on a choc chip muffin is not cool 544 cals on crap.... Gahhhh and im not even finished... there is a huge f***in doughnut opposite my desk that i wanna eat soooo badly...... Im having one of those days where i couldnt give a cr*p... is so unlike me to be like this so i am sorry for what im saying but i feel so meah right now.... :sick:

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :explode: :explode: :explode: i just need to go to the gym.... BAHHHHHHH :mad: :mad: :mad: :explode: :explode: :explode:
    Just annoyed...

    I hope you are all ok?

    Much love x x x x x
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi Katherine
    Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
    Just put it down to experience and get back on track as soon as you get over your cold hun :flowerforyou:
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to join this group. My name is Tanya and I am new to myfitnesspal. I have about 20 pounds to loose and am hoping with support, motivation and the food journal I can make that happen.


  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Welcome:flowerforyou: tanya, The food journal is your best tool to start. Keep logging in what you eat. That way you will see all the things you really don't need to lose weight. OK, OK, you might mess up here and there but, give it time. Don't make it complicated just keep at it. You will succeed.

    Glad to have you in the group.

    :heart: Kathy
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi Katherine
    Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
    Just put it down to experience and get back on track as soon as you get over your cold hun :flowerforyou:

    Good morning Jackie :heart:

    Omg... Im very sorry for my little outburst... i think i was just comming to the end of my tether (if thats spelt right)? Just feeling rubbish!

    I went to the gym last night and burnt 650cals... Whoopiie.. so i dont feel as bad about the bad food i ate.. still shouldnt have done it!

    Anywhoo... i hope you are all having lovely weeks? The weather has been fabulous here!! And with half a day off work im not complaining! :laugh:

    Welcome Tanya... this is a great group for support and motivation! I hope you have a fantastic journey with MFP! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Always, Katherine -x-
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning all,

    It is a beautiful day here also. The sun is shinning, no clouds and I thinks its 50 degrees all ready at 8:30 am. Yea. I must get to the gym early so I can enjoy this beautiful day.

    I hope all have a great day.

    :heart: Kathy
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Welcome Tanya :flowerforyou: Glad to have you with us :drinker:
    It's really hot here in the UK today - 63 degrees :tongue:
    I've been out clothes shopping - all my clothes were :tongue: ar too :tongue: baggy, so I went shopping for a size 18 (YAY!!!) My 20+ clothes are going to charity tomorrow :drinker:
    Also had to buy new clothes for my 11 year old, he's going to Wales with the school in 7 weeks - boy am I going to miss him :ohwell:
    Had a bit of trouble with my 18 yr old over the past 2 days, so much so that I kicked him out yesterday afternoon, then I got a phone call from the police to say he was really sorry and wanted to come home - we had a long talk last night, and he moved back in :happy: I missed him, it was only 4 hours, but it was the worst 4 hours of my life!
    I might one day learn to let go of my boys :laugh:

    Ah well, about to go out with the family, got a family weekend this weekend, so don't be surprised if I'm not about, I'll be back by Monday with bells on :laugh:

    Keep it real this weekend ladies - we can do this, only 5 weeks to June :noway:
    Might have to start another thread once the 5 weeks are up - cos I'm gonna miss you guys :love:

    BTW, I'm 208lbs today, so I'm trying extra hard this weekend to keep on track, going for a long walk on the downs tomorrow and car bootie on Sunday - also walking miles, just hope al lthe fresh air doesn't make me too hungry :grumble:

    :heart: Jackie
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Ooooooohhhhhh!!!! I just been told by hubby that we're going bowling with our boys tomorrow too :tongue:
    That'll help burn a few calories:wink::laugh: :bigsmile: