can a person lose 23lbs in 5weeks?

I've been dieting for 9 days only and i lose 3lbs., slowly I avoid eating rice and meat, most of the time i eat banana and other fruits high in fiber, lots of water and 1hr.exercise everyday. But I noticed last night i have difficulty in sleeping, I was thinking if my diet has something to do with it because I totally avoid eating rice and meat for 4days straight already so today decided to have 3/4 cup of rice, 1 fried egg (white portion only), 4pcs.cocktail hotdog and a cup of 3 in 1 coffee.

Now i weigh 120lbs., based on my calorie counter i'm allowed to eat 1200 calories per day but i only consume 850 calories per day then i usually burn 700 calories a day.. What do you think about my daily diet routine? Is it possible for me to lose 5kg in 5weeks?

Can you give me some suggestions to help on this.. ;)


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Sorry but you are definitely not consuming enough if you are going to be burning almost all of the calories you have consumed.... Your food choices definitely does not sound good at all from what you have described either...
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    I lost 30 in about 3 months. 150 size 16 down to 114 size 7/8. Hard work and dilligent eating habbits.
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    EAT MORE!!!
    You should net over 1200cal a day, that means if you are burning 700cal with exercise, you should consumer 1900cal..
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I've lost 16 lbs in 6 weeks... averaging at just over 1kg a week... and honestly, even that is pushing it IMHO. You might be different, but I thought I'd post anyway.
  • mhowell55
    mhowell55 Posts: 2 Member
    recommended minimum for women is 1200 a day, otherwise body starts going in starvation mode, so anything you eat, esp a sugary banana will get stored as fat . bottom line the minute you stop doing what you are doing, your body is going to go crazy trying to put itself back together.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    You are not eating enough. Also, you don't need to avoid rice and meat! Meat is good for you, maybe just try a lean selection of your favorite kinds. With rice maybe try switching to brown rice or going half white half brown (this is what I do). You should NET at least 1200cals a day. This means if you eat 1200 cals, and burn 300 cals with exercise, you should try to eat another 200-300cals.
  • Are you trying to lose 23 lbs in 5 weeks or 5 kg ... there is a big difference... and no you cant do it health.
    I've been dieting for 9 days only and i lose 3lbs., slowly I avoid eating rice and meat, most of the time i eat banana and other fruits high in fiber, lots of water and 1hr.exercise everyday. But I noticed last night i have difficulty in sleeping, I was thinking if my diet has something to do with it because I totally avoid eating rice and meat for 4days straight already so today decided to have 3/4 cup of rice, 1 fried egg (white portion only), 4pcs.cocktail hotdog and a cup of 3 in 1 coffee.

    Now i weigh 120lbs., based on my calorie counter i'm allowed to eat 1200 calories per day but i only consume 850 calories per day then i usually burn 700 calories a day.. What do you think about my daily diet routine? Is it possible for me to lose 5kg in 5weeks?

    Can you give me some suggestions to help on this.. ;)
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    EAT MORE!!!
    You should net over 1200cal a day, that means if you are burning 700cal with exercise, you should consumer 1900cal..
    i'm 23 years old.. about 120 lbs myself.. 5' 3.5" and eat about 2000 calories a day and workout 3-4 times a week and i'm still losing weight.
    i'm sorry, but it seems like you have drastically slowed your metabolism.. eating 800 calories is very unhealthy! "/

    i don't mean to be rude, but why do you want to lose 23 lbs when you already only weigh 120 lbs ?!
    or did i not understand?
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    It depends on your body. Some people can lose that way. It made me gain when I did that. I have to keep calories low till I get to about 117 then I can go up to 1200 cals. Eat lots of veggies and limit the sugar is how I did it. OH AND WATCH THE SAUCES!!! It can be a major calorie buster. A friend of mine found with her body that carbs were the culprite. Certain foods you can eat allot of and not have to worry about gaining, like broccoli and cauliflower. If what your doing is working for you and you don't feel sick that's great. Oh and are you working out late. That can rev you up bad. Doing relaxing stretches before bed and not drinking coffee /caffiene after 3 helps.
  • What you are doing with your diet is starving your brain of vital nutrients and your body also. You are putting your body into starvation mode...........which means it will hold onto every pound it can to keep you alive. In order to lose weight the healthy way, you must feed yourself. Follow the guidelines laid down by my fitness pal. It is a much healthier way to go.:noway:
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    What you are doing with your diet is starving your brain of vital nutrients and your body also. You are putting your body into starvation mode...........which means it will hold onto every pound it can to keep you alive. In order to lose weight the healthy way, you must feed yourself. Follow the guidelines laid down by my fitness pal. It is a much healthier way to go.:noway:
    ^thank you.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I'm sure you *can.* The question is whether or not you *should*.

    That does not sound especially healthy to me. Are you more concerned with losing weight quickly, just to be skinny, or are you more concerned with losing weight to be healthy? Slower weight loss is much healthier than fast weight loss. And losing only fat is much healthier than losing both fat and muscle. On a diet of fruit alone, I really doubt that you are getting enough protein to prevent muscle loss. And an extremely low calorie intake may actually slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight in the long run. If you want your weight loss to be healthy and sustainable, you should aim for no more than 1-2 lb per week, and make sure to eat enough protein to sustain your muscles so that you only lose fat.

    Good luck to you!
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    If you are feeling tired, your hair is getting ratty, finger nails aren't growing as fast as they used to, your TOM is shorter, lighter or gone then your body is trying to tell you something. EAT MORE.
  • U have to eat meat and rice, or sum other kind of carb, ur body need the protein to build muscle (which burns fat), and needs the carb for energy and to burn while exercising. Just fruits and veggies won't cut it. it's all about the right balance, and doing it in moderation. If u starve urself to get thin, ur body will start to store fat instead of burning it, and then once you start to half way eat normal, u will pack on the pounds like crazy. If your having trouble, talk to a nutritionist.
  • A person can lose 23lbs in five weeks I actually lost 25lbs in 28days but if you only weigh 120 lbs to begin with no you wouldnt be able to lose that much when people are heavy they lose weight faster because they have more to lose so it drops so much faster in the begining for a person that is heavy. At 120 lbs why would you need to lose 23 lbs
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    It's not always eat more if it's not healthy. Veggies and protein are extremely important. Daily vitamin as well. You could eat lots of veggies or you could eat 3 candybars and meat your daily goal. Is it healthy? What is the value in the food your eating. Your body is a gift so we should treat it as such. Everybody is different and no ones nutritional needs are ever the same. Some people I know eat lots and never workout and never gain. It's also genetics.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    U have to eat meat and rice, or sum other kind of carb, ur body need the protein to build muscle (which burns fat), and needs the carb for energy and to burn while exercising. Just fruits and veggies won't cut it. it's all about the right balance, and doing it in moderation. If u starve urself to get thin, ur body will start to store fat instead of burning it, and then once you start to half way eat normal, u will pack on the pounds like crazy. If your having trouble, talk to a nutritionist.
  • Birdetta
    Birdetta Posts: 6 Member
    Ya some people can loose a lot of weight fast I did, lost about 26 pounds in a month or so. I went from being able to lift up my 125 pound freind and carry her upstairs and into the car, to not able to, lost about half my hair and had to take naps all the time, couldn't hardly sleep at night though. If you don't like how strong you are it might work for you. I don't think you can eat that little and not lose muscle though. It realy Zaped my energy also, I had been able to ride bike about 14 miles, after loosing it could hardly make it 3 miles before I needed a nap.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Its possible - lost 25 lbs in about that time a long time ago... you could also do water fasting and you'll lose that weight in TWO WEEKS.... but as soon as you begin eating you'll gain it all back and more...