Day 1 of HCG



  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    .........already overly emotional, I see.

    I don't think she needs anymore hormones floating around in her body.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    .........already overly emotional, I see.

    I don't think she needs anymore hormones floating around in her body.

    its okay she is taking hormone free hormones
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    It really makes me want to spit nickles to see this stuff promoted on a site that is supposed to be about fitness, and which, in its own diary implores folks to take in more than 1200 calories.

    Given that you're on a fitness site, that these threads start every day, mulitple times per day, that it is a fad diet, that the search button could easily be used, that the majority of people are here to support each other with healthful, sustainable diet and exercise changes, that most people here are willing to do the sustained hard work that lasting, healthful weight loss requires, and that good lord if you're so sure about it why the heck are you starting a thread announcing it, I wouldn't really expect a positive response.

    Personally, I think these threads should be banned as should the threads from anorexics, bulimics, and adolescents who hate their families and want to pout in their corners because its all about Marsha Marsha Marsha! It just seems a lot more responsible not to allow those threads, but I didn't start the fitness site, so I'll abide.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    It really makes me want to spit nickles to see this stuff promoted on a site that is supposed to be about fitness, and which, in its own diary implores folks to take in more than 1200 calories.

    Given that you're on a fitness site, that these threads start every day, mulitple times per day, that it is a fad diet, that the search button could easily be used, that the majority of people are here to support each other with healthful, sustainable diet and exercise changes, that most people here are willing to do the sustained hard work that lasting, healthful weight loss requires, and that good lord if you're so sure about it why the heck are you starting a thread announcing it, I wouldn't really expect a positive response.

    Personally, I think these threads should be banned as should the threads from anorexics, bulimics, and adolescents who hate their families and want to pout in their corners because its all about Marsha Marsha Marsha! It just seems a lot more responsible not to allow those threads, but I didn't start the fitness site, so I'll abide.

    This! I have said it before and I will say it again....

    This is called My FITNESS Pal, not my diet pal.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I love the taste of pregnant women pee in the morning!!! :-D Kidding. Hey if it works for you, more power to ya! I mean that. I'm not a fan of it. I think it's not the safest method. Make sure you are getting checked out by your Dr. frequently.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    It really makes me want to spit nickles to see this stuff promoted on a site that is supposed to be about fitness, and which, in its own diary implores folks to take in more than 1200 calories.

    Given that you're on a fitness site, that these threads start every day, mulitple times per day, that it is a fad diet, that the search button could easily be used, that the majority of people are here to support each other with healthful, sustainable diet and exercise changes, that most people here are willing to do the sustained hard work that lasting, healthful weight loss requires, and that good lord if you're so sure about it why the heck are you starting a thread announcing it, I wouldn't really expect a positive response.

    Personally, I think these threads should be banned as should the threads from anorexics, bulimics, and adolescents who hate their families and want to pout in their corners because its all about Marsha Marsha Marsha! It just seems a lot more responsible not to allow those threads, but I didn't start the fitness site, so I'll abide.

    yes don't you hate people that come on with whiney posts
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    i don't know $hiiit about HCG, just what I've read on the forums.

    but phase 1 you say " you gorge yourself with high fatty, crap foods like mcdonalds and burger king? how does that make any sense?

    I'm no doc or expert, but I can't understand how that works or is supposed to work.

    I had a friend who did something similar to HCG. lost 80 lbs...then the next time I saw her...put on 80-100 lbs.

    not bashing...just saying...

    but's your life and your body. so fill your boots.
  • Tinat1968
    Tinat1968 Posts: 5 Member
    question. do you go straight from eating 500 cals a day right to say 1200 or so?
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    To those of you who are on the HCG diet, I would suggest that you get off the plan and get your calories back up to at least 1,200 a day as soon as possible. Even though the HCG diet is getting a lot of press these days, there is no medical evidence to back up it's claims, and most weight loss experts recommend that you eat at least 1,200 calories a day, and more if you are exercising.

    Eating only 500 calories a day will cause your body to be very malnourished in a short time. HCG does NOT work as advertised and does NOTHING to help with weight loss or make it safe to eat so little. People on a fast stop being hungry after a few days too -- that has NOTHING to do with HCG, but it's how your body tries to protect itself as well as possible in time of famine. But being in starvation mode will cause your metabolism to slow down -- which is the opposite of what you want if you are trying to lose weight. Yes, you may lose for a while when you are only eating 500 calories a day, but when you have to eat in a normal calorie range again, the weight will come right back.

    The articles below have numerous links about research that's been done on the HCG diet program by doctors and scientists around the world.

    Good luck with your weight loss, but I don't think the HCG diet will get you where you want to go.
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, my husband and I both started the HCG fusion drops in April he has lost 97 lbs. and I have lost 78 lbs. and continue to loose. We stick to the original diet in "Pounds and Inches". The first few days of the very low cal diet are hard but it does get easier. By the end of my cycle I am usually not even hungry I just eat because I have to. Do not pay attention to all of the negativity that some people are posting. The HCG diet is proven to be effective and has worked for numerous people I know who have kept the weight off even after the diet. If u need any support just contact me. I am a pro at this... currently on my 4th cycle. :)
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    To those of you who are on the HCG diet, I would suggest that you get off the plan and get your calories back up to at least 1,200 a day as soon as possible. Even though the HCG diet is getting a lot of press these days, there is no medical evidence to back up it's claims, and most weight loss experts recommend that you eat at least 1,200 calories a day, and more if you are exercising.

    Eating only 500 calories a day will cause your body to be very malnourished in a short time. HCG does NOT work as advertised and does NOTHING to help with weight loss or make it safe to eat so little. People on a fast stop being hungry after a few days too -- that has NOTHING to do with HCG, but it's how your body tries to protect itself as well as possible in time of famine. But being in starvation mode will cause your metabolism to slow down -- which is the opposite of what you want if you are trying to lose weight. Yes, you may lose for a while when you are only eating 500 calories a day, but when you have to eat in a normal calorie range again, the weight will come right back.

    The articles below have numerous links about research that's been done on the HCG diet program by doctors and scientists around the world.

    Good luck with your weight loss, but I don't think the HCG diet will get you where you want to go.

    The proof is in the results... I am down 78 pounds since April.... my husband is down 97 pounds since April.... my mother-in-law who is 57 and has hypothyroidism has lost 55 lbs... I could go on and on about ACTUAL results that I have seen with my own 2 eyes. During our maintenance phase when we go up to 1500 cals we are not gaining...if the body was in starvation mode we would be gaining with the extra calories.
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    It really makes me want to spit nickles to see this stuff promoted on a site that is supposed to be about fitness, and which, in its own diary implores folks to take in more than 1200 calories.

    Given that you're on a fitness site, that these threads start every day, mulitple times per day, that it is a fad diet, that the search button could easily be used, that the majority of people are here to support each other with healthful, sustainable diet and exercise changes, that most people here are willing to do the sustained hard work that lasting, healthful weight loss requires, and that good lord if you're so sure about it why the heck are you starting a thread announcing it, I wouldn't really expect a positive response.

    Personally, I think these threads should be banned as should the threads from anorexics, bulimics, and adolescents who hate their families and want to pout in their corners because its all about Marsha Marsha Marsha! It just seems a lot more responsible not to allow those threads, but I didn't start the fitness site, so I'll abide.

    wow so people on a different diet than you do not deserve support as well? isn't that a tad bit ridiculous? I think a support forum should be..... supportive. If you don't have anything nice to say...
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    How can I start this diet? Sounds awesome.
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    How can I start this diet? Sounds awesome.
    go to for all of the infor you need :) good luck!
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    Ignore the bashers. Congrats on your weight lost!
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    Ignore the bashers. Congrats on your weight lost!
    Thank you. It just annoys me how people bash what they do not understand lol
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Why don't you see if it works for you and stays off before you start defending it with marketing terminology? My dad and brother-in-law did it and they were evil and cranky and today look like balloons with air that was let out of them. They haven't gained a lot back, yet, but they are still trying to eat nothing and deprive themselves of fun with food and alcohol. Good Luck! I still wonder why you can't reduce your calories a little bit, like to 1000-1200 calories and still take the shot, IF the shot was effective.
    Wow...I can't get over the negitive replies! I would NOT being doing this if...

    1. It wasn't OK by doctor (I also work for a doctor as well)
    "Dr. A.T. Simeons, an English physician specializing in treating overweight patients, noticed that human chorionic gonadotropin mobilized abnormal fat in patients that were taking it for other conditions. After much research it was discovered that HCG corrects a poorly functioning hypothalamus gland so it can control your appetite and burn 2000 calories from the abnormal fat reserves. As the abnormal reserves are released, patients lose weight, the body reshapes itself and as a pleasant side benefit, often the energy, blood pressure, blood sugar and metabolism are restored to normal. Consequently, besides losing weight, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, immunological and endocrinological conditions have reduced in intensity or disappeared."

    "The HCG then takes abnormal fat that has been stored and changes it into an energy that the body can use. This is equal to burning 200 or more calories in a day. Continuous dieting or yo-yo dieting damages the body's natural ability to regulate weight. HCG stimulates the part of the brain that regulates weight and works to restore this ability. This prevents regaining the weight that is lost. As HCG makes the stored abnormal fat available for consumption, the body starts using the fat to live off of. The fat is now providing a source of energy similar to the energy provided by food consumption. Patients are instructed to consume no more than 500 calories from food intake per day. Because the abnormal fat has been turned into energy, the reduced calorie intake is not noticed, and hunger is not a side effect. The new energy source is equal to 3,500 calories being consumed on a daily basis.
    For the process to work, the individual must stay on a strict diet and remain under medical supervision. While about one pound of weight is lost per day, the weight loss does not always happen in an even manner." -EHOW.COM

    2. I didn't know anyone who did it before
    *I have over 5 friends who have done this and lost their weight and they have all kept it off (some over a year now)

    3. I had to do 500 calories for a long period of time (3 weeks is not long, besides it is no different than fasting),
    * The key is to slowly build your calorie level back up to a "normal" level

    4. It had any type of human hormone in it (mine 100% hormone free)

    5. I thought this was a quick "win"/way to lose weight (I am simpling using it to get a jump start on weight loss and I know there is
    not a quick solution regarding losing weight)

    I am not knocking anyone elses diet/way to lose weight, so please if you do not have anything positive to say then don't reply. I have done my research on this and all I simply asked for was advice not negitive feedback. To each its own!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I don't think the topic should be banned. that sounds like the parents that just covers their ears or shuts their eyes, while their kids do deadly drugs, murdering and stealing. It is something that people are doing then we should read about it and become more knowlegeable. If it wasn't for these threads, you would go to parties and have nothing to talk about because you would have no knowledge on these types of subjects. To the OP, you will see that someday in the future, you will come back to MFP and do it right. Good Luck again.
    It really makes me want to spit nickles to see this stuff promoted on a site that is supposed to be about fitness, and which, in its own diary implores folks to take in more than 1200 calories.

    Given that you're on a fitness site, that these threads start every day, mulitple times per day, that it is a fad diet, that the search button could easily be used, that the majority of people are here to support each other with healthful, sustainable diet and exercise changes, that most people here are willing to do the sustained hard work that lasting, healthful weight loss requires, and that good lord if you're so sure about it why the heck are you starting a thread announcing it, I wouldn't really expect a positive response.

    Personally, I think these threads should be banned as should the threads from anorexics, bulimics, and adolescents who hate their families and want to pout in their corners because its all about Marsha Marsha Marsha! It just seems a lot more responsible not to allow those threads, but I didn't start the fitness site, so I'll abide.

    wow so people on a different diet than you do not deserve support as well? isn't that a tad bit ridiculous? I think a support forum should be..... supportive. If you don't have anything nice to say...
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I would suggest finding a support group on this forum and posting there. MFP is the only website that I have ever found that does not promote diet trends and myths and magic.That is what most of us like about it. Our common ground and basis for friendships is eating clean, trainng mena, living lean!
    I do however hope it works for you since you have clearly done the research you need to convince yourself that this is the path for you. I honestly wish you the best of luck and hope that you can repost here in a years time and tell us we were wrong, that you lost the weight, kept it off and you are fitter and healthier. As for me, I have had enough Hcg to last me a lifetime and honestly hope that I never have it in my body again (pregnancy with triplets).
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