Day 1 of HCG



  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Most of us have been there, but in the end all the people who are truly successful realise that this there is no quick fix, use the tools at your disposal with MFP and log your food and excercise in a healthy way.

  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    I would suggest finding a support group on this forum and posting there. MFP is the only website that I have ever found that does not promote diet trends and myths and magic.That is what most of us like about it. Our common ground and basis for friendships is eating clean, trainng mena, living lean!
    I do however hope it works for you since you have clearly done the research you need to convince yourself that this is the path for you. I honestly wish you the best of luck and hope that you can repost here in a years time and tell us we were wrong, that you lost the weight, kept it off and you are fitter and healthier. As for me, I have had enough Hcg to last me a lifetime and honestly hope that I never have it in my body again (pregnancy with triplets).

    Granted this site does not promote diets such as HCG but realistically people are on the diet. This forum is titled "introduce yourself" not "only post if you are not on the HCG diet". To me that leaves it open to post about you and what you feel you need support with. I did not know that the people who police this site were so bias against a weight loss method that is effective and for me personally has taught me how to change my relationship with food. Negativity breeds more negativity... sad how people come here for support and get shot down because they are trying a different method of weight loss. Isn't the goal the same? To be a healthier you? really starting to reconsider my membership to this site.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    To those of you who are on the HCG diet, I would suggest that you get off the plan and get your calories back up to at least 1,200 a day as soon as possible. Even though the HCG diet is getting a lot of press these days, there is no medical evidence to back up it's claims, and most weight loss experts recommend that you eat at least 1,200 calories a day, and more if you are exercising.

    Eating only 500 calories a day will cause your body to be very malnourished in a short time. HCG does NOT work as advertised and does NOTHING to help with weight loss or make it safe to eat so little. People on a fast stop being hungry after a few days too -- that has NOTHING to do with HCG, but it's how your body tries to protect itself as well as possible in time of famine. But being in starvation mode will cause your metabolism to slow down -- which is the opposite of what you want if you are trying to lose weight. Yes, you may lose for a while when you are only eating 500 calories a day, but when you have to eat in a normal calorie range again, the weight will come right back.

    The articles below have numerous links about research that's been done on the HCG diet program by doctors and scientists around the world.

    Good luck with your weight loss, but I don't think the HCG diet will get you where you want to go.

    I'd never go for a quick-fix diet like this, but that WebMD link was illuminating. Thanks for that. I was most interested in this paragraph:

    "Since 1975, the FDA has said that hCG is not a weight loss drug. Keep in mind that the FDA doesn't regulate web sites selling hCG and doesn't oversee whether the hCG product you order is safe, free of contaminants, and in the correct concentration."


    I have a coworker who swears by this stuff. She is the most surly human being I've ever met.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    How can I start this diet? Sounds awesome.

    Don't do it.. It's not healthy no matter what anyone says.

    The drops/injections do jack.. and just waste your money. Your losing weight because of the low calories and not the drops.

    Save your money and buy some healthy food/gym membership.. you'll be better off in the long run!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I would suggest finding a support group on this forum and posting there. MFP is the only website that I have ever found that does not promote diet trends and myths and magic.That is what most of us like about it. Our common ground and basis for friendships is eating clean, trainng mena, living lean!
    I do however hope it works for you since you have clearly done the research you need to convince yourself that this is the path for you. I honestly wish you the best of luck and hope that you can repost here in a years time and tell us we were wrong, that you lost the weight, kept it off and you are fitter and healthier. As for me, I have had enough Hcg to last me a lifetime and honestly hope that I never have it in my body again (pregnancy with triplets).

    Granted this site does not promote diets such as HCG but realistically people are on the diet. This forum is titled "introduce yourself" not "only post if you are not on the HCG diet". To me that leaves it open to post about you and what you feel you need support with. I did not know that the people who police this site were so bias against a weight loss method that is effective and for me personally has taught me how to change my relationship with food. Negativity breeds more negativity... sad how people come here for support and get shot down because they are trying a different method of weight loss. Isn't the goal the same? To be a healthier you? really starting to reconsider my membership to this site.
    Yes, ,maybe you should if you are already unhappy with honest been there done that remarks. Plus, normlly when people introduce themselves they start with, hi, i'm ...., I'm.....years old.....I have as opposed to hi, I'm doing a nonsense diet that is not even regulated as a weight loss method. Hmmm, maybe despite being able to google 'fast weight loss' you managed to stumble upon a site of honest, butt kicking, doing it the hard long way and holding ourselves accountable people website.
    Try, I'm overweight, who else is currently trying quick fix diets?

    Sorry, I don't do sugar coated, too many calories!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Unless I'm missing something and the HCG diet is actually the Healthy Calorie Goal diet then welcome, good luck on your journey!
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    How can I start this diet? Sounds awesome.
    go to for all of the infor you need :) good luck!

    out of desperation i had a brief intrest in this, (5 minutes) but when i looked at the actuall diet, NO BREAKFAST. sorry but friggin coffee or tea is not breakfast.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    Hello, my husband and I both started the HCG fusion drops in April he has lost 97 lbs. and I have lost 78 lbs. and continue to loose. We stick to the original diet in "Pounds and Inches". The first few days of the very low cal diet are hard but it does get easier. By the end of my cycle I am usually not even hungry I just eat because I have to. Do not pay attention to all of the negativity that some people are posting. The HCG diet is proven to be effective and has worked for numerous people I know who have kept the weight off even after the diet. If u need any support just contact me. I am a pro at this... currently on my 4th cycle. :)

    but did you take the hormone hormone or the hormone free hormone like the other girl?
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Today is my 1st day of Phase 2 on the HCG Diet. So far not to bad...I got a little hunrgy around 3 and started to feel a little tired. But, I ended up eating my apple and drinking some water.

    Phase 1 was literally gorging youself with high fatty foods...which doesn't sound hard does it?! Well it surprisingly was hard to do this. Between Burger Kind, McDonalds, fried chicken, candy...all it did was make you want to not eat for a long time! I felt so disgusting after doing this for 3 days.

    But here I am now only eating 500 calories per day for the next 23 days. Which after the 23rd day will will bump our calories back up to the normal range and omit carbs for 3 weeks, as well as get back into the gym. I am only doing this to get a jump start on my weight loss.

    Has anyone else gone the liquid HCG drops under the tongue? If so please let me know your struggles and outcome of it.

    Thanks!! :-)


    I did this last summer and yes it worked I dropped 8 lbs in 21 days of basic starvation. It all came back. No way to sustain such few calories. I have several friends that also did this and they all had the same problem. I am not so sure it is healthy either. Now I am drinking protein shakes for 2 meals and getting "healthy" results.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    So you gorge and then you starve? Sounds like an eating disorder not a healthy diet. JMO though
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    I would suggest finding a support group on this forum and posting there. MFP is the only website that I have ever found that does not promote diet trends and myths and magic.That is what most of us like about it. Our common ground and basis for friendships is eating clean, trainng mena, living lean!
    I do however hope it works for you since you have clearly done the research you need to convince yourself that this is the path for you. I honestly wish you the best of luck and hope that you can repost here in a years time and tell us we were wrong, that you lost the weight, kept it off and you are fitter and healthier. As for me, I have had enough Hcg to last me a lifetime and honestly hope that I never have it in my body again (pregnancy with triplets).

    Granted this site does not promote diets such as HCG but realistically people are on the diet. This forum is titled "introduce yourself" not "only post if you are not on the HCG diet". To me that leaves it open to post about you and what you feel you need support with. I did not know that the people who police this site were so bias against a weight loss method that is effective and for me personally has taught me how to change my relationship with food. Negativity breeds more negativity... sad how people come here for support and get shot down because they are trying a different method of weight loss. Isn't the goal the same? To be a healthier you? really starting to reconsider my membership to this site.
    Yes, ,maybe you should if you are already unhappy with honest been there done that remarks. Plus, normlly when people introduce themselves they start with, hi, i'm ...., I'm.....years old.....I have as opposed to hi, I'm doing a nonsense diet that is not even regulated as a weight loss method. Hmmm, maybe despite being able to google 'fast weight loss' you managed to stumble upon a site of honest, butt kicking, doing it the hard long way and holding ourselves accountable people website.
    Try, I'm overweight, who else is currently trying quick fix diets?

    Sorry, I don't do sugar coated, too many calories!

    Her ending of the introduction was "Has anyone else gone the liquid HCG drops under the tongue? If so please let me know your struggles and outcome of it. " If you do not agree with the diet and are on a self righteous narcissistic path then do not respond to her post! you are not on the hcg diet an dont agree then start your own thread for the HCG haters of the world. She is trying in her own way to loose weight and does not need you negativity. Oh and the HCG diet is not easy in the slightest! in fact most people fail because they can not maintain the VLC diet. So get over yourself!
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, my husband and I both started the HCG fusion drops in April he has lost 97 lbs. and I have lost 78 lbs. and continue to loose. We stick to the original diet in "Pounds and Inches". The first few days of the very low cal diet are hard but it does get easier. By the end of my cycle I am usually not even hungry I just eat because I have to. Do not pay attention to all of the negativity that some people are posting. The HCG diet is proven to be effective and has worked for numerous people I know who have kept the weight off even after the diet. If u need any support just contact me. I am a pro at this... currently on my 4th cycle. :)

    but did you take the hormone hormone or the hormone free hormone like the other girl?

    We take the homeopathic drops they do have the hormone in them.
  • Have fun with your pregnant lady pee!
  • antoninamae
    antoninamae Posts: 22 Member
    So you gorge and then you starve? Sounds like an eating disorder not a healthy diet. JMO though

    again with the negativity... wow you really have nothing nothing nice to say. I feel sorry for you. you go ahead and do what you think is best. But I have BEEN THERE DONE that and to be quite honest this diet works and it beats bariatric surgery. talk to me in 6 months when I am at my weight loss goal.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Lady, there's no need to be nasty. Those of us that believe in science are trying to help people before they are taken advantage of by the snake oil salesman scammers that are promoting that HCG 500 calorie a day starvation diet!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    The appeal is that you don't have to do anything but take these drops to lose weight. No exercise is allowed while you are on the's the "easy" way out for people that don't want to actually do the work it takes to lose weight and be HEALTHY. I was crazy enough to try this "diet". Once I was off the drops the weight came right back DUH! And I have several friends that had the same results. It is not"s starvation. So for those of you that are doing this I seriously hope you are adding vitamin/mineral supplements to your daily routine otherwise you are doing serious damage.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Unfortunately, even taking vitamin supplements won't do people on the HCG diet much good, because you need to be eating at least some fat for most vitamins to be absorbed into your body, and people on the 500 calorie phase of that diet are not allowed to consume any fat.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Unfortunately, even taking vitamin supplements won't do people on the HCG diet much good, because you need to be eating at least some fat for most vitamins to be absorbed into your body, and people on the 500 calorie phase of that diet are not allowed to consume any fat.

    All meat has some fat and the requirements are 1 protein 1 fruit and 1 veggie ( very specific) but I understand what you are saying. The amount taken in IS minimal.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    wow! You dont want people to be negative but then go and say your diet is better than bariatric surgery. Sounds like you are using more marketing terminology. That was absolutely uncalled for. i had gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago and praise it too, but i didnt knock your diet.

    So you gorge and then you starve? Sounds like an eating disorder not a healthy diet. JMO though

    again with the negativity... wow you really have nothing nothing nice to say. I feel sorry for you. you go ahead and do what you think is best. But I have BEEN THERE DONE that and to be quite honest this diet works and it beats bariatric surgery. talk to me in 6 months when I am at my weight loss goal.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    if its not productive.....don't respond. :flowerforyou:
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