anybody else just getting started?



  • smchic2012
    smchic2012 Posts: 21 Member
    You should smaller meals more often to help keep that tummy from grumbling and complaining. I try to space out meals and snacks so that every 2 hours I have a little something. It does seem to keep the grumbling at bay. Stick to a piece of fruit, almonds (they fill you up) or some crackers (without the cheese). You can do this, I have faith in you. Stacey
  • sarahsaca
    sarahsaca Posts: 50 Member
    I'm new also -- good luck to us all!!! Please feel free to friend me - would love the support!!! :smile:
  • LalLewis
    Yes- howdy all!
    I'm Lal , I live in the UK and I started two days ago. I decided this is the last time I start again. Like most people I have dieted on and off all my life and have been anywhere between 140 and 240 pounds and I guess its not rocket science to guess where I am right now! Having got to the ripe young age of 62 whilst riding a motorcycle all my life, I just got a total knee replacement last year and have decided once and for all that it was plain stupid to wear it out prematurely by carrying too much weight, so here I go again. I could do with some friends on my iphone to compare results to and share encouragement. We all have a journey to make, I wish you all a successful one!!
  • LalLewis
    I'd be honoured to friend you - just tell me how - I'n no techie!!
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    Very interesting info, eversbane! and everyone else, thanks for the help. I just ate a salad with some "fixins", and was shocked when I entered the info into the food diary, basically my grilled chicken salad ended up being only 270 calories. Compared to what I previously had for lunch in the past... Texas has awesome mexican food which has been my downfall (and dark beer is tasty). It's so nice spending a sick day at home, I have full control of what I eat and can immediately enter it into the journal. I know sticking with it will be the tough part, especially with Thanksgiving being a week away (although I will probably give myself a pass on that day). Feel free to friend me-and let's help each other end the vicious cycle!

    Now that I'm rambling, I didn't know if I was going to share this, but yes, my eating has been tied to emotions. My wife has been wanting to leave me for the past year. Probably not the most appropriate thing to put in a public site, but thanks eversbane for getting it started! Things are holding on by a thread but it's mostly due to logistical reasons. My self-esteem dropped to the point where I didn't care how much I was eating for awhile, but of course that only makes it worse. The lower my self-esteem dropped, the more I didn't care what I was putting into my mouth.

    I have now realized that I need to do this for ME, and not let the current circumstances of my life control how I treat my body.

    That felt good. Thanks all for listening :)
  • finna619
    finna619 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone :)

    I've been using MFP for probably about 8 months now and found its been a great and easy way to keep track of what I've been eating. I have (well, did) manage to lose about 10kg (about 22lbs) in just under a year (Oct 2010 - Jul 2011) through a healthy diet and exercisem and reached a weight I was happy with... but in the last few months I've fallen off the wagon big time, gained back half of what I'd lost due to these horrible binges where I just eat absolute crap to the point where I feel physically ill. I've put it down to "emotional eating" - I'm stressed with my job at the moment and feeling quite down on myself in general so I know what's causing it and I know what I need to do but for some reason a switch in my brain triggers - its almost as though its like an outer body expeirence - I know I'm doing it and I know I shouldnt do it but at the same time it almost feels like its not me doing it but another person (if that makes sense!)

    Anyway so I've decided I really need to stop it because not only work stress bringing me down but the weight gain has made me feel uncomfortable, unattractive, overweight and its bringing me down. So thats the reason why I've decided to post on here becuase I think by talking about it to others it's going to hold me accountable because I dont think I've been honest with myself about how bad my eating habits (and thats what the binging has become) really are, and I definitely am not honest with the people around me. And what better place to start than with others who understand what I am struggling with :)
  • LalLewis
    Hi Jen
    Same happened to me - I quit smoking and piled on weight. I cant absolutely blame the smoking for keeping me lighter, but you do need something to do when you dont smoke and the satisfying thing to do is to eat! I'd be delighted to friend you - we all need all the help we can get! And yes - the smoking is worse than the eating, but they are both unhealthy in their own ways. Good luck with staying off the ciggies - youve done really well to kick the habit!!
  • freckled_lady
    Hi All!

    I've been here a while, but never took advantage of the support.

    I am a 23 year old actress looking to avoid the fate of my family medical history (rampaged by heart disease, diabetes)

    I love to cook. I'm a vegan, so if you are looking for healthy and most importantly delicious recipes, I love to share!

    Friend me if you like :)
  • eversbane
    Emotions are the worst enemy you have. You'd think eating was something you'd do to stay alive, but it's much more strongly something you do when you're happy, when you're sad, when you're celebrating, when you're mourning. when ecstatic, when you're depressed. There's always a reason to eat, and only one reason not to.

    That's why my by-line is "...state of mind...state of mind...state of mind..."

    In particular, you need to take pride in what you are doing about eating and your weight. Take pride in passing on donuts at a meeting. Take pride in being able to see plate between your portions. Take pride in throwing food away if you don't need it (yes, I know... starving kids in Ethiopia... but better to throw it away than to eat it).

    Telling you "Take Pride!" is easy to type. I know how hard it is to actually do it. And not to make light of your personal issues (thanks for sharing!) but this is critical for you personally, and for your success in controlling your weight.

    Take Pride!!!
  • smunchkin2000
    smunchkin2000 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all. My name is Karen and I just started a couple hours ago. My sister has been using myfitnesspal since early october and has lost 20 pounds and finally convinced me to do it with her. I have tried wight watchers and was successful with it for a couple of years, but I have been gaining weight slowly for the last year or so and am finally ready to do something about it.

    good luck to us all
  • vannessasheane
    vannessasheane Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Well this is my first time ever using one of these calorie counters or well.....anything really. I have always been really, really good at yo-yoing my weight, if I'm happy the weight usually is kept at bay, however, if I am stressed the weight is attracted to me like a magnet. I do realize that I probably eat more, or make unhealthy choices, but with never ever really keeping track, who knows.

    Thus the reason for me signing up, I am highly motivated by all of your stories, it makes me realize that I am not alone on this dietary journey.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • eversbane
    @LalLewis re: smoking

    lol. i almost reported your post. i hit the wrong button thinking i was replying, typed a whole big reply and was about to submit when i realized i was in the report post, not reply to post

    eta: sheesh! then i hit the reply instead of the quote. you'd think i'd never been on a forum before.


    I just wanted to mention a study that found that smokers who quit gained, lost, or maintained weight at a 1/3 to 1/3 to 1/3 ratio. The conclusion was that it was more the psychology related to the act of quiting and not the act of quiting itself that had the significant impact on weight. I quit cold turkey in May 2000 and that had no effect on my weight at all... it just kept on going up-up-up.

    Just some numbers for thought
  • eversbane
    Okay, I hit the quote button this time.

    The 'out of body' thing is something I am very familiar with. I do it all the time. I'm thinking in my head, "Okay, right now you're having one of those out of body episodes - you're putting balogna and mayo and cheese and peanut butter on two slices of bread at 11:38pm when you should be asleep and your'e going to eat it and you're going to feel like cr*p in the morning and you'll have peanut butter moring breath but you're going to do it anyway, aren't you - yep. there you go. that was really dumb. maybe tomorrow...."

    been there

    Hey everyone :)

    I've been using MFP for probably about 8 months now and found its been a great and easy way to keep track of what I've been eating. I have (well, did) manage to lose about 10kg (about 22lbs) in just under a year (Oct 2010 - Jul 2011) through a healthy diet and exercisem and reached a weight I was happy with... but in the last few months I've fallen off the wagon big time, gained back half of what I'd lost due to these horrible binges where I just eat absolute crap to the point where I feel physically ill. I've put it down to "emotional eating" - I'm stressed with my job at the moment and feeling quite down on myself in general so I know what's causing it and I know what I need to do but for some reason a switch in my brain triggers - its almost as though its like an outer body expeirence - I know I'm doing it and I know I shouldnt do it but at the same time it almost feels like its not me doing it but another person (if that makes sense!)

    Anyway so I've decided I really need to stop it because not only work stress bringing me down but the weight gain has made me feel uncomfortable, unattractive, overweight and its bringing me down. So thats the reason why I've decided to post on here becuase I think by talking about it to others it's going to hold me accountable because I dont think I've been honest with myself about how bad my eating habits (and thats what the binging has become) really are, and I definitely am not honest with the people around me. And what better place to start than with others who understand what I am struggling with :)
  • veronica110
    veronica110 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Ryan,

    I'm just getting started as well. I feel like my weight has just creeped up on me, and I'm in the same position as you, not tons to lose, but if I keep on going at this rate, I will be in real trouble. This websight is great, and I think just learning to eat and when to eat, and also being able to see the nutrional information and calories is a big help, some of the things I've been thinking about eating freaks me out when I look at the calories, and carbs, I just need to be more consitent in the good luck we will all do this together, with the help of this great websight.......I have some buddies that just joined with me soooo..let's do this!!!!!
  • A11883
    A11883 Posts: 13
    HI! My name is Amelia, I signed up for this site a long time ago and then installed the app on my new iPhone a few days ago completely forgetting that I had an account from an earlier time. I find the app very useful especially with the barcode scanner, it has been a helpful tool and I am excited to keep monitoring what I actually eat.

    I am 28 years old, in Chicago and at the moment have about 70lbs to loose. I like Vanessa in the past was good with my Yo-Yo dieting but find that stress has been my downfall. I gained about 60lbs last year due to an extremely stressful job that had me working very long days, commuting 80 miles each way to work on top of the log day, eating a lot of crappy food and obviously not sleeping very much. Prior to this job I had previously lost 30 lbs and gotten to a “comfortable” weight so this gain has been quite depressing. I haven’t been to my goal weight since college but hope to be able to achieve it by July. However since the 60 lb gain I have lost 15lb so far so good I guess.

    I would love to have some support and accountability if anyone out there would like to be friends. I was also wondering if anyone has invested in one of those monitors that counts the calories you burn for accurate representation of exercise etc and how they like it.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tuckersrunner
    Hi, i think grazing encourages your body to crave food all the time instead of around meals, and as portion control is not my strong suit it is easier for me to overeat. Protein snacks and a balance of meals snacks works best for me. I find it better to be satisfied after meals but not full. You can and will eat again.:) Its the recognition of true hunger and needing water that is tough.Hope this helps. tracking and exercise are my top "secret weapons" in weight loss and maintaining weight. So far I am still in the needing to lose cycle....
  • hrg77
    hrg77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ryan I just started yesterday!!!
  • kevinremer
    Hi everyone. I just started using this site a little over a week ago. I got out of the Army 2 years ago and put on 30 pounds. I figured it was time to try and lose the same amount I put on. I'm 6'1" and weighed 260 when I started. My goal is to get down to 230 pounds. When I got out of basic training, I was in the best shape of my adult life and weighed 220, so I figured that might be an unreasonable goal since I can't work myself nearly as hard as a drill sergeant can :wink:
  • tuckersrunner
    Wow it sounds like you're taking the right step to stop this though. Binging is definitly tough, sometimes it is overwhelming to just eat. I hope sharing and knowing the stress triggger is a problem helps you find an "off" switch. Are you able to physically distance yourself from food during the "binge attack"? I literally freeze certain foods that my hubby and kids love but that I can not seem to say no to-sugar cookies- I can not eat them frozen and when I feel out of control I may actually remove them from the freezer but knowing I have to track them-record them usually helps me to put them back and the fact that I have to wait for them to I also run so going for a run to burn the potential calories aso helps....
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Newer here too...welcome :smile: