doing the math is dissapointing



  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Apparently I burn 2,300 calories a day if I do NOTHING

    So basically find out what your metabolic rate is (the is a calculator in this very site, it'll estimate everyone has different metabolisms) and then subtract the amount you're eating! As said I burn 2,300 calories a day and if I eat 1,500 calories then that's 800 calories I've burnt, 4 days in that's a lb & if I do some exercise it'll add to that

    But movement is a good thing, exercise increases your metabolic rate, so whilst you loose x amount during the exercise you'll burn more by doing nothing for a little while.

    Also what's the point of being fat then skinny without any exercise? Loose weight fast enough and you haven't spent any time getting toned and fit you'll still find it quite hard to do certain things and you'll have excess skin! Obviously it's still healthier then being overweight but to get the full benefits of loosing weight you should really exercise!
  • Dunninio
    Dunninio Posts: 2 Member
    In my view, for what it's worth, the whole excercise/nutrition/weight loss thing is like a domino effect.

    It has been proven that you will actually burn around 20% more calories for the 24 hours after a workout, so if you burn 500 kcal at spin, you'll expect to burn another 100 cals on top in the following 24 hours. Couple this with the fact that 1lb increase in muscle burns around 50 kcal extra a day adn you start to make progress. Coupled with a calorie defecit and you're on your way.

    Let me give you an example.

    On week one, you can manage a days spin class and decide you can live with a calorie defecit of 300 cals a day. for the sake of argument, you should lose about 1lb.

    By week 4, you feel you can manage 3 spin classes a week, you have more energy so you park further away when you go shopping, maybe tackle the stairs at work or have a brisk weekend walk. you decide you can now live with a 500 kcal defect as you've got your portions under control adn you've gained 1lb of lean muscle at the gym, increasing your metabolic rate. As a result, you're now burning 1800 cals at spin, with say another 350 from the lean muscle mass and you've got a 3500 defecit. All of a sunddent that's 2lbn a week.

    by three months, you're burning 3000 cals at excercise through both increased motivation and intensity, your body's burning 1000 cals more than it did when you started on a base week and you're losing 3lb a week and feel amazing.

    Given that 30 mins moderate to high intensity excercise a day is recommended, eventually you'll be a fat burning machine who can excercise at a higher level for longer and the numbers will continue to grow.

    Realisitcally, if you're losing 3lb a week, I'd think anythnig much more is unhealthy and unlikely to be sustainable - it's a life change so no points for the first past the post. Having crash dieted, I can say with certainty ther quicker you lose thje sooner it goes back on and you're back to old habits.

    Like I said, just my opinion for what it's worth, but it helps me to look at it like this and has helped me on my recent weight loss journey. I think if I looked at the 3500 kcal in 1lb of fat I'd be back to unhelathy eating and sofa-surfing.....
  • echoegami
    echoegami Posts: 10 Member
    I get about one or two good workouts in a week (anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes of mostly cardio) on a good week. On a bad week I get none. However, in three months I've lost 21 pounds just by reducing my calorie intake. I avoid all the bad stuff (white rice, white flour, sugar, and salt) but I still consume them on occasion. And lately I've added doing some mild strength/toning exercises first thing in the morning, mostly crunches and pushups. I set my calorie goal to 1200/day and do my best to keep to it every day but I have one or two days every week when I don't. My point is, you don't have to spend your entire day exercising to see weight loss. As others have stated before me, it depends on what you BMR is, if you take in fewer calories than what your BMR burns then you will lose weight.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    you could cut off your leg and lose 40 lbs in a day!


    I hear Meth is VERY effective at creating rapid weight loss......because the speed at which this all occurs is the MOST important thing! Right?

    What about your health?
  • Strobins05
    That's why we say it's 80% diet, 20% exercise. A 500 cal/day deficit will yield 1 lb per week / 52 lbs per year....
    POW! Love it! Can you imagine the 75% on this site that will not reach that 52 lbs per year goal due to our quick fix midsets, lol.
  • cpar621
    I would also do some research into how many calories you're actually burning. People who weigh more burn calories faster. My husband and I are both runners. I burn about 125 calories per mile (which is approximately calculated using my height, weight, age, and fitness level) and my husband (who is 6'2" and an elite triathlete) burns almost 400 per mile. The less you weigh the more the body tries to hang on to the energy it has. That's why you see the people on The Biggest Loser losing 20 pounds in a week--their bodies are letting go of all that extra energy more readily.

    Google some better calorie calculators that will factor in your height and weight (Nike+ has a good one for running). I would say that burning 100 calories in a 30 minute walk is a little low.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Yes, it's intimidating if you look at it that way, but you also have to remember that this is a long-term project not a quick craft project for your kid's craft fair tomorrow.

    And, as many have said above, you also have to take into account your diet!
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    I would also do some research into how many calories you're actually burning. People who weigh more burn calories faster. My husband and I are both runners. I burn about 125 calories per mile (which is approximately calculated using my height, weight, age, and fitness level) and my husband (who is 6'2" and an elite triathlete) burns almost 400 per mile. The less you weigh the more the body tries to hang on to the energy it has. That's why you see the people on The Biggest Loser losing 20 pounds in a week--their bodies are letting go of all that extra energy more readily.

    Google some better calorie calculators that will factor in your height and weight (Nike+ has a good one for running). I would say that burning 100 calories in a 30 minute walk is a little low.

    I thought it was because you had haul more weight around with you!
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    Based on the old stand by:

    3500 calories a week = 1 lb

    (decrease diet by 250) + (increase burn by 250 per day) = 3500/week
  • billythewiz
    billythewiz Posts: 6 Member
    Jecka's got it !

    When I first stated with MFP it suggest 1300 calories a day. There's no way I could sustain that for a week, never mind 6 months !
    So I gave myself a daily target of 2000 calories and started losing weight at a modest rate.

    Then I decided to train for a 5k race and so added 400-600 calories of exercise 2-3 times a week and lost weight faster !

    I also use those figures (1lb fat = 3500 calories = 5 hours of running !) to motivate me not to eat crap. A mars bar (250 calories ?) takes about 30 minutes on a treadmill to burn off ! I'd rather not have it than have to run an extra 30 minutes !
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    you could cut off your leg and lose 40 lbs in a day!


    I hear Meth is VERY effective at creating rapid weight loss......because the speed at which this all occurs is the MOST important thing! Right?

    What about your health?

    this is a BRILLIANT idea, why doesn't anyone talk about amputation more here?.....wish I had thought of it, damn!