Has anyone heard of the VLCD (diet) ?



  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Discusses how fiber can help a VLCD,does not recommend this for anyone that is not obese though.
    Discusses maintaining lean body mass, but does not say that it's safe or effective for anyone not obese.
    Again, deals with this diet for obese folks.
    Did you read this one?

    "Very-low-calorie diets. These diets, which require specialized medical management, typically restrict calories to a maximum of 800 per day and are sometimes recommended for people whose health would benefit from initially rapid weight loss." That means obese folk.

    "Interestingly, clinical studies show that after one year, the weight loss associated with LCDs and VLCDs is similar. In other words, people who have followed VLCDs regain more weight, on average, than those who have followed LCDs."
    But I'm ~sure~ you know how to google, so you can find others.
    Yes, I can... and I could not find reputable articles supporting this for anyone that is not severely obese.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    You have to remember that everyone doesn't have the same def of "weight training" she's probably counting the taps on the keyboard as reps.

    I'd hope so, holy crap I'd get my protein shakes and that would be it.. NO FOOD FOR ME.!!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Dont want to comment and sound judgemental but I will say.....just because "MD" is in the title doesn't make their suggestions a safe thing to do...

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Actually I just read a study on that diet: http://www.jacn.org/content/18/2/115.full

    The people in the study were on an 800 calorie per day diet for 12 weeks. The issue I see with this kind of dieting is that you might be losing a lot of lean body mass (muscle) instead of fat. Since muscle weighs more than fat, you'll see the number on the scale go down dramatically, but what you are leaving behind is a weak, soft body. I research this a lot because I'm relatively lean and want to tone up, but whenever I restrict calories I lose lots of muscle, which is a bummer. Muscle is what gives your body a nice shape, especially your legs and bum.

    Back to the study, it suggested that weight training aggressively during this diet will prevent loss of muscle, even at 800 calories per day. Plus, weight training raises metabolism, meaning that your results are more likely to stick after the diet.
    You may be weight training but i bet you are still losing a bunch of muscle. Low calories + mal nutrition leads to muscle catalyzation

    Yes. I'm weight trainig too :)
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Dont want to comment and sound judgemental but I will say.....just because "MD" is in the title doesn't make their suggestions a safe thing to do...


    YOU GET NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
  • mcintyrekn
    mcintyrekn Posts: 55 Member
    You have to remember that everyone doesn't have the same def of "weight training" she's probably counting the taps on the keyboard as reps.

    Thank you for this.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Dont want to comment and sound judgemental but I will say.....just because "MD" is in the title doesn't make their suggestions a safe thing to do...


    We all do... we all do! lol.

    I do agree that just because a doc says its fine, doesn't really mean a thing.

    I would never do this diet.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    You do realize this was just an innocent post, right? I'm all for people disagreeing with me, but why bury me with the stones you threw? You could have just said "You've been duped! the vvlcd is a piece of ****!". That would have done it.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    What's so innocent about trying to tell people that this diet is a valid way of losing weight? Esepcailly when you don't even remotely qualify to be on this diet?
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You do realize this was just an innocent post, right? I'm all for people disagreeing with me, but why bury me with the stones you threw? You could have just said "You've been duped! the vvlcd is a piece of ****!". That would have done it.

    Clearly it wouldn't have done it. It didn't.

    You thought you had proof you were right. You just got owned by EEG.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    You do realize this was just an innocent post, right? I'm all for people disagreeing with me, but why bury me with the stones you threw? You could have just said "You've been duped! the vvlcd is a piece of ****!". That would have done it.

    She has a good point. Play nice. :smile:
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    VLCD == Very Low Calorie Diet

    It's not a fad diet, in fact, it's a Dr recommend diet for those who need to lose a lot of weight. You gotta be careful though, here are the guildlines
    ~ You calorie intake per day is between 500 - 800 calories.
    ~ Doctor stress that there should be "good" calories so you still get nutrition you need
    ~ To ensure you don't go into starvation mode, It's NOT a longterm diet. In fact, it should only be for 12 weeks in the 500-800 cal range. After that, you stup up to 800-1200. (I believe you go back down after those 12 weeks are up, if you didn't lose everything you need.
    ~ It doesn't restrict what "kind" of calories, since a calorie is a calorie, but obviously, if you eat a candy bar, that's 300 calories mostly from fat. You can eat a lot of healthy items to match those 300. So use common sense and choose wisely.
    ~ drink, throughout the day, 3L of water.

    That's pretty much it. After I read a bunch about it from reputable sources (NIH, FDA, ivy league schools, etc), I asked my doctor about it, who completely agreed with me.

    In about 5 weeks, I've lost about 8 pounds.

    Anyone else doing this diet?

    (p.s. ---> If you have any bit of punk rock in you, join our group "Punk Rockers Scare You)

    8 pounds in 5 weeks, eating only that much food?? I eat what MFP tells me to and lose 10-11 pounds in 5 weeks. I like to eat and that seems silly to me. Just saying. We need food to live and going down that low isn't worth feeling hungry all the time! Is losing weight THAT important?? Or being healthy??
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You do realize this was just an innocent post, right? I'm all for people disagreeing with me, but why bury me with the stones you threw? You could have just said "You've been duped! the vvlcd is a piece of ****!". That would have done it.

    For what it's worth, the issue here is twofold in my opinion:

    1) There's far too many people who are ALREADY looking for shortcuts at nearly any cost. You're dealing with plenty of people who already don't have a "good" relationship with food, many of whom have already tried the "_____________ diet" (fill in the blank) and failed. Suggesting yet another shortcut, specifically one that doesn't include exercise, isn't exactly promoting healthy habits.

    2) If you ARE going to do a VLCD, you certainly should follow a specifically outlined protocol (Lyle has a well outlined PSMF protocol for example) rather than what you listed.

    Lastly, I understand you're just spreading information, but if you WERE to follow a PSMF, you REALLY REALLY should be spot on with your food choices AND macronutrient targets. The less you consume for calories, the less room for error you have when it comes to micronutrients.

    This is the type of diet that experienced bodybuilders might use for a very short period of time, and while it doesn't mean that it's limited to this population, I do think it requires a solid amount of research and a tremendous willpower to do successfully.
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    There's a point where it quits being disagreement and starts looking like bullying and piling on. I think this thread has reached that point.

    Opinions are great. Hopefully this gives you something to talk to your doctor about.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    You do realize this was just an innocent post, right? I'm all for people disagreeing with me, but why bury me with the stones you threw? You could have just said "You've been duped! the vvlcd is a piece of ****!". That would have done it.
    Well, rather than just say "Oh this is garbage!", I thought I'd provide you with the facts, not just my opinion. :flowerforyou:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    There's a point where it quits being disagreement and starts looking like bullying and piling on. I think this thread has reached that point.

    Opinions are great. Hopefully this gives you something to talk to your doctor about.


    Sorry just couldn't help it..
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    There's a point where it quits being disagreement and starts looking like bullying and piling on. I think this thread has reached that point.

    Opinions are great. Hopefully this gives you something to talk to your doctor about.
    Amen to this!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Very low calorie diet = VERY bad idea. Carry on
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    They keep coming out with new names for anorexia. I can hardly keep up.

    LOL So Awesome! I think you are my new favorite MFP'er! Seriously! :flowerforyou:

    I am sorry, but these fad diets, IMHO, are not really tackling the big problem here. They are masking it. Why would you want to do this to your body? With or without a Doctor's approval and supervision?