I eat ice cream every day ??? Ok ??

Ok my weight is where I want it at 149/150
Every night i eat a couple spoons full of ice cream...My diet is fairly low carb anyway..Check out my diet..Will the ice cream hurt me ? I am working out running or biking 7 days a week plus lead active lifestyle


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    dairy can slow down your progress. Try to limit the ice cream to once or twice a week, and make sure the ice cream only has a couple of ingredients (haagen dasz 5 is great for this, along with the original breyers flavors, and talenti gelato)
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,195 Member
    No. Some people eat chocolate every day. You have portion control, you can do it.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Dairy hasn't slowed my progress down and I will not give it up.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    portion control...good choices with everything else and exercise???? Heck ya...enjoy....I love it
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I disagree that dairy will slow down your progress. I think different diets work differently for different people. I eat a TON of dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream) and have not had any problem exceeding my weight loss and fitness expectations.

    I can't think of ANY reason a few spoonfuls of ice cream a day would slow my progress.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    NOPE! i have a small treat every night :)
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    dairy can slow down your progress. Try to limit the ice cream to once or twice a week, and make sure the ice cream only has a couple of ingredients (haagen dasz 5 is great for this, along with the original breyers flavors, and talenti gelato)

    This is actually the first time I've heard this! Can you elaborate a little further? I'm just not quite sure why dairy specifically slows down your progress
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    dairy can slow down your progress. Try to limit the ice cream to once or twice a week, and make sure the ice cream only has a couple of ingredients (haagen dasz 5 is great for this, along with the original breyers flavors, and talenti gelato)

    Really? Not challenging you, but I've never heard this before. I could understand the calories in full-fat dairy, but dairy in general?

    Interested to see what others say.,,,
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I drink about a cup of whole milk in my coffee every day and I'm on the low end of the healthy weight BMI. I love me the cheese also and it didn't hurt my loses.

    I don't think it's "what" you eat as how "much" you eat. I also eat until 11PM at night, just adding for fun.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    just in my own personal journey, I've found that dairy hinders weight loss. Try cutting it out 100% for 30 days and see what happens when you add it back in. I love dairy and have it regularly, but for me it comes with a consequence. That consequence is slower progress.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I have ice cream as my dessert every day. I just log it, and account for the calories.

    The only way it would slow your weight loss is if you fail to hit your calorie deficit after having it.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    it hasnt hurt me so far.. I also eat 1 slice of pizza and 3 wings once every other week :) other than that you can see my normal diet and im under on carbs and fat pretty much everyday...Again I run 3-4 miles everyday or bike 18-20 and soethimes 30 or 40 miles on the off days...
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I suppose it depends on your interpretation of dairy. I (out of habit) associate dairy with calcium, so automatically think when you say you cut out dairy you also cut out calcium (stupid I know haha). Just be careful in stating things directly, many people take the posts people write as though they are 100% accurate, and I'd hate for another nasty "diet" myth to be spread in respect to dairy :)

    I would say though moderate amounts of dairy will not hinder any weight loss. And if anything, a good source of calcium will likely help you in the long run :) As long as you meet your caloric and nutritional goals, a little ice cream every night wont hurt!
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    thats pretty much all the dairy I get, I dont drink milk, I do have low moisture skim cheese on my salad, a little bit...so te ice cream may be doing me good :)
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    so...if i am still loosing weight it shouldnt be hurting me right ?? Just wonder if its raising my blood glucose or LDL ??
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I eat a skinny cow icecream sandwhich every single night.

    Every night.

    As long as it fits into your caloric goal then go for it!
  • Haz89
    Haz89 Posts: 55 Member
    I think you are in active and at a healthy weight, so your are probably fine with a few spoonful of ice cream.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Will the ice cream hurt me?

  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    yea again I eat a couple tablespoons of it after dinner and maybe a ice cream cone once a week. Again I run 4 miles a day or bike 15-20 miles on days I dont run and I do this every week. I eat oatmeal every morning for breakfast palin with water, BIG salad with olive oil and vinager a few croutons, cucumber,onion,low fat cheese and either some tuna or chicken or turkey on top.. Some cashews for snack and either refried beans,sushi ( no rice) salmon, fish or chicken and veggies for supper. I drink a glass of red wine everynight after supper and a couple pretzles for a snack...
    Check out my diary I am down to 149 from 197...I am where I want to be weight wise and feel good....
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    If it fits (and you are meeting your macros) then why not. I had wine and a full cup of ice cream all last week. The key is to watch your potions