Day 1 of HCG



  • I did the HCG diet about 3 years ago and lost approx.30lbs. I kept it off for 3 years and I am just now starting to gain wt again. So I have started the diet again. It really does work if you follow the protocol. I was only hungry the first 4 days of the 500 cal restriction. After that it is smooth sailing and I am not cranky either. Actually my mood has improved. Hang in there young lady and you will get to where you want to be.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Ok, one more time....

    HCG does NOT help you lose weight. The only reason you lose weight on that diet because you are starving on only 500 calories a day.

    Losing weight by eating only 500 calories a day is not healthy, and while a few people seem to be able to endure that level of starvation without ending up in the emergency room (or worse), many, many others become ill when they try to live on so little food, HCG or not.

    I don't want any of you that did HCG to get sick or regain.

    But I DO wish you would stop talking about it on this website like it was something safe and wonderful when in fact, HCG is one of the most dangerous extreme fad diets around.

    If you have to be proud of yourself for starving on 500 calories a day to lose weight, please do it privately and do not write posts or post photos that might tempt others to follow your example of starvation on MyFitnessPal. This is a website that promotes healthy living and eating, NOT starvation diets.

    Once again, here are the links to the scientific reports, in case you missed them

    Thank you.
  • Wow bullying others to make what point exactly? Real mature
    .........already overly emotional, I see.

    I don't think she needs anymore hormones floating around in her body.

    its okay she is taking hormone free hormones
  • Why feel the need to criticize to begin with? I don't see anyone bashing your method, so what gives you the right to do so?
    I just see it as an excuse to bully others and hide behind an excuse. Don't see the point really.
    wow I am surprised that you guy are so unfriendly. It is unfortunate! and I am not talking about being friendly towards the diet, just having common courtesy towards us as people.
    Folks are criticizing the practice, not the person. No need to take it personally. :flowerforyou:
  • danielleogrady
    danielleogrady Posts: 9 Member
    I completely agree with you. Most people think the HCG is just about 500 calories. They have no idea how human chorionic gonadatropin works and why you're body never gets to starvation mode. Best of luck to you and congrats on your accomplishments thus far!
  • Hate to tell you but HCG is a hormone. As another member said it is the pregnancy hormone. I agree you are only losing weight by doing a month of intense calorie restriction. Research reputable sources for information such as Mayo Clinic which reports no study supports that HCG drops/injections etc. adding to weight loss and that it is only the intense calorie restriction. You can find support for & against any idea on the internet. You must see where information is coming. Look it up in a medical textbook even. I don't think people are trying to be mean...I think they are concerned. It is proven over and over that restriction for that long and that low will only slow your metabolism and when you start eating again you will gain the weight back. I can only see it possibly working if you have only a small amount of weight to lose & lose it during that time & then increase your calories afterward that only marginally so that you just maintain. We all just want you to be healthy and lose weight safely.
  • And where did you see anyone imploring or recruiting? People are going to do what ever they feel like is right for them, dieting is not a one size fits all. PS...the.idgaf was a little much dear
    idgaf what you do. Just please don't try to implore anyone else to do it.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    A big part of the problem is this: To people that do not really understand science and how the human body works, the Simeons HCG protocol probably does sound like science. And those who are looking for a weight loss miracle will grab at straws.

    To them, it doesn't seem to matter how many scientific studies or doctors from WebMD, the Mayo Clinic, or anywhere else say that the HCG diet does absolutely nothing to help with weight loss, make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day, preserve muscle, reset your metabolism etc., they will believe what they want.

    But the HCG diet, like any other extremely low calorie diet, can cause a great deal of damage to your health. And no amount of HCG --injected, homeopathic, drops, pellets, or whatever - will protect you from that.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member

    You look awesome! Now do me a favour.

    Take some photos in the same dress in 2 years time, and post them here. Then I may believe there is some legitimacy in this "system".

    Losing weight, and maintaining a healthy sustainable lifestyle, are two totally different things.

    @ Primm, leave the fact that you think I need to prove anything to you a side for a moment. Have ever stayed on a program and followed it to the T with success for over a year. If you ever have, you would have never wished all that hard work to be gone.
    I wish you success, and that you find something you think is worth dedicating your self to. Obviously you haven't yet, but to believe in something so strongly, especially when it delivers is so satisfying I hope you don't miss out on that in your life time.

    As for proving anything to you or anyone else, I am not going to. I don't need to, I am happy and satisfied...
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member

    You look awesome! Now do me a favour.

    Take some photos in the same dress in 2 years time, and post them here. Then I may believe there is some legitimacy in this "system".

    Losing weight, and maintaining a healthy sustainable lifestyle, are two totally different things.

    @ Primm, leave the fact that you think I need to prove anything to you a side for a moment. Have ever stayed on a program and followed it to the T with success for over a year. If you ever have, you would have never wished all that hard work to be gone.
    I wish you success, and that you find something you think is worth dedicating your self to. Obviously you haven't yet, but to believe in something so strongly, especially when it delivers is so satisfying I hope you don't miss out on that in your life time.

    As for proving anything to you or anyone else, I am not going to. I don't need to, I am happy and satisfied...

    I don't think anyone is actually 'wishing' for you to gain weight or have health problems, I think they are just concerned that those issues may be a possible natural consequence of adhering to a very low calorie diet for a long period of time.
  • Really??!?!?!! You call this a credible site??? Seriously, if HCG is SO bad for you, then why has NO ONE come forward that has had serious ill effects due to the diet? Sure those who don't follow protocol will gain the weight back, that is true of ALL diets.

    I would really like to hear from someone who has become deathly ill from this diet. Honestly, who on MFP has become seriously or permanently ill due to HCG??? I really want to know...

    I had a physical recently and my doctor told me that whatever I'm doing to keep doing! All my blood work came back with good results; my bad cholesterol is down, good cholesterol is up, blood is properly saturated, blood pressure is excellent and iron level is good and I don't have edema. Oh and one last thing... I was growing a small bold spot on the top of my head BEFORE I started the diet... I now have new growth.

    I think too many people are being meddling nellies cuz they have nothing better to do than bash those who are successful. If you don't like it, then don't do it and leave the rest of us alone. Your "concern" is so phony it's blatant.
  • lexikaye22
    lexikaye22 Posts: 28 Member
    Ignore the negativity....the people who judge are more likely the ones who have either 1) have never heard of it 2) never tried it!

    I think the HCG Works miracles... heck it did for the 30 days before my wedding.... buttttt..BUTTT.... I have done HCG before my wedding... I go on and Off it throughout the year... you Lose the fat quickly...but be very careful if you jump off the hcg kick.... eat low cals and dont go crazy with your eating...otherwize all of your hard work has gone down the drain!

  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Some people need a serious lesson in the difference between correlation and causation!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member Really??!?!?!! You call this a credible site??? Seriously, if HCG is SO bad for you, then why has NO ONE come forward that has had serious ill effects due to the diet? Sure those who don't follow protocol will gain the weight back, that is true of ALL diets.

    I would really like to hear from someone who has become deathly ill from this diet. Honestly, who on MFP has become seriously or permanently ill due to HCG??? I really want to know...

    I had a physical recently and my doctor told me that whatever I'm doing to keep doing! All my blood work came back with good results; my bad cholesterol is down, good cholesterol is up, blood is properly saturated, blood pressure is excellent and iron level is good and I don't have edema. Oh and one last thing... I was growing a small bold spot on the top of my head BEFORE I started the diet... I now have new growth.

    I think too many people are being meddling nellies cuz they have nothing better to do than bash those who are successful. If you don't like it, then don't do it and leave the rest of us alone. Your "concern" is so phony it's blatant.

    If you want to hear from people that have become ill from doing HCG then read this thread

    And how about an article from a credible source (webmd)

    And this article
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Please for the love of DOGS! Can people stop sending me messages about this 'ruddy' hormone bull. I dont want to read your articles, I dont want to be friends with people taking an unhealthy approach to dieting because I'm doing blooming fantastic on my own. Leave me alone ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As for everyone else. I hope you have a happy, fun and energy filled day Lots of healthy yummy food and plenty of exercise to help you on your way xxxx
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Phase 1 was literally gorging youself with high fatty foods...

    why on earth do you have to do that as part of a DIET?!
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Turn off your PC's and go's lovely.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    One bad side effect of doing the HCG diet seems to be that people who are on it feel that anyone who presents them with reliable scientific reports about how they are losing weight only because the are eating a starvation diet of 500 calories a day, and they might cause great harm to their health by eating so little food is "being negative"
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member Really??!?!?!! You call this a credible site??? Seriously, if HCG is SO bad for you, then why has NO ONE come forward that has had serious ill effects due to the diet? Sure those who don't follow protocol will gain the weight back, that is true of ALL diets.

    I would really like to hear from someone who has become deathly ill from this diet. Honestly, who on MFP has become seriously or permanently ill due to HCG??? I really want to know...

    I had a physical recently and my doctor told me that whatever I'm doing to keep doing! All my blood work came back with good results; my bad cholesterol is down, good cholesterol is up, blood is properly saturated, blood pressure is excellent and iron level is good and I don't have edema. Oh and one last thing... I was growing a small bold spot on the top of my head BEFORE I started the diet... I now have new growth.

    I think too many people are being meddling nellies cuz they have nothing better to do than bash those who are successful. If you don't like it, then don't do it and leave the rest of us alone. Your "concern" is so phony it's blatant.

    I'm guessing you are meaning bald spot, which is ironic since one of the side effects of HCG is hair loss. Also enlarged breast in men... O.o... Granted side effects you never know how accurate they are because anything that happens to one person on them have to be listed. Asprin alone has some horrible side effects if they listed them all.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    There are quite a few "bad results from the HCG diet" messages on this thread, for those who are interested in hearing about the possible negative outcomes of attempting that starvation eating plan
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