What Are Your Reasons To Lose?

People always ask me why do you want to lose weight or why should I lose weight?

My reasons are:

#1 for me! Cause I used to be skinny/in shape & I want to be that way again!
#2 for my hubby & our future kids so we can actually watch them grow up together & be there for a long time for them & one another & hubby & I will hopefully see grandkids & spend all these moments with our family, and do things with them!
#3 Better my health, being fat isn't healthy, I never used to be til I quit smoking now to get this weight off for good
#4 doing what I want without being outta breath and tired!

so many reasons why, what are your reasons?


  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member

    #1. I'm not getting any younger.....
    #2. I need to be more healthy
    #3. I would feel better about things
    #4. It's about FREAKIN time.....


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  • valier_l
    valier_l Posts: 6 Member
    #1 For me is same as you. I'm not happy with my size, shape, or health.
    #2 History of heart problems in the family.
    #3 Keep up with my parents, who can currently out-run and out-bike me.
    #4 Planning to have kids within a year or two and want to start out on the right foot & not pass my bad habits on to them.
  • Because I think it will bring my blood pressure down.
  • My reasons are exactly what your reasons are. And each of your reasons are as important as the rest, so I have good reason to take my weight loss serious. I have got to do this once and for all. I am exactly like you though, all my reasons are the same as yours!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    To be confident, happy, and satisfied with what my body can do for me.
    To wear jeans comfortably and not have the darned muffin top.
    To know that I am taking care of myself.
    To wear shorts and feel good about myself (and a bikini!)
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Cuter clothes.

  • flanbo
    flanbo Posts: 10
    Because it's time to see what confidence feels like.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I cannot remember one time in my adult life that I have been fit, healthy and having at least a half-decent body.

    I do not want to look back on these years when I'm older and feel that I never truly hit a 'peak appearance' level. I want to look back on these days when I'm old and grey and not regret being overweight.

    I guess I just don't want to miss out on enjoying life while I'm still young.
  • cyndy1214
    cyndy1214 Posts: 22 Member
    The number one reasone is I want to loose for my health. I have diabetes and have had some heart problems. I have a crushed disk in my back and my body hurts. The more I loose the better I feel and my blood sugar is almost normal. I am down to one pill a day and want to be on no blood sugar medicine at all. The second reason is that I will be graduating from my Master's in Professional Counseling in May of 2014. I want to look good when I walk the stage to graduation.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Completely, totally selfish reason #1....because I want to be hotter than a certain relative of mine, just once, so that her ego takes it down a notch. :devil:

    Other than that, I want to just do. I've never just done anything. Now, I just go walking, I just go down to the beach, I just invest in a kayak for next year. :happy:

    And for my husband, so he can have a hot wife because he loved me fat, has always known me fat, and continues to love me no matter what my size. :heart:
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    #1 for me!
    #2 to live my life has a thin person
    #3 to never see the number 200 something on the scale
    #4 to be healty and have more energy!
    #5 to feel beautiful and like how I look
    #6 to be goegeous in all of my dresses
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Completely, totally selfish reason #1....because I want to be hotter than a certain relative of mine, just once, so that her ego takes it down a notch. :devil:

    Other than that, I want to just do. I've never just done anything. Now, I just go walking, I just go down to the beach, I just invest in a kayak for next year. :happy:

    And for my husband, so he can have a hot wife because he loved me fat, has always known me fat, and continues to love me no matter what my size. :heart:

    I'm loving your 1st reason :P
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    to increase the quantity and quality of my life....and to be beautiful (maybe)
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    My entire life i have been that overweight guy. never cared till i started getting sick. 32 and sick doesn't work for my lifestyle. so i am changing it. For Me, for my wife, for my kids.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    Cheap life Insurance, lol that really is one of my reasons.
    Not get sick because I'm over weight.
    To set the example of being healthy for my family.
  • My family has all been overweight but my mom got skinny (through chemo - so not the route one would want to take) but before she passed, I remember her saying "Take off the weight, it is so freeing to feel good in your skin and wear whatever you want"
    That quote and in particular the word "freeing" motivates me. Oh yeah and not wanting to be the fat soccer mom.
  • Yadib317
    Yadib317 Posts: 10 Member
    #1 Avoid diabetes for as long as I can - my entire family on my mom's side is diabetic.
    #2 Keep my limbs- my uncle, who has diabetes, just got his foot amputated because he didn't take care of himself
    #3 Look good
    #4 Feel good

    Keep it up everyone!
  • #1 my health- I was headed down to road to some very serious health problems
    #2 I love my life and I don't want to be a slug,I want to be able to enjoy it to the fullest.
    #3 I love my kids and want to be here for them for many years
    #4 I want to be smokin hot and be able to wear some funky clothes
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Completely, totally selfish reason #1....because I want to be hotter than a certain relative of mine, just once, so that her ego takes it down a notch. :devil:

    Other than that, I want to just do. I've never just done anything. Now, I just go walking, I just go down to the beach, I just invest in a kayak for next year. :happy:

    And for my husband, so he can have a hot wife because he loved me fat, has always known me fat, and continues to love me no matter what my size. :heart:

    I'm loving your 1st reason :P

    Lol! Gotta keep it real!
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    i bought a new swim suit on sale and i don't want it to fit next summer; to not look in the mirror when i'm walking at walmart and see my bootie hanging way out there; to look thinner in my face; to get better lab results ( which i did but still need to work on doing better with HDL).
  • Enduranze3
    Enduranze3 Posts: 45 Member
    1. To feel better about myself and to be happy with myself-I have lost most of my confidence
    2. To set a good example for my son. I don't want him to go through this
    3. To not become diabetic-I lost my mom and grandmother to diabetes
    4. To not always feel like the fat relative or the fat friend when I'm with others
    5. To have another baby
    6. To stick around to enjoy my kids and my grandchildren one day