To scared to log calories!

Last sunday I ate pizza hutt and I logged it all, Cringed!! but still logged it, worked out the next day and moved on.. then yesterday I had KFC... Disappointed, I still logged it.. figured I would get back into today, beginning with my spin class... which I then missed, and it went downhill from there, I ate everything in site all day. Not neccessarily bad things, (not through lack of trying, if there was a block chocolate in my house I would have eaten it easy, but I make sure there is no junk in house for this very reason) but just lots of everything.. like everything I would normally eat but 3 times the servings and I just couldnt stop! Now im too scared to log anything and I feel like all my hard work has been sabotaged. How bad is this and how can i fix it??


  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    What's the point in not logging it?! You ate it, so it's not going to disappear just because it's not logged. So, log everything and stick to your plan. It's not the end of the world... nor of your weight loss journey!!! :flowerforyou:

    You did wrong, so what? From now on, you're back on track! Keep your food journal, make the right choices, eat healthy snacks to avoid uncontrollable hunger and simply do everything that has worked for you so far or that you think will work for you. Your can do it! :wink:
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    Only YOU can fix it. No one else has control over what you put in your mouth. No one ever said that this was going to be an EASY journey, it's a struggle for most of us. YOU can control what you do. I wish you many more SUCCESSFUL tomorrow's :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ctriston
    ctriston Posts: 71 Member

  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    You should log it. I had a terrible food day today. Log it so you can see where you are and move on. You can start making better decisions right now.

    We all have days were it goes rogue. ROGUE!!!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    completely agree... Keeping moving forward. Splurges will happen. You're fine. Get back on track and dont worry bout yesterday :)
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    log it and make yourself accountable :)

    even when i eat too much of something and i cringe at what ive eaten I log it. I have proven to myself i am less likely to go overboard if i continue to log my bad habits... those bad habits are rapidly being replaced by good ones which i doubt would have happened if i hadnt been honest with myself from the start.
  • wannabfit34
    wannabfit34 Posts: 23 Member
    Pretty much agree with everyone here, especially with the idea of logging (or checking the calorie content before eating). Had I done this one of the days I stopped at fast food place I would have made a much different decision.
  • chin up chest out, today is a new day :) I have days some times weeks of falling of the waggon but you gota get up dust ya self down n hop back on!!! wishing you a happy day with strength to get back on this journey with us
    hugs :)
  • I always try to log my food before I eat it!

    It helps me to make more educated choices about what i want to put in my mouth :)

    Especially when it comes to junk food, I often think twice!

    I know im about to pig out, but surely 'certain food' is better than 'certain food, and will still satisfy my cravings :):)
  • Log it all, I had a bad day yesterday.......Dominio's! it was yummy. But back on track now. Its not the 1st time I've gone over and busted the calories, and I know it won't be the last. But I know if you fancy something eat it because you will only eat all the other rubbish instead plus what you crave! I found that out the hard way. Keep up your good work so far............
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Even if you don't log it, your body does.

    That is the rule I live by. You need to hold yourself accountable if you want to see the change you want for yourself.

    Good luck
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    Writting down everything is helpful, but you do need a motivation. It does take work to get back on track. As a cronic muncher and starver, I know this, but have not truly learned it.
    A couple days off will not distroy you. It's a life long process. I learned this years ago, but still do not believe it.

    What triggered the crash? If you can honestly answer that you can work through it. Learn to recognise it, and ride it through the next time.

    It sounds like your in a spiral, but you can regain control. You CAN take back control! It's not the end of the world. Emotions can make it feel that way some times. STOP the negative thinking now. (easy to say I know). It is time to get back on track.

    My dear, there is no simple answer to your questions, but you must take this a day at a time.
    Start with a clean slate today. Put a eating plan in place and follow it. Reward yourself tonight (non food). Remeber the good reasons you are here.

    YOU are in control!
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I think this is a severe case of LMF... (Interpret the 3 letter acronym as you will!)... The hard horrible military side of me whats to say Man Up and sort your life out...the more feminine gentle me says kind words of support and encouragement, and that facing the reality and not living in denial will help you sort your life out...

    But as others have said, you ate it and not logging it doesn't mean that those calories will magically disappear from your body... be honest with yourself. It's noone else you're lying to really... and it skews your data and it skews the reality of it all.

    Wake up, don't live in denial... if you're not ready to hack this yet, then don't... if you are going to, you must go in with totally honesty and commitment. It's the only way. You can face up to your demons and over indulgences better. Be realistic.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Don't stress! We all have off days. I think if you can you should log it, but if it's too painful then at least quick add a chunk of calories ( an estimate) and move on! Learn from it and do better next time! It's not the end of the world. Don't give up! You can do it!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Frankly, grow up, face the facts and be honest. Why do people always want to lie?? Lying doesn't get you anywhere! You enjoyed eating the pizza or whatever bad food it may have been, but it went in the mouth so log it. I get scared too, but if I was soo scared then I wouldn't have eaten it. If I have a bad day, or a bad week, there is no sabatoge. There is no one that will send you to hell. It's ok! You will be just fine. Enjoy life. Majority of people aren't perfect eaters. Just don't do it every day for a month!
    Last sunday I ate pizza hutt and I logged it all, Cringed!! but still logged it, worked out the next day and moved on.. then yesterday I had KFC... Disappointed, I still logged it.. figured I would get back into today, beginning with my spin class... which I then missed, and it went downhill from there, I ate everything in site all day. Not neccessarily bad things, (not through lack of trying, if there was a block chocolate in my house I would have eaten it easy, but I make sure there is no junk in house for this very reason) but just lots of everything.. like everything I would normally eat but 3 times the servings and I just couldnt stop! Now im too scared to log anything and I feel like all my hard work has been sabotaged. How bad is this and how can i fix it??
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    Yeah, there are days I really don't want to log... but I've learned to bite the bullet and do it anyway. Like others have said, it's not like not logging it means it didn't happen. You might as well be accountable.

    Plus, having to log it makes you face the reality of it instead of minimizing it as "it wasn't *that* much".

    On the plus side, you can view nutrition over a period, so one bad day (or two or a few) doesn't mean it'll be bad forever, or that it won't even out over the long run. Having the evidence can help you see what kind of progress you're making though.
  • stemen2011
    stemen2011 Posts: 35 Member


    I ALWAYS plan my day in the morning and log in it the morning to see where I will be at.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member


    I ALWAYS plan my day in the morning and log in it the morning to see where I will be at.

    Yup me too. Drives my husband crazy that I have to know what he wants for dinner before he leaves for work in teh morning but you need a system that works for you.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Log it, it'll serve as a constant reminder

    Like the other night when I drank 6 Heinkiens at a toe curling 1,300 calories I now think twice about even drinking!

    Whenever I eat anything, put together a meal or what have you that I think will be fine within my calorie goal and then get a dose of reality when it's so many more calories then I'd imagined I end up changing my options! I still eat it though (the first 1) as you know it's kind of there but once I've done it the sheer act of logging it puts me off of having it again.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Always log it. Otherwise, you are just pretending it didn't happen and probably ate the calories you missed, doubling them. The suggestion to log it beforehand if possible is a good one. I'm a sucker for Swedish Fish or Milk Duds if I am out shopping. I just scan it into my phone and see how it affect my calories and make my decision based on what those numbers look like.