male physique and your perception?



  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Really in the end, Id say its how you carry yourself. I know lots of guys who work out a ton, but they are not confident or comfortable around the fairer sex, and it ends up just causing them to beefy lonely guys
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Girls (and guys?) If you see a guy that has big arms and you can tell he worksout do you presume he gets lots of girls and has no problem with the ladies? I ask this because from my perspective it is true.

    No I don't assume it's true just looking at their arms/body.... Not all men who work out do I think are attractive (to me anyway)
    Honestly.... If I find their face unattractive I don't bother checking out the rest. A body can be improved... a face? well not so much.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Chicks dig my Tibialis Anterior.

    Yeah, I see you 'mirin.
  • holyguacamole37
    holyguacamole37 Posts: 73 Member
    Honestly, if a guy has supersized biceps, I tend to stay AWAY from them. Not because I think he's a ladies' man or anything, but because there's something disconcerting about the thought of being with someone who could crush my skull with his bare hands...
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    I don't like men to be flabby where there should be muscle I personally find it unattractive and unappealing - no good as hunter gatherer. However, too much is also offputting and not my cup of tea but that doesn't stop me from wanting to know how they achieve that look, what motivates them and why they wear silly t-shirts!

    For me (happily married), men should have good teeth, great sense of humour and have a toned physique, clean clothes, smell nice and short clean finger nails.

    If you asked me what I couldn't compromise on - it would be the finger nail thing!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Girls (and guys?) If you see a guy that has big arms and you can tell he worksout do you presume he gets lots of girls and has no problem with the ladies? I ask this because from my perspective it is true.

    No, but I'm going to read some of the replies in here and see what the consensus is. Since we're on a fitness site the results could be skewed a bit, but nonetheless it will be interesting to see what people write.

    I say no because I don't think women are nearly as visually stimulated, and additionally (and more importantly) I think men really over-think the importance of physique.

    Just don't smell too bad, try to make yourself look presentable, and shut your mouth and listen to them and that goes a lot futher than biceps.

    I think this is possibly the case as you get older? But certainly in your 20's there is a lot of pressure on looks.

    I don't think that pressure is coming from women.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I've heard personality is more attractive than big arms. I am currently working on both so I'll have the 1-2 combo smiley-sport017.gif[/url]

    And that's why you are so hot, Scott ;)
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Girls (and guys?) If you see a guy that has big arms and you can tell he worksout do you presume he gets lots of girls and has no problem with the ladies? I ask this because from my perspective it is true.

    No, but I'm going to read some of the replies in here and see what the consensus is. Since we're on a fitness site the results could be skewed a bit, but nonetheless it will be interesting to see what people write.

    I say no because I don't think women are nearly as visually stimulated, and additionally (and more importantly) I think men really over-think the importance of physique.

    Just don't smell too bad, try to make yourself look presentable, and shut your mouth and listen to them and that goes a lot futher than biceps.

    Oh if I was single, I'd definitely "holla" at you lol.

    Anyway, in my line of work about 85% of the males I see on a daily basis have excellent physiques. Not all of them are appealing.
    While some have an omg body, their face is well.....:huh: Others have the total package but act like idiots, and others are just kinda ditzy and vain.
    And yeah, please don't smell like *kitten* or sweat either, no matter how muscular or not you are.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    I workout legs and calves but in my opinion, it is really hard for most men to gain muscle on the lower body
    just like i presume it is tougher for females to gain muscle on the upper body
    <<<---pic of best lower body i could do
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    It depends on what the rest of him looks like & how he sounds when he opens his mouth. Hope you wanted honesty. :)

    I second that! Arms aren't the only thing that gets girls. Let alone looks, unless youre a narrow minded chicks maybe. But not all of us are like that or looking for that. It really depends on attitude with the body that goes hand in hand.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I would imagine that such a male would have a great INTEREST in the ladies (or guys, who knows), but I wouldn't automatically assume he has tons of luck with them... Personality is an important factor, especially once you get into the realm of an actual relationship, rather than a fling.

    On a side note, different girls have different preferences for guys... personally, I am not at ALL attracted to the muscley look. Lean and athletic is one thing, but once they start bulking up, I am not interested... haha. That's just me though.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I usually tend to think really built men do have very good luck with women.

    I've ALWAYS stayed away from them.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I workout legs and calves but in my opinion, it is really hard for most men to gain muscle on the lower body
    just like i presume it is tougher for females to gain muscle on the upper body
    <<<---pic of best lower body i could do

    I guess I'm sort of lucky. All those soccer years during grade school, bmx biking and powerlifting days have made sure my legs are decent. Not huge but decent. I have more definition in my legs then anywhere else.

    Hard to see under the hair though.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Girls (and guys?) If you see a guy that has big arms and you can tell he worksout do you presume he gets lots of girls and has no problem with the ladies? I ask this because from my perspective it is true.

    No, but I'm going to read some of the replies in here and see what the consensus is. Since we're on a fitness site the results could be skewed a bit, but nonetheless it will be interesting to see what people write.

    I say no because I don't think women are nearly as visually stimulated, and additionally (and more importantly) I think men really over-think the importance of physique.

    Just don't smell too bad, try to make yourself look presentable, and shut your mouth and listen to them and that goes a lot futher than biceps.

    I think this is possibly the case as you get older? But certainly in your 20's there is a lot of pressure on looks.

    Not true. I am 21 year old. Looks can only go so far. In high school though, I was about as deep as a puddle. After dating a few HOT- but stupid- men, I started opening up to new ideas. So glad I did, I met some really great men. Looks fade, stupidity is forever <3
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I would imagine that such a male would have a great INTEREST in the ladies (or guys, who knows), but I wouldn't automatically assume he has tons of luck with them... Personality is an important factor, especially once you get into the realm of an actual relationship, rather than a fling.

    On a side note, different girls have different preferences for guys... personally, I am not at ALL attracted to the muscley look. Lean and athletic is one thing, but once they start bulking up, I am not interested... haha. That's just me though.

    I agree, super buff seems unnatural to me. Swimmers, water polo players, and soccer players tend to have really nice bodies.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Hummm... I never would have thought about this.... I don't think just because you look like a million bucks, that automatically means you are attractive. Hell I'm sure it helps get the ladies (or men) but I think your personality, and mind is what counts. What you look like only opens the door, anyone can have trouble finding love. Like me...really I'm shy and would feel intimidated, so I'd prolly not talk to them let alone try and pick them up...I'm sure im not the only one... So good looking guys may not get hit on...
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    I workout legs and calves but in my opinion, it is really hard for most men to gain muscle on the lower body
    just like i presume it is tougher for females to gain muscle on the upper body
    <<<---pic of best lower body i could do

    Definitely do not say that to anyone on fitness/body building sites.
    Not true. I am 21 year old. Looks can only go so far. In high school though, I was about as deep as a puddle. After dating a few HOT- but stupid- men, I started opening up to new ideas. So glad I did, I met some really great men. Looks fade, stupidity is forever <3

    I think when the OP says 'luck with ladies' he's referring to being able to pull girls. For example in this country, especially in late teens/20s, people usually 'get lucky' with girls at clubs and bars. They pull and end up at someone's house.
    In that instance, regardless of personality or how clever you are, people go off looks.
    I would have thought that lads who have beach bodies would probably do better in clubs for that sort of thing - perhaps not on the dating side, but definitely pulling.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I workout legs and calves but in my opinion, it is really hard for most men to gain muscle on the lower body
    just like i presume it is tougher for females to gain muscle on the upper body
    <<<---pic of best lower body i could do

    Definitely do not say that to anyone on fitness/body building sites.
    Not true. I am 21 year old. Looks can only go so far. In high school though, I was about as deep as a puddle. After dating a few HOT- but stupid- men, I started opening up to new ideas. So glad I did, I met some really great men. Looks fade, stupidity is forever <3

    I think when the OP says 'luck with ladies' he's referring to being able to pull girls. For example in this country, especially in late teens/20s, people usually 'get lucky' with girls at clubs and bars. They pull and end up at someone's house.
    In that instance, regardless of personality or how clever you are, people go off looks.
    I would have thought that lads who have beach bodies would probably do better in clubs for that sort of thing - perhaps not on the dating side, but definitely pulling.

    I suppose you are right, but most ladies that want to have a real connection don't go to clubs or bars for the purpose of meeting someone for a relationship. (ladies, if you are, you are doing it wrong). And yes, I guess if I wanted a one night stand sort of deal, I would scan the room for the most physically attractive man that looks like he could also rock my world in bed (definitely an "if" statement because I've never been guilty of this myself- not that their is anything wrong with that, but it takes me a while to get warmed up with a partner and a one night stand sound less than enjoyable). But, with all that being said, just because you are really hot doesn't mean you are good in bed. I rather hook up with a five who knew what he was doing, then a ten who bored me in that area. I realize I am a little off track, but my point was it is still better to have a rockin sense of humor and personality along with knowing how to please your partner; because even for a casual hook up you can still pull more girls with the right words and attitude. Its boring to rely on looks alone =P
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I would imagine that such a male would have a great INTEREST in the ladies (or guys, who knows), but I wouldn't automatically assume he has tons of luck with them... Personality is an important factor, especially once you get into the realm of an actual relationship, rather than a fling.

    On a side note, different girls have different preferences for guys... personally, I am not at ALL attracted to the muscley look. Lean and athletic is one thing, but once they start bulking up, I am not interested... haha. That's just me though.

    I agree, super buff seems unnatural to me. Swimmers, water polo players, and soccer players tend to have really nice bodies.

    I agree... the soccer-player phisique is my perception of "ideal" if we're going on looks alone :bigsmile:

  • I'm curious.

    Why do some men, NOT workout their legs to match the top? Don't they notice or am I missing something? Maybe this should be another topic.

    Because 70% of the male gym population don't truly understand what they're doing, and how muscle growth works. So they work out the 'disco' muscles like arms and abs because they believe it's the most aesthetic look.
    But what they don't understand is, skinny legs on a big top half looks stupid, and, legs being the biggest muscle group, release more growth hormones when they're worked on.

    Very true. You would also be amazed how many of these gym junkies are unfit, all that lifting and no cardio. I am all for pumping iron but we get guys come down to the dojo to learn MMA and within five minutes they look like they are about to die.