male physique and your perception?



  • I workout legs and calves but in my opinion, it is really hard for most men to gain muscle on the lower body
    just like i presume it is tougher for females to gain muscle on the upper body
    <<<---pic of best lower body i could do

    Definitely do not say that to anyone on fitness/body building sites.
    Not true. I am 21 year old. Looks can only go so far. In high school though, I was about as deep as a puddle. After dating a few HOT- but stupid- men, I started opening up to new ideas. So glad I did, I met some really great men. Looks fade, stupidity is forever <3

    I think when the OP says 'luck with ladies' he's referring to being able to pull girls. For example in this country, especially in late teens/20s, people usually 'get lucky' with girls at clubs and bars. They pull and end up at someone's house.
    In that instance, regardless of personality or how clever you are, people go off looks.
    I would have thought that lads who have beach bodies would probably do better in clubs for that sort of thing - perhaps not on the dating side, but definitely pulling.

    I suppose you are right, but most ladies that want to have a real connection don't go to clubs or bars for the purpose of meeting someone for a relationship. (ladies, if you are, you are doing it wrong). And yes, I guess if I wanted a one night stand sort of deal, I would scan the room for the most physically attractive man that looks like he could also rock my world in bed (definitely an "if" statement because I've never been guilty of this myself- not that their is anything wrong with that, but it takes me a while to get warmed up with a partner and a one night stand sound less than enjoyable). But, with all that being said, just because you are really hot doesn't mean you are good in bed. I rather hook up with a five who knew what he was doing, then a ten who bored me in that area. I realize I am a little off track, but my point was it is still better to have a rockin sense of humor and personality along with knowing how to please your partner; because even for a casual hook up you can still pull more girls with the right words and attitude. Its boring to rely on looks alone =P

    If you want a meaningful relationship, Id agree that bars or clubs are definitely not the place to go. I have had friends who have had long lasting relationships from meeting the other sex there but for the most part I'd say that there are much better avenues. The problem is that in a western society its pretty much the status quota to pick up a girl/guy in an alcohol related scene, a bit of dutch courage does wonders for most people when it comes to self confidence. I have tried approaching girls outside of these areas to engage in conversation and if it went well ask them out but it can be awkward if you do not know them. The internet seems to be the way of the future in a society that is growing more and more alienated from every day personal interaction, in fifty years time with the way technology is going there will not be many reasons to leave the house.

    As for people being good in bed, most of my really good looking male friends boast about how they pick up girls and don't really care about putting in a good performance if its just a one night stand because they know that tomorrow night, they will more than likely get it again. When I am sitting at the bar with my best mate and he gets approached by girls who make it quite clear in no uncertain terms what they want to do to him, he just casually asks if I mind if he goes with the girl and of course I say no worries because its the bro code. My best friend isn't a douche but he has told me he won't bother putting in with a girl like this because he can't see the relationship progressing past a one night stand or a f buddy until he gets bored or her.He is a very smart individual who needs to be entertained and intellectually stimulated. I can't really say I blame the guy, his words are, how can I respect someone who doesn't respect themselves? This has happened several times to the point where I won't catch up with him in a bar.

    The point is that you as a person should have more self respect than throwing yourself at someone of the opposite sex merely for gratification. I've lost the chance or walked away from women before because I wasn't willing to be disrespected or sacrifice my dignity just to get some skirt but at the end of the day I can look myself in the mirror and be reasonably happy with who I am. The worst part is some guys I know have than taken the pilot seat and gone home with the girl but most of these guys also have underlying issues of insecurity.

    I used to be a bouncer and girls would get drunk and hit on us all the time, they would have hit on Peewee Herman if he worked with us. One night this girl came in who was just everything I physically want in a girl, all the other guys I worked with couldn't understand why I was drooling but its one of those things where you can't explain it, the chemistry was there and there was something about her. We hit it off immediately, she was laughing, body language was good, I was half tempted to ask the boss for the night off. She told me she wanted to hang out after I finished my shift, my intention was to get to know her better and if things were good see where it led. Anyway to cut a long story short, she gets drunk, makes out with 3 different guys and a girl, some old guy was getting hot and heavy on the dance floor with her. She comes up at the end of the night and said, right lets go and I rolled my eyes and walked off, that type of behavior is not the most attractive thing to see especially when you are sober. The chances of her having STD's etc were probable based on what I saw in the few hours she was there, plus this was only the stuff I saw, I'm sure there was worse but I was running the security team for a club with a capacity of 600 people so I had to be everywhere at once.

    A friend of mine told me that she watches guys dance and supposedly if they can move good than they are good in between the sheets so start practicing those pelvic thrusts fellas. As for sexy vs plain Jane, go for plain Jane, she is more than likely down to earth (a very underestimated quality) , she will enjoy it more, actually be grateful and trust me when the sexy one wakes up in the morning with make up all over your nice clean pillow, nine times out of ten you are going to realize that she is a plain Jane at best and nine times out of ten she will have an attitude. You are gonna wish you took the blue pill.
  • Hrmmm... It does depend on his face as well.

    And then, god forbid, he open his mouth...

    lmao! oh man this was great..
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    You are gonna wish you took the blue pill.

    And further down the rabbit hole I will go.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    I dated an absolutely gorgeous, bulked up gentleman years ago. He was as nice as could be...

    He drilled holes in doors into which the doorknobs were installed (by someone else).

    Let us say it didn't last more than two weeks...
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Physically in a guy, I like slim muscular like Nichkhun's on the Coke Zero commercial. I don't even find Ryan Reynold's level of bulk attractive.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    It depends on what the rest of him looks like & how he sounds when he opens his mouth. Hope you wanted honesty. :)