I want to eat clean BUT

sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
*My "excuses" aka challenges:
but i love my ice cream.
but i am seriously a DIRT POOR college student.
and I don't know how to cook ....anything.

*My reasons for wanting to eat clean:
get rid of toxins/chemicals in my body - overall health!!
mood balance (i struggle w/ anxiety and depression)
clearer skin completion
increased energy and better sleep
I know that eating clean with help with all of these things!!

BUT HOW?!??!!? what foods do I eat?!
again.... cheap, easy to make, fast, etc.

wanted to add that I am thinking about slowly "eating clean" 5 days a week to start to ease myself into it so I don't FLIP OUT and binge on a million freaking calories!!!


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    It's really hard when you start eatin clean. I did it for bout a week and a half and ended up bingin on pizza. I haven't tried eating strickly clean since. Now I eat healthier.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Eating clean takes diligence and effort, but it's not as hard or expensive as you think. And it's very worth it.

    Don't be too hard on yourself - If you can manage it about 80% of the time, you won't go crazy and you'll notice immediate benefits. I promise you.

    Best wishes!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    veggies and fruit arent that expensive if you quit buying the processed stuff. whole grain pasta of any kind with some ragu is cheap and healthy and easy to make. and processed foods will make you more depressed, anything with sugar that isnt natural sends me into a tailspin!
    salads are easy of course and oatmeal, yogurt, any of that isnt that expensive. cheeseheads, apples, etc. you can still eat ice cream but in moderation. skinny cows are yummy and not that many calories
  • speedy001
    speedy001 Posts: 91 Member
    I agree! I don't eat clean either but I will usually eat clean for Breakfast and lunch that way you day is 2/3 done. I started with lunch as a salad is cheap easy to make and works well for lunch.
  • Rain_Howard
    search the google thing for recipes. You can even find some on youtube that walk you through step by step. Look for community gardens that will trade labor for produce. But most importantly, learn to cook. The computer and library are your friends.
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    I'd like to know how people eat clean too.

    I'm also on a budget and have 2 kids and a very picky husband who hates almost all vegetables and believes that a dinner should always consist of meat, a huge pile of some kind of fried potatoes or instant-already-flavored rice, and either corn, pinto beans, or green beans.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I've considered eating clean too but haven't totally committed. I'm like you and have been kind of easing into it.... Even just by staying away from most packaged/highly processed products I feel much better!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi! eating clean is easy.
    Before you buy or eat a food ask yourself does it look the way nature intended?
    i.e. a piece of fruit v's a fruit roll up or fruit flavoured object.
    Has it been covered in artificial colours flavours preservatives?
    i.e. some marinaded meats.
    Does it come from the cool/ refrigerated section of the supermarket?
    i.e. vegetables/ fruit, dairy &meat,
    lol not the icecream dessert section either!!
    Most clean food ( not all) has a limited shelf life because it's not full of preservatives so sticking to the outside of the supermarket is a big help.
    when you stop buying the rubbish food and just shop at he grocer, butcher and dairy you can do very well with the same amount of money!
    Google recipes, it's a good time to learn.....a salad needs no cooking expertise, boil some eggs, grill some meat. You can do that!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    for what it's worth, if you eat truly clean, it can be CHEAP! When I was a dirt poor grad student, I lived on vegetarian food. I bought lentils or beans, and brown rice, and made a lot of different recipes with that. Soup or stew. Then I bought fresh vegetables. You don't need anything else. seriously. no sweets. Don't spend money on things to drink. If you drink coffee, either get it for free or brew your own. You can live for PENNIES if you stick to it. I was able to stick to it by thinking of how much money I was saving.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    It's actually not as expensive as you think. I'm a broke *kitten* college kid & have partially figured out how to do it. Fruits & veggies aren't THAT expensive. I shop at Aldi for a lot of my fruits & veggies, idk if you have one near you or not, but if you do it's super super cheap, you just have to double check what you're buying. The Wal-mart Market Fresh veggies aren't super expensive. I get their spinach and it's like $1.50 for a big bag
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I was eating "fairly" clean for about 6 months and it really helped my weight loss as well as my overall health. However, the cost of organic foods has been prohibitive so I do the best I can with a few basics: fresh and frozen fruits and veggies, brown rice and whole wheat pasta, plain oatmeal (not the instant kind with all the stuff in it, just the "quick cooking" plain oats that are really quite cheap) I also buy packs of chicken and lean ground turkey on sale whenever I can find it...canned beans and rinse them to get rid of the sodium (or buy dry beans and cook them myself)

    Start with a few changes at a time...you can start with frozen veggies if fresh are too expensive...generic brand brown rice is cheap...you can get packs of lean meats (like chicken) at Walmart or other grocery stores on sale for pretty cheap...

    ice cream isn't necessarily "bad." Look for a brand that has a limited number of ingredients and they should be words you can pronounce (milk, cream, sugar, vanilla, etc) so they won't be full of all those chemicals...there's a particular brand that is all natural ingredients but of course I can't think of it while typing this...

    good luck. I can definitely say that eating healthier made me feel better and did clear up my skin...things I've noticed since I kinda fell off the wagon recently :)
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    oh my gosh!! all of these answers have helped me out a lot!!

    for the past month, i already have focused on eating less refined sugars and more fruits/veggies.. so that is a start!

    I like keeping the mindset I am eating clean/healthy most of the time, but deserve some treats so i don't go insane!! I think motivation enough for not eating high sugary stuff is that it causes me to get super hyper and then crash into a depression and sometimes i can't get out of that depression - but yeah! I just think... "do i want this pint of ice cream?? i will have a few bites (yummy) but do i want to be lazy on the couch and be all sad and lethargic?!"

    this is going to help!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Great resource: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=clean+eating
    You are in college, learn to cook
    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,005 Member

    BUT HOW?!??!!? what foods do I eat?!
    again.... cheap, easy to make, fast, etc.

    whole, natural foods.

    fresh fruit
    fresh vegetables
    whole, unsalted nuts
    100 % whole grain......cereals, breads, tortilla's
    I eat real cheese, nothing low fat, fat free.
    milk, I eat almond milk
    proteins....beans (red, black, etc.) buy in bag and cook yourself; tuna; frozen boneless/skinless chicken breast; eggs

    if you really want to eat clean, buy mostly organic, but that can be costly.

    start reading nutrition labels...if it has a huge paragraph of words you cannot even say DONT EAT IT. it's processed (fake food)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Oh, and for clean ice cream:
    whip up some cold whipping cream.
    Add some pureed fresh strawberries.
    If you wish ( you may not need it) a tiny bit of sweetener of your choice.
    Try a little vanilla.
    mix and place into small portion glasses.
    Freeze till soft serve consistency.
    Enjoy! No chemicals :drinker: :drinker:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    well you definitely don't want to eat dirty butt....
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    Find the nearest Walmart and shop there! They have the best prices! If you're just starting out take baby steps. You're setting yourself up for failuer if you do it all at once.

    Try egg whites...you can either buy them in a carton or buy eggs use the shells seperate the yoke from the whites.

    Frozen bag of chicken breasts.

    Whole wheat bread instead of white bread.

    Sauces, avoid them as much as possible!! If you can't see through them they are most likely not good for you.

    WATER! WATER! WATER! Drink it :) Think of it this way, wouldn't you rather eat your calories?

    Stay away from packaged foods as much as you can, being a college student I know it must be hard because they are the cheapest but this is vital.

    As for the ice cream and the goodies....there's nothing wrong with them every now and then (smal portions, of course) but don't make them part of your normal eating habits.

    The key to eating clean and being healthy is all about HOW BADLY YOU WANT IT! You need to make a commitment to yourself to really give it all you have. Do something great for yourself. You deserve and are worthy of living a healthy life. But you are the only person who can make that happen.

    "While someone is saying how hard something is, there is someone out there doing it"

    You CAN do it! You WILL do it! :) Hang in there and never give up on yourself :)

  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    veggies and fruit arent that expensive if you quit buying the processed stuff. whole grain pasta of any kind with some ragu is cheap and healthy and easy to make. and processed foods will make you more depressed, anything with sugar that isnt natural sends me into a tailspin!
    salads are easy of course and oatmeal, yogurt, any of that isnt that expensive. cheeseheads, apples, etc. you can still eat ice cream but in moderation. skinny cows are yummy and not that many calories

    Totally agree...
    any yes, you can have skinny cows and sugar free pudding; if you are gonna do a cleanse, I wouldn't eat those everyday or anything but once a week won't kill you :wink:
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    So if you eat clean most of the time, one luxury isn't going to hurt y ou. Eat clean but keep eating your ice cream. That way you will be able to stick to it.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Iced cream: frozen mango, frozen peach and one banana - blend) If you want texture add fresh blueberries (pop when you bite) or nuts ...