Pizza is a Vegetable?!?!



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    According to Congress, 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce equals ½ cup of vegetables, thus allowing pizza to be counted as a serving of vegetables in school lunches.

    So when it comes to school lunches the pizza a cafeteria serves will now count as a vegetable serving which is absolutely fantastic because now they can take the REAL veg off the menu and sub in some pudding and strawberry milk for all of the little future diabetics they're serving.

    The US Congress is one of the most corrupt and ignorant government bodies in the world. If you have enough money you can get a bill as stupid as this through Congress pretty easily. What a joke.

    They did the same thing with ketchup during the Reagan administration. Everything old and idiotic is new again!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Aren't they just saying that tomato sauce contains enough nutrients to count as a serving of vegetables?

    Yes. I blame Matt Lauer.

    Matt Lauer is the blame for many things wrong in this country.

    And people say I'm crazy... God, I hate that smug *kitten*.
  • Apparently it has to do with allowing companies to continue to sell their frozen food products without having to change them in order to meet the new nutritional requirements?

    Silly America.

    That's pretty much the reason. President Obama and the first lady were all about fighting obesity and changing the school lunch menus to make them healthier...until Congress gave in to lobbyists.

    Congress wants to censor the internet the way that China blocks Google, and now they find time to declare pizza as a veggie. And yet they don't have the time to be voting on bills that create jobs for people?

  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    I am growing pizza in my garden. If I truly believed this I'd be just as high as the US Congress.

    you just made my day.
    lol (:
  • shrinkingviolet23
    shrinkingviolet23 Posts: 31 Member
    Pizza is a fruit by their logic. Wow I thought the UK government had issues, I feel for you guys in the US with those jokers running your country! I love the ketchup is a smoothie comment. This thread is comedy!
  • We should do something about this. We cant let congress mess with our health. Especially when we want our kids to eat healthy.
  • Pizza is a fruit by their logic. Wow I thought the UK government had issues, I feel for you guys in the US with those jokers running your country! I love the ketchup is a smoothie comment. This thread is comedy!

    Well now doesn't this all give a whole new light to the meaning of 'pea brain'?
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
