Should I treat this like AA? Hi, my name is Melissa and I'm



  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome to the site Melissa!!
  • melcasa
    melcasa Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Melissa!
    Wow you sound like you have been listening to my thoughts about myself!!
    Well welcome to MPF and with the right motivation from your family here and at home, along from yourself you will do great.
    I have also come to realize that we think 20x's worst about ourselfs than what reality is......Your beautiful and can do this!!

    Well in that case I'm sorry because these thoughts suck! I'm glad we are here!

    I'm just hoping I can start to correct these things before I'm in my 30's and hey I'm pretty sure a woman's peak sexiness is between 30-40 anyway!

    Thanks for the motivation!
  • melcasa
    melcasa Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome to the site Melissa!!

    Thank you!
  • Hello,

    My name Melissa and I feel the same as you. .

    I have fought the weight struggle all my life and blamed it on one thing or another and never really looked myself in the face and blamed my bad habits.

    I now trying to change and figure out why I ve made these bad habits. A friend that struggles with weight loss all her life told me, she finally stop the battle when she figured out why she was over eating and she stopped beating her self up!!!!!

    Be Kind to yourself !!!!
    Be kind to your Body !!!
    Think Only positive thoughts.....I am healthy, I am strong, I am happy !!!! (say it out works ........)

    Best wishes,

  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm frustrated. With myself, with life, just...frustrated.

    I know I need to make a change in my life, a BIG change. I'm damn near obese and that pisses me off. I hate that I am 23 and the biggest person I know. I hate that I haven't been strong enough to truly exercise and eat right. I hate that I hate so many things!

    I love my family, my friends and the thought of living a normal life. One that doesn't include self loathing. I know that because I'm all ready overweight I will always have to pay attention to what I'm eating and how much I'm moving. My hope is that one day that attention won't be so time consuming and overwhelming.

    Everyday I think about food. Everyday I think about exercise. Some days I will actually eat good things (and correct portions of them) and sometimes I even add exercise! But that's not my norm. I despiratly want to just go through the day, everyday, doing what is good for me without over thinking every step.

    OK! Pity party way over. I'm not this whinny or pathetic, well, I don't allow people to know that I am anyway. I feel that no matter how happy I am in the back of my mind my weight is always there. Laughing at me. Making me stand out in a crowd. Forcing me to be uncomfortable in my own skin.

    I know I have control over this. I know I can make the change. I need a routine. A realistic and pretty easy to get into routine. I would appreciate input from others. As far as exercise and meals go I know a lot. I was actually in weight lifting in high school and that knowledge has stayed with me (I just don't utilize it like I should). As far as healthy foods and portions I'm also knowledgeable. I love to research and I have a pretty good idea as to what I should be doing.

    I need to stay on task. I need to be held accountable. I would try to have my family and boyfriend do this...but they just love me so much they couldn't possibly deny me a delicious slice of pizza or tell me don't to drink that soda (can you feel the sarcasm burning through the screen?)

    Any motivation is absolutely welcome! I'm currently 165lbs and looking to be around 130lbs. To me it seems like that day will never come. Honestly, I don't even care. If I could just be healthier and not be jiggly from head to toe I would be happy! More muscle, less fat. Please and Thank You!

    I feel the same way. my husband tries to help me but i seem to always make excuses. I really am working on that. if you need a friend for some motivation feel free to add me.
  • Thanks for posting those. I was looking for some good workouts that I could do at home!
  • melcasa
    melcasa Posts: 60 Member
    Hello fellow Melissa! Great advice thank you for the support

    I’m glad to hear that you have a support system at home –even if you’re not listening to your husband :p
    I think the really hard part is believing in the encouragement of others.
    I appreciate the friendship and motivation! Thanks!!
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I never wanted to spend a lot of time thinking about food. MFP has changed that for me. I now think about it, because I'm logging it, but in a good way. I feel empowered to have control of what is happening to my body. I don't deprive myself anything, but I do have choices to make to make room for treats.

    It has become such a positive thing in my life. I'm hoping you will feel the same way!
  • PMPB7
    PMPB7 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Melissa,

    I am so glad you are here! Truly, it something like AA or OA for eaters. It might feel sad to say it like that, but our love of food and no exercise is what ails us. Admitting it IS the first step. Doing something about it and really working the steps to make a BIG change IS NOT easy! You are doing the right thing and it is my hope and prayer for you and myself, (and every one here) that this will be the final beginning on a journey that will last a LIFETIME. There will be ups and downs for sure, but this time will pass and next summer will be here again. Shorts and bathing suit time. Whether you are ready or not. This is your chance to be ready and shine.

    Welcome to the site. It is only my second day using it, and I am with ya!


    Bernie thank you for the support! Shorts and bathing suit time is def. a motivation for me. I never wear shorts outside of the house and a bathing suit...well...I wear them but I never feel like I should. I'm hoping that in 2012 I will have a reason to strut proudly into the sea...not run as fast as I can so no one will see my body!!!

    Congrats on day two! Nice to meet you and I look forward to working with you! Life changes here we come!

    Day two is going well! Keep it up! You can do this. I cannot wait til the first month passes and see the changes taking place. :)
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