5 weeks to loose 5 kilograms



  • tilzie
    tilzie Posts: 13
    So excited to hav y'all on board! Woohoo! Hope day one went well folks! If you haven't already feel free to add me and we can keep each other honest that way. Will keep checking in! Awesome!
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    Yes!!! I'm onboard... I've just got down to 84.5kg, and I am determined to be under 80kg by the end of the year! Glad to have some company, yeeeeeeeehar!!!!
    Anyone want to friend me, feel free :D
  • hernoodlyness
    hernoodlyness Posts: 10 Member
    Let's do it!
  • Kesh2DaWorld
    Kesh2DaWorld Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to see what you did to lose 5.7 kg in 3 weeks
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    sounds doable right? I hope so! Guess the purpose of this post is to 1. See if anyone has any tips to keep me going (I'm a terrible snacker and love candy!) and 2. See if anyone else might want to jump on the wagon to reach the same goal?

    Tips, love and motivation all welcome and appreciated! Goodness knows I'll need it!

    T x

    Hey! Im in! 5kgs in 5 weeks! Good luck everyone.

    Im with you, I love eating candy too! Its hard for me to stop once I start, so I just say NO to myself. Dont start, then you dont have to TRY and stop!!!
    Also, chewing gum helps me.

    Feel free to add me, if any one wishes.
  • tilzie
    tilzie Posts: 13
    Ok team! Good point raised. Let's weigh in on Saturday mornings! Remember this is just to motivate and support each other and keep each other accountable. I'm so excited that there are people keen to join this journey with me. Yay x
  • shelleyr06
    count me in! However you might need to motivate me, i find myself LOVING baileys :)
    I want to buy my first ever bikini and summer is nearly here
  • Aroz25
    Aroz25 Posts: 40
    Yay I'm another kiwi looking to shed some kilos before xmas! My biggest problem seems to be finding enough time in the day to do excersise what with 2 young girls to run around after 24/7. I have been doing the 30 day shred for about a week or so and towards the end of level one am definitely finding it to be a bit too easy. Would love some tips on healthier eating as well. I have been eating salads nearly every day but there always seems to be something that catches me out over the course of the day :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • PerfectPout
    PerfectPout Posts: 195 Member
    Hey Felicity, can u add me as a friend so I can see your diary??? Would love to lose that much!
  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    YES PLEASE can I join you I want to lose 5 in 5!!!!!
  • Erin959
    Erin959 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in too!!! I'll weigh in on a different day due to a group I'm already in to do exactly this but I'll take all the motivation and support I can get and give. Anyone feel free to add me. Good luck guys
  • ushsanjay
    I would like to join in too.. hopefully this will kick start my journey to losing the 15 kg I need to lose ! I have lost a couple of inches the past few weeks, but the weighing scale refuses to budge :( Will exercise of 45 minutes thrice a week be sufficient along with calorie restricted to 1300 net?
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    I just searched this and look! :bigsmile: So glad I found this group... I really want to lose 5kg by 23 Dec.
    I've completed 30DS last week and lost 5kg and 32cm overall. But I didn't do it in 30 days, rather 40 days. Started it again this morning and hoping to get same figures for good results... but I'm not sure... its like I've hit a plateau. :grumble:

    Oh I'm from South Africa by the way. :smile:

    Any tips, advice etc would be great!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    I'm totally keen!!! I have 5 kgs to go to hit my ultimate goal weight, and lose weight very slowly, but I would just love to do this! I seem to go about 3 weeks with no loss, then drop about 0.5 - 1 kg, and then a 3 week plateau again. I keep hoping the cycle is going to change and my body is just going to kick into gear and the weight will come off.

    I exercise 6 x a week. 3 x cardio at gym and 6 x exercise dvd. I've just done 2 rounds of 30 Day Shred (no rest days) and now I'm doing my first round of Ripped in 30 (just started week 3, and she recommends 1 rest day a week).

    I would give anything to lose these last 5 kgs, so I really am totally in and ready to join you! I snack on raw almonds (10 a day), rice cake with fat free smooth cottage cheese), lite wholewheat crackers with marmite, veggies sticks, an apple. etc.

    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Sambo004, I experience EXACTLY what you just described with my own weight loss.... 3 week plateau, one kilo drop.... over and over again. I have an under-active thyroid, so it's painfully slow! But be encouraged, at least its going down! I understand it can be discouraging, especially when everyone else seems to lose so much quicker. But slow loss means permanent changes in our lifestyle.. and that is really what we are after. Best wishes on your 5 in 5!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Sambo004, I experience EXACTLY what you just described with my own weight loss.... 3 week plateau, one kilo drop.... over and over again. I have an under-active thyroid, so it's painfully slow! But be encouraged, at least its going down! I understand it can be discouraging, especially when everyone else seems to lose so much quicker. But slow loss means permanent changes in our lifestyle.. and that is really what we are after. Best wishes on your 5 in 5!

    Thank you! :happy: Man it sux right? But I do keep thinking, at least it's coming off and I have no plans to let it come back on. Best of luck to you too!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • onehotgirl
    Well lets all post our start weights, I'll try and keep track of everyone's and post updates weekly?

    onehotgirl- start weight on 19/11/11 (sat) was 79.7 kg

    add yours!

  • cuddlyrunner
    cuddlyrunner Posts: 116 Member
    209 for me-MFP says I will be 199 in five weeks :-)
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    Started at 76.4kg (168lbs) on Saturday, 75.9kg (167lbs) this morning but that is before breakfast - nice to see a 75 though right! I'd love to be at 70.9kg by Christmas, cos then I'd be so close to the 60s!!
  • onehotgirl
    Ok I'll go start weight, current weight, goal weight (with default 5 kgs-)

    ohg - 79.7kg (174 lb)/ 79.7 (174 lb)/ 74.7kg (165 lb)
    Cuddlyrunner - 94.8kg(209 lb)/ 94.8(209)/89.8kg (198)
    HealthyJess - 76.4kg (168 lb)/ 75.9kg(167 lb)/ 71.4 (157 lb)

    I'll keep adding as people post :)