November Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 19:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --No, over a bit--especially on the carbs!
    2. WATER!!! --Did okay.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--Walked, but not for 30 minutes straight.

    A new day--try, try again!

    Goals for November 20:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. WATER!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member

    So my goals for November 18
    1. Water- 10 glasses- Done
    2. shop for thanksgiving day meal- Done (need to double check but think I got everything
    3.Stay focused at work to stay caught up-Done
    4. Play wii for 30 min!-Nope, Didn't finish shopping til 11:00 pm!

    Good Monday morning!

    Sorry wasn't on all weekend. Got up late Saturday, then out of town til last night. Tried to stay with program on portions, but no real exercise at all! Today is a road trip to Detroit. About a 6 hour round trip. The good thing is time with husband and we stop at Cabelas! Have to stop at work on way out of town (briefly) but otherwise no work today!

    Keep up the wonderful work ladies!

    November 21 goals
    1. Water- 10 glasses
    2. Wii dance for 20 minutes (been in car tooo much lately!)
    3. Healthy snacks for trip

    Stay safe and see you tomorrow!
  • mamallama0925
    I know I'm late in the game being that November is almost over...but quite frankly this one day at a time thing sounds like it's exactly what I need! I have a lot of weight to lose (or at least what I think of as a lot). It took 20 years to put it on so I know it's not going come off "in a day"...but lately I just haven't had the focus to be able to look clear down the road. But I think I could possibly just look at today...I think that's doable. So here goes...

    My three goals for the day are...

    1. to drink all 8 glasses of water
    2. to log everything I eat (and I do mean everything...even all the goodies at today's Thanksgiving potluck at work)
    3. to look at myself in the mirror today and be ok with what I see and not be disappointed anymore
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Always late for the party. But I really like the idea for the group!!

    My three goals for today:
    1. Limit carbs - they have been winning the battle over my willpower lately.
    2. Exercise - and not just the little exercise I normally do, but on and off all day. (Little spurts)
    3. Drink >50 oz of water (See you in the ladies room! LOL)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 20:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --No.
    2. WATER!!!--Yes.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--Yes.

    Adding a fourth goal for a few days--need to do some extra cleaning in the next few days!

    Welcome, mamallama! it's never late in the game with this group! Welcome to you, too, HMD7703! We come and go but you both are welcome for as long as you want to stay!

    Goals for November 21:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. Water!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
    4. Get the downstairs bathroom cleaned.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Same goals today!

    Update the weekend wasnt bad. I made 5 days of workout for the week
    I have increased my water but have to make it daily
    I was under Carbs and Calories throughout the weekend
    Log it and admit it!


    1. Workout 5 to 6 days a week the time frame will need to be at least an hour at a time to get the calorie burn needed.
    2. WATER WATER WATER- I want to drink CONSISTANTLY 8-12 glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under my required numbers for the day.
    4. Log it ALL wether I make it or not ADMIT it to myself.

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!!!!:happy:

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member

    November 21 goals
    1. Water- 10 glasses- Yes, lots of rest area stops
    2. Wii dance for 20 minutes (been in car tooo much lately!) Nope. Was exhausted when got home at 10:30 pm
    3. Healthy snacks for trip- Almonds, werthers and water. so did okay.

    Good Morning!

    So I was thinking 6 hours in car, oh no, forgot it is normally 8 that this time took us 9! Was late for his appointment as they shut down 75! It took 1 hour to go 1 mile! RRRR! Still saw doctor though. Enjoyed Cabela's. Good day but am still recovering this morning.

    Mamallama0925- Welcome and I love your last goal! Great Mantra! We have to be okay with ourselves where we are today in order to get started on our journey.
    HMD7703- also welcome. As pmjsmom said we come and go, so welcome!

    November 22
    1. Concentrate at work
    2. Water
    3. I want to do 30 min of extra moving even if only in 5 min increments.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Same goals today!

    I have increased my water yesterday wasnt bad
    I was under Carbs and Calories I have eliminated dinner and I am not sure if that is good to stay under numbers but I am having difficulty finding that balance.
    Log it and admit it!
    I have a coworker who is a Vegan and slowly my diet is reflecting more Veggies and fruits (for me the calorie count takes longer) I am still looking for meal ideas guys that are affordable and easy so shoot me a message if you have any good ones!


    1. Workout 5 to 6 days a week the time frame will need to be at least an hour at a time to get the calorie burn needed.
    2. WATER WATER WATER- I want to drink CONSISTANTLY 8-12 glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under my required numbers for the day.
    4. Log it ALL wether I make it or not ADMIT it to myself.

    NSV: I took my children to church to help prepare meal bags for people who need additional help this holiday season (who doesnt?) and I was so proud of them. They had no clue have the time what they are doing they got to have free cookies so they thought it was the best. I just hope I am placing good values into them.

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!!!!:happy:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 21:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --Made good choices but went over--I just need to eat LESS!
    2. Water!!!==Better.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--No.
    4. Get the downstairs bathroom cleaned.--No, cleaned the oven and started on the living room instead.

    I really need to focus and stop eating more than I need!

    I WILL get a walk or a workout in this afternoon!

    Good luck, everyone and have a great day. (It's raining so hard here that it woke me up!)

    Goals for November 21:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. Water!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
    4. Get the downstairs bathroom cleaned.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 22:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices. --MUCH better!
    2. Water!!! --Not bad but...
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum. --Hmmm...Managed this but just barely.
    4. Get the downstairs bathroom cleaned.--No, cleaned the sofa upholstery.

    Busy day today and have lots to do! I hope to get back here in the morning but if not:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all in the US!

    Goals for November 23:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.
    2. Water!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
    4. Get the downstairs bathroom cleaned.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    " Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Fridaymy 3 goals were:
    1.. get a handle on laundry .
    2. walk my dog 2 times today (we are leaving for the weekend)
    3. spend a quality day with my husband as he has been a great help to me around the house this week!

    All 3 of these goals were completed.

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. get a handle on laundry .
    2. burn as many calories today as I will eat hard tomorrow: clean house, gym & 2 dogwalks should equal 1000 calories at least.
    3.Find peace at the end of the day as my son is home from college & I would like to enjoy him instead of cracking a whip on my house.
  • push
    push Posts: 9
    Back again after loosing, then gaining. Figured it worked to log my meals, so giving it another shot! Excited as I saw results last time.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 23:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal and make HEALTHY food choices.--No and mostly good choices.
    2. Water!!! --Yes.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum. --Yes.
    4. Get the downstairs bathroom cleaned.--Yes.

    Welcome push! (Love that--something I need to remember!)

    Goals for November 24:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals--it CAN be done!.
    2. Water!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member

    November 22
    1. Concentrate at work- somehow managed
    2. Water- Did it!
    3. I want to do 30 min of extra moving even if only in 5 min increments.- Did I say I was doing this?

    I hope everyone had a thankful day! It was wonderful! Don't want to check in this morning though! I need an exercise angel to sit on my shoulder and say it is only 30 minutes! Give me 30 minutes!!!!!
    House to self for weekend, maybe get some exercising in!?!

    November 25
    1. WATER!!! so swollen this morning!
    2. Work stuffs at work
    3. Tire fixed on car
    4, Pile of papers and mags in my room start to go through, finish by Sunday.

    Have a productive Friday!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 24:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals--it CAN be done!--Did well.
    2. Water!!!--Yes.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--Barely but yes!

    I was hoping to stay home today (I HATE Black Friday) but my son and I have to go to the bank and find out why we are getting these debit cards in the mail--and I don't even bank there any longer! I just don't get it--and it makes me very glad I switched to a credit union!

    I plan on starting to decorate the house for Christmas today, too.

    Goals for November 25:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals
    2. Water!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • hhawes
    ok ate a bunch of food for Thanksgiving - about to start training for a run/walk! Want to get running a marathon off the bucket list!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member

    November 25
    1. WATER!!! so swollen this morning! Didnt do so well- only 6 glasses
    2. Work stuffs at work= no concentration!
    3. Tire fixed on car- Done! nothing like putting a new tire on a new car!
    4, Pile of papers and mags in my room start to go through, finish by Sunday.- Still on list!

    I was so tired yesterday. Got home at 7:30 from helping a friend after work and was in bed at 8:00! Slept until 6:30. The cooler weather makes it so hard for me to motivate! I did finish picking up the last two rooms this morning. Calling for rain the next few days. So goals today are!
    1. 10-12 glasses of water
    2. Make cheesecake to take to daughter's tomorrow
    3. Work papers caught up
    4. Pile of papers and mags in my room- read, file, trash or shred by Sunday!
    5. Wii-just 20 minutes works!!!!! I really need to do this! My husband is thinking it was wasted money!

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 25:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals.--No.
    2. Water!!!--Not the best.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--No.

    Friday was not the best day at all. I didn't even get my cleaning done (windows, etc.) as I ended up watching my grandson so my DD could take her BF to the doctor. They ended up doing a bunch of tests and so were gone FOREVER!
    Oh well--at least he knows what the chest pains are from now--costochondritis, which is an inflammation of the cartilage that attaches the front of the ribs to the breastbone.
    Going to try again today to get things done!

    Goals for November 26:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals .
    2. Water!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Wednesday my 3 goals were:
    1.. get a handle on laundry .
    2. burn as many calories today as I will eat hard tomorrow: clean house, gym & 2 dogwalks should equal 1000 calories at least.
    3.Find peace at the end of the day as my son is home from college & I would like to enjoy him instead of cracking a whip on my house.

    2 of these goals were completed. I have lost TOTAL control over laundry and now my college-son's laundry ismixed in. Help!

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. get a handle on laundry .
    2. take my time with my day and breathe.
    3. Burn 1000 calories, eat well and wake up tomorrow with an actual loss on the scale.