Bodybugg/Body Media Fit Questions Thread:



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    With BB and BMF data the system does everything for you.

    Calories burned - calories consumed = daily caloric deficit

    When you set up the device it already gave you a goal burn and goal consumption. Aim for that approximate burn and that approximate consumption and you will be hitting your deficit.

    Do not add or subtract anything else from the data that you are provided by the device.

    E.g. When you set up your info you told it you wanted to lose one pound a week and based on the data you entered it said that your average daily burn would be 1850 calories. It would then, in turn, already be giving you a daily calorie consumption goal of 1350.

    So if you were to burn exactly 1850 cal and eat exactly 1350 calories, the. Your data readout at the end of the day would say:
    Calories burned: 1850, you met your goal
    Calories consumed: 1350, you met your goal
    Caloric deficit: 500

    You never have to add, subtract or otherwise calculate anything with the data at all. Just set it up and follow what it tells you to eat and burn.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is,

    This is EXACTLY what you subtract your deficit from. Your overall daily burn (i.e. TDEE) minus calories eaten = caloric deficit (also known as "cause of weight loss")

    She's asking about the BB data that is being given to her, not trying to create her own deficit/goal amounts. With BB and BMF daily data everything has already been calculated out based on the initial set up. So if she subtracts anything additional from her overall daily burn based on the BB data she will be creating false data since she would be altering from what her body actually burned. Her caloric consumption goal is already given to her based on what she entered that she wanted to lose when she set up her BB account.

    If she were manually trying to sit down and work the numbers to create her daily/weekly numbers, then yes, you are exactly right. But for BB data, it's already done all of that for her. :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I don't think it's what you're eating or not eating so much as just a random weight fluctuation. Like PP said, give it a few more weeks of doing what you're doing and you will see results!
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    With BB and BMF data the system does everything for you.

    Calories burned - calories consumed = daily caloric deficit

    When you set up the device it already gave you a goal burn and goal consumption. Aim for that approximate burn and that approximate consumption and you will be hitting your deficit.

    Do not add or subtract anything else from the data that you are provided by the device.

    E.g. When you set up your info you told it you wanted to lose one pound a week and based on the data you entered it said that your average daily burn would be 1850 calories. It would then, in turn, already be giving you a daily calorie consumption goal of 1350.

    So if you were to burn exactly 1850 cal and eat exactly 1350 calories, the. Your data readout at the end of the day would say:
    Calories burned: 1850, you met your goal
    Calories consumed: 1350, you met your goal
    Caloric deficit: 500

    You never have to add, subtract or otherwise calculate anything with the data at all. Just set it up and follow what it tells you to eat and burn.

    Well I dont track my food on there I do it here, so I have to sort of figure out the math. Plus the bb site gave me a daily burn of like 2400 or something, and I burn more than that. Im not sure how to change it to what Im actually burning. (plus I burn different amounts each day depending on how active I am, or if I work out etc) Im a stay at home mom, so some days I sit on my butt in the afternoon and relax, other days Im running around cleaning and doing 80 loads of laundry, so there is no "set" daily calorie burn for me.

    Edited to add... basically what I do is go onto the BB website and look at my burn for the day, so say its 2800.... Then I go to MFP and look at the foods Ive eaten for the day, and say IM at 1500... so I know that is too much of a deficit, so Ill eat to 1800. SO my deficit for that day is 1000... which if done every day would lead to a 2 lb loss correct?
    And Ive read studies that say calories in calories out, there was that dude who did a twinkie diet, but lost weight cause he was UNDER his calorie burn for the day.... So Im really really confused, and wondering what Im doing wrong.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I track all my food here too. But I enter it each day in my BMF tracker so I can see all the numbers and how they correlate. Trust me, it's a lot easier to just use the data that you're paying to get rather than try to calculate anything out.

    And I wish it was as simple as calories in/calories out. I'd have hit my goal weight about a year ago and have been maintaining my awesome new body since then if that's all it took. Instead I've spent the last year learning that I needed to be eating more, but I needed to up my calories slowly cuz jumping too fast didn't work and I gained, I can't do low carb (when I do I both get *****y and I gain), if I don't balance my fats with my proteins then I don't lose, I can't eat my exercise calories because I won't lose or I'll gain, cheat meals/days don't work for me because it spikes my weight the day after and I spend the whole week re-losing that weight, and all sorts of various other tidbits of info.

    Over the course of learning these things over the past year, I gained almost 20 lbs back as I tried everything I could to break what was originally a plateau of weight loss while within 8lbs of my goal. And I gained it all while keeping a deficit of calories at least six days a week (see previous note about cheat meals/days attempt).

    So now I eat about 45-50% carbs, balance the remainder with an even split of protein/fat, don't eat myself into a caloric surplus, don't eat more than maybe 100-200 of my exercise calories, if any, and follow my BMF guidelines on calorie goals, I've lost 11 of those 20 regained pounds, look better and generally feel better overall. :)

    But that came from a lot of trial and error, massive amounts of frustration, a good dose of anger, times of wanting to give up entirely and a few tears along the way. So I totally understand how that gain on the scale feels. But trust me when I say that you can get it moving back the right way, it just may take some difficult times.
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    New question. Do you need to input your body fat info and measurements in order for the BB to work properly?
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    Hi, new to this site.....i had the bodybugg, but do to my heart condition was told not to use it. Has any one tried the slimcoach??
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is,

    This is EXACTLY what you subtract your deficit from. Your overall daily burn (i.e. TDEE) minus calories eaten = caloric deficit (also known as "cause of weight loss")
    Ok thanks, cause that really confused me lol!

    So my not losing... is it WHAT Im eating you think? Cause Ive had a deficit from my total burn EVERY DAY, enough that I should have lost at least a pound..... Im so confused with all this weight loss stuff. lol!
    Back in the day it was simple, eat my weight watchers points, and lose weight lol! Now I have to think about exercise calories, and eating too much, or too little.... and not losing. I am at the point Im ready to throw my hands up and say F' this. :(

    Low carb didnt work, eating exercise calories didnt work, eating too little didnt work, now this.... booooooo

    Give it some time. After I got mine, I realized my daily deficit was huge, sometimes 2000 calories, so I upped my calories. I knew I had a deficit, but my weight after going up a tiny bit, went back down, then for 5 weeks I maintained my weight, even though my deficit was still sometimes over 1000 calories. Finally with 7 weeks of no loss, the scale finally started moving again. So give it some time. The waiting sucks, but you need to keep at it so your body can adjust. It was just in shock that I started feeding it more.
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    Definitely don't subtract anything from what your overall daily burn is,

    This is EXACTLY what you subtract your deficit from. Your overall daily burn (i.e. TDEE) minus calories eaten = caloric deficit (also known as "cause of weight loss")
    Ok thanks, cause that really confused me lol!

    So my not losing... is it WHAT Im eating you think? Cause Ive had a deficit from my total burn EVERY DAY, enough that I should have lost at least a pound..... Im so confused with all this weight loss stuff. lol!
    Back in the day it was simple, eat my weight watchers points, and lose weight lol! Now I have to think about exercise calories, and eating too much, or too little.... and not losing. I am at the point Im ready to throw my hands up and say F' this. :(

    Low carb didnt work, eating exercise calories didnt work, eating too little didnt work, now this.... booooooo

    Give it some time. After I got mine, I realized my daily deficit was huge, sometimes 2000 calories, so I upped my calories. I knew I had a deficit, but my weight after going up a tiny bit, went back down, then for 5 weeks I maintained my weight, even though my deficit was still sometimes over 1000 calories. Finally with 7 weeks of no loss, the scale finally started moving again. So give it some time. The waiting sucks, but you need to keep at it so your body can adjust. It was just in shock that I started feeding it more.
    Thank you for that. Its good to know someone else had the problem lol! Bodies are so odd!!!!
  • bbarr66
    bbarr66 Posts: 17 Member
    I own a bodymedia. How do others do it, do you track in both places? Any help appreciated
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Is there a way to just "quick add" the number of calories you consume in a day on the BB site? I hate their food database, and it also keeps giving me errors everytime I try to enter a meal, saying my session has timed out and I need to login again. Very frustrating! I emailed tech support but they haven't responded yet.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,648 Member
    Update java. That's what finally helped me.

    Also, you can set up a food on the bodybugg website where one serving equals 100 calories and log in your MFP calories that way.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Update java. That's what finally helped me.

    Also, you can set up a food on the bodybugg website where one serving equals 100 calories and log in your MFP calories that way.

    I verified that I have the latest version of Java installed and it's still giving me that stupid message.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I own a bodymedia. How do others do it, do you track in both places? Any help appreciated

    I use MFP to log my food each day, but I follow the BMF guidelines for deficits, food settings and caloric burn.

    I just use the Create Food button in the food logging section once a day and enter my entire days worth of calories and nutrients as one giant meal in the BMF site so that it has that info to keep track of my data to best possible ability.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Is there a way to just "quick add" the number of calories you consume in a day on the BB site? I hate their food database, and it also keeps giving me errors everytime I try to enter a meal, saying my session has timed out and I need to login again. Very frustrating! I emailed tech support but they haven't responded yet.

    Do they have an option to create your own food? If So, just log everything as normal in MFP and then create a food once a day that has all of the data from MFP as far as the calories and nutrient breakdowns. These devices pay attention to your weight logging vs. what's it factoring for caloric burn vs. what you eat each day to adapt better to you over time, so the more accurate the data you put into is, the better it will work for you. :)
  • Jazzyjules71
    Jazzyjules71 Posts: 150 Member
  • forty3fab
    forty3fab Posts: 148 Member
    Awesome thread here!

    Hi everyone! I just got the Bodymedia Fit Link a couple weeks ago and I love it so far. I realized I was burning more than I thought each day (if it is truly accurate) . I also realized I do not get enough sleep either. I will always log my food here on MFP and then just add as one large meal on BMF as I have too many foods/recipes already saved on here....and all my friends!

    Either way, I am having a hard time setting up my goals (I play with them all the time and cannot figure out where to keep it). If I tell it how many pounds I weigh and what I want to weigh, it asks me how much I have been eating and what my progress was over the last 30 days. Well, I didn't have any progress over the last 30 days, which is why I bought the BMF.

    How did all of you figure out what to set your goals at if you had no success previously? Did you just wear it for a while and figure out what your average daily burn is and then create your deficit from that? The last report I ran on BMF said I average 2500 calories burned daily. Should I just go from there 2500-500 for a 2000 calorie day? I just bumped MFP up to 1900 (but it has only been today so far at that level and I'm a little scared eating that much).

    Thanks for your insight and help!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ^^^ yes that's what I did. Found out my average cal burn & then set my target based off that. -500 for loss, + 500 for gain.
  • forty3fab
    forty3fab Posts: 148 Member
    Thank you for your reply ChrisDavey, I will go with that and see what happens!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    I find the step counter a bit wonky. I was at the mall the other weekend and walked for several hours...however i was carrying my bags on my left arm (where the BodyMedia was) and at the end the steps were way low...I figured it was b/c I wasn't swinging my arm.

    I also started getting a permanent indentation in my bicep after 3 months of switched arms now and it has also helped with the step count since I don't carry stuff in my right hand.

    Mine came with a 6month subscription which ends in June. I have lost 11lbs wearing it but thinking that if I am not at my goal by June, I am not going to renew it and see if I can do it on my own now that I have a pretty good idea of what my calories burned are...and the thing is not the sexiest LOL