discouraging people who think they're 'helping'



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Your work is not worthless. Your journey is your own and only you know what works for you, both physically and mentally.

    But sit-ups are worthless. They bulk up the outer layers of muscle instead of actually tightening your belly. Do exercises that work your transverse abdominal muscles instead. They are the deepest layer of muscle, the ones that are responsible for holding in your organs and intestines. Tighten those up and your belly will be flatter and slimmer. You can do a Google search for exercises, just know that they're often targeted at postpartum women looking to get their pre-baby bellies back. But the exercises are great for everyone. Or, you can do Pilates which focuses on using those same muscles.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Okay so you took a big risk putting it out here in the open. Lots of mean people waiting to jump on and kick others around as a tool to avoid their own private demons.

    So look, if you're trying and you're making progress - quick or slow - you're getting it done and you have everything to feel good about. Stick with your plan if it's working. Get more aggressive if it's not. Either way, have friends that will be there for you however it goes and whatever they need to say to you.

    You can do this.
  • You're not making yourself fit for anyone else - you're doing it for YOU. Other people have different ideas of how to be fit, and they certainly have a wide variety of fitness goals. Your fitness goals are your own, and if they aren't the same as other people's, and if your methods for achieving them are different from other people's methods, then YOU ARE RIGHT and THEY ARE WRONG about you.
  • Your work is not worthless. Your journey is your own and only you know what works for you, both physically and mentally.

    But sit-ups are worthless. They bulk up the outer layers of muscle instead of actually tightening your belly. Do exercises that work your transverse abdominal muscles instead. They are the deepest layer of muscle, the ones that are responsible for holding in your organs and intestines. Tighten those up and your belly will be flatter and slimmer. You can do a Google search for exercises, just know that they're often targeted at postpartum women looking to get their pre-baby bellies back. But the exercises are great for everyone. Or, you can do Pilates which focuses on using those same muscles.
    SERIOUSLY? Do you know how much it takes for me to even get my butt of the couch and do that? I'm not a bodybuilder. All I'm worried about is just burning some calories, and i honestly don't care how I do it. Honestly, you're exactly who I was talking about. Please, never ever tell anyone that what they're doing is 'worthless'. Why get off the couch in the first place then? Please learn how constructive criticism works-I read 'worthless' and didn't read the rest of your post. Please use positive words, not negative ones.
  • 15 pounds is great!!! =D You are doing amazing =D Weight loss takes time and your friends need to support you by boosting you not being all negative!

    Keep on doing what your doing =D or even mix it up a bit to stop you getting bored lol I know I have to!

    Good luck!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Your work is not worthless. Your journey is your own and only you know what works for you, both physically and mentally.

    But sit-ups are worthless. They bulk up the outer layers of muscle instead of actually tightening your belly. Do exercises that work your transverse abdominal muscles instead. They are the deepest layer of muscle, the ones that are responsible for holding in your organs and intestines. Tighten those up and your belly will be flatter and slimmer. You can do a Google search for exercises, just know that they're often targeted at postpartum women looking to get their pre-baby bellies back. But the exercises are great for everyone. Or, you can do Pilates which focuses on using those same muscles.
    SERIOUSLY? Do you know how much it takes for me to even get my butt of the couch and do that? I'm not a bodybuilder. All I'm worried about is just burning some calories, and i honestly don't care how I do it. Honestly, you're exactly who I was talking about. Please, never ever tell anyone that what they're doing is 'worthless'. Why get off the couch in the first place then? Please learn how constructive criticism works-I read 'worthless' and didn't read the rest of your post. Please use positive words, not negative ones.
    I think you're focusing a little bit much on the one negative in a highly positive post. Otherwise, it's clearly not a waste to exercise, not at all.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Ha ha ha! I'm laughing because of the source of the comments. You don't need anyone to tell you that your efforts are not in vain, but I will :flowerforyou: 15 pounds is amazing and awesome, NO MATTER how long it took to lose it. You are doing a great thing for your health. The difference (well, one of them!) between you and those other people with their "advice" is that you are doing it right, AND you are smart enough to know that nobody liks unsolicired opinions! Keep on keepin on, let people have their opinions--you have so much more. Yay for YOU!:drinker:
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm a nursing student and i'm surrounded by people whose life ambition is basically to know better and tell others what to do. I have so much insecurity connected to my weight that somehow any discussion about fitness and nutrition becomes connected to my self-worth somehow, and i just can't stay rational.
    You're welcome---and I think its pretty normal to feel that way. A big part of my confidence / self esteem has to do with how I am doing with my workouts/food on a given day.
  • Sounds like you are on the right track and progressing. Isn't that all that matters? Sure there are better exercises and best exercises, but ANY exercise is better than sitting on the couch! Good for you and "you go girl!!".
  • Everyone thinks they are some sort of expert. So annoying! Just because it works for them, does not mean it will work for you. Weight loss plans are as unique as we are; we all need something different. Try to forgive their ignorance/arrogance, and just focus on what works for you.
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    Everyone thinks they are some sort of expert. So annoying! Just because it works for them, does not mean it will work for you. Weight loss plans are as unique as we are; we all need something different. Try to forgive their ignorance/arrogance, and just focus on what works for you.

    This ^^!! There are so many theories out there, people jump on them like fact and then don't like it when someone does something that doesn't fit in with it, especially if it means they have to admit they're wrong (or at least, not totally right! ;o) One thing I've really learnt from MFP is - you never stop learning! There are so many wise people here and so many tips and ideas, you do what works for you for your whole lifestyle, as opposed to starving yourself (not good) or bulking right up (unless that's what you're after ;o) - it's about HEALTH. And health definitely allows you both carbs (what on earth is wrong with a bagel? Has she not heard of BMR??) and even - shock horror - treats. And the we exercise to keep our blood flowing better and heart beating harder and burn a few extra cals.

    YOU, my dear, are an inspiration. Exercising when you don't want to is the HARDEST thing (believe me, I know ;o) and losing 15lbs is a real achievement! Nothing you do is in vain, it's all about having a positive attitude, winning the small battles and living YOUR life for YOU. A huge well done xxx
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    Why have you written a post about worrying about what other folks say or think...? Then again typing burns calories lol
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Those 15 lbs are more likely to stay off than if you'd lost them in 3 months. :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love: :tongue: :laugh:
  • you don't have to justify what working for you to anyone.
    just smile and say, 'it's working for me.'
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    F*** them all! Keep up the good work. If it fits in your macros and you're diligent, those things and many others WILL help you lose the weight and KEEP IT OFF!!!!! People are stupid. I'd ask them when they got their nutrition/trainer degree if they think they're so damn smart.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Those 15 lbs are more likely to stay off than if you'd lost them in 3 months. :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love: :tongue: :laugh:
    Come on now, that's just silly to act like 5 pounds a month is some unsustainable rate of weight loss or to imply that by taking longer it's more stable.