

  • ashleigh2311
    ashleigh2311 Posts: 105 Member
    Am I the only one that thought this was going to be an Alli post?

    Okay so maybe my choice of title wasn't the best!
    sorry if you were disappointed and wanted a topic about me pooing myself, that fortunately hasn't happened.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member

    Do you really think that eating out on your 21st Bday is really going to mess up your eating disorders and make you gain immense amount of weight? The chances are, you will "physically" crap yourself out, if you know what I mean (joking). I had a visiting friend from South Carolina for 4 days and I ate out 2 days in a row. As I was eating out, I tried to keep what I ate at home at the bare minimum and guess what? No weight gain whatsoever! Although, I did have to go to bathroom a few times to take care of that eaten food!

    All you need to understand is that you gain weight by keeping up an unhealthy lifestyle. That means eating a lot, or eating unhealthy, or not exercising as much as you should. My advice is let it go, and don't bother bringing it up in your family as it will create issues and not make your birthday worthwhile. Mark my words, YOU WILL BE ALRIGHT if you eat decent because next day you will eat normal again and go back to your current lifestyle.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Am I the only one that thought this was going to be an Alli post?

    Okay so maybe my choice of title wasn't the best!
    sorry if you were disappointed and wanted a topic about me pooing myself, that fortunately hasn't happened.

  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Am I the only one that thought this was going to be an Alli post?

    Okay so maybe my choice of title wasn't the best!
    sorry if you were disappointed and wanted a topic about me pooing myself, that fortunately hasn't happened.

    When I read your title the first thing that popped into my head was "Uh oh, someone must have tried Alli". It wouldn't be a stretch, I've seen several posts about that on here. I'm glad you picked out that one sentence from my post and were some how offended by it and completely ignored the part where I was on topic and wishing you well. I guess next time I'll learn not to take your post so......literally.

    I hope you have a great birthday...Peace.
  • SheRa1964
    Hi sweetie. Happy Birthday. :) One of my best friends is gluten free and she is very aggressive about it. Go to the manager. Tell them your needs when you get there. Enjoy!
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    You might want to check the literal meaning of 'literally'.....
  • bett_boop
    bett_boop Posts: 89 Member
    The more you can prepare the less stressful the event will be. Definitely phone ahead, check that they can accommodate your needs, if you are worried about calories tell them you are on a low fat diet for medical reasons?

    However, I would far rather you let yourself enjoy a nice meal with your family without worrying about it, although I know it is not that easy.

    I hope you have a lovely time, and try not to panic, try and tell yourself that whatever you have it will not have an impact in the long run!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Hey Twin, I'm a twin too. I know it must be hard for you to not have the control that you want. Do you have any faith? May I reccomend that you give your worries/cares/stresses to God and really give it to him and then enjoy your time. If you are in the middle of ordering and things start to creep back in you just close your eyes take a big deep breath and give it right back. It won't be your problem to worry about. You can relax and eat a good healthy meal and spend time with the family and get through the day.

    Stop stressing about ruining it for your family. They love you and want to you be healthy and happy. That's truly what we want for our childern. Hang in there and good luck.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I ate too much cheese and can't crap at all. So, it could be worse.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I went on vacation for two weeks this summer and ate every single meal out - three meals a day, breakfast - lunch - dinner, every single day. One of my travel companions has celiac disease and cannot have gluten at all, even in microscopic quantities. He also ate every single meal out for 14 straight days. That's 42 restaurant meals in a row.

    I actually continued to lose weight on vacation and my companion was able to avoid gluten completely. Most restaurants , even the small family-run ones, were aware of gluten-free eating and were easily able to accommodate his needs.

    You will be fine! Go out and enjoy your birthday!
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    I definitely hope to help encourage you, definitely also want to suggest that whatever "real life", on-the-ground support you have had in the past for ED issues, you seek that out now. I don't have to tell you it's a serious disease, and worse still, to me, is just how much otherwise fun, productive or creative life energy these patterns seem to suck out of the people who are sick with them.

    I admire you for recognizing that you should just be able to go enjoy your birthday with your loved ones, hold onto that rational thought... And yes, as to "days off", I can understand that if part of your deal is still learning how to not binge, for instance,"days off" could seem like things you can't have.

    But in the scheme of healthy eating and food relationships, the healthy goal is to be able to have meals off plan once in a while (for most people social, travel, financial, health or work reasons usually dictate at least one meal a week that's not "controllable" or easy to plan ahead for) that you are comfortable with; to eat on a daily basis in a way that is leaving you feeling full and nourished, not hungry (which coddles anorexic/deprivation tendencies and makes us more prone to bingeing), so that when you're off plan, you're not freaking out with physical or emotional hunger. And of course, to be able to be off plan, at some fabulous thing, and have a couple of drinks, a bit of dessert, some cheese, whatever, without freaking out about body image issues...

    First, remember that the reality is that, if you typically eat healthfully and get exercise, unless you have a metabolic disorder (In which case, you need a doctor), your body will just burn even a thousand extra calories in an unusual meal or day, and simply returning to your normal healthy habits the next meal or day is usually completely sufficient in the world of maintaining your fitness or weight, or staying on your weight-loss track. Second, remember that anyone's enjoyment of life is absolutely not worth sacrificing over food and body obsessions, even if a person does go off track enough to gain a little bit of weight, for instance. Which isn't what you're even facing, here.

    Finally, if you're going to non-chain restaurants, I like to think that you're going to nice ones where the quality of the food is going to be a lot better, and you should bloody well enjoy that... Now, if it's a fish-fry place or something, I'm not so sure, but hell, I never eat at chains! Don't trust them, want to support local businesses, and can definitely get them to work with me if I have a special requirement...

    Best wishes to you, Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Man, it's like people didn't even really read the original post. They got hung up on the "literally" in the title and just went ape**** over it. GG folks.

    And as much as you people think "Gosh, it's just one day" helps - it doesn't. Not to someone with a history of ED.

    So yeah.

    OP: I've been there. I've been in recovery for years, and sometimes I still get a little panicky about going out to eat. I live 700 miles from home, so when I go see the family, my trip is normally filled with food (all of Mom and Grandma's best dishes, tons of restaurants that aren't where I currently live, etc). I enjoy it as long as I don't think too much about it. I tell myself that this is all apart of living a normal life, one that isn't ruled by food and shame and guilt and anger and everything else that comes along with ol' ED.

    I sincerely wish you a happy (and healthy!) birthday.
  • beckamelia1
    i thought this was about really pooing yourself!!!! lol

    happy bday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    Its not even a chain restaurant that i can find food on the database for.

    And goodness knows what gluten-free options they will have available :/

    Tell them that you're gluten intolerant and make sure they understand the severity of it. Most places will help out a gluten intolerant.

    Go over, it's fine, I know its hard (ED history) but it's not something to allow yourself to feel shame over.

    Also, to those obsessing about her use of literally: If she's gluten intolerant and get's glutened, her use of "literally" could be quite accurate.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You look beautiful. I agree with those who have said to call the restaurant ahead of time and work out what they have that you can feel good about eating. Even if it is not perfectly perfect, that will give you some sense of control in the process. I also agree with those who said one day is not going to ruin you, but I think that is not the point for you. It's about not feeling out of control that would send you into a spin. So make the phone calls, I'm certain you will feel better about it.
  • beckamelia1
    oh i just realised its your bday tomoro and mine!!!! lol im 27 tho!!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    First Happy Birthday. Second, on the Gluten Free I think you're best at a non chain restaurant. I have to be GF and find that the local places are much more accommodating and understanding as to my needs. I say call ahead and ask #1 do they have a GF menu and #2 if they do not can they make something you like off their menu special order so it's GF. Most places are more than willing to accommodate you on this!

    Third, although I've never had an ED, I would say #1 take a breath and #2 make a plan you can stick to so you don't freak out when you are at the restaurant. I find I make bad choices in these situations if I don't plan ahead. When I do plan, I have a good time and don't sweat that I'm eating a little more (I also will exercise heavily on days like this i.e. Thanksgiving!)

    Lastly, Have fun and enjoy being with your family!

    Best of luck!
  • SHDenver
    SHDenver Posts: 87 Member

    Based on what you've written I don't think the issue is just taking one day off to enjoy your birthday. If that were the case then I'd be with a lot of other people saying "It's just one day!"

    I know from my own experience that the "one day" can turn in to more than just one day or multiples of "one day." Do you work with a doctor regarding the multiple eating disorders you've had in your life? The distorted thinking around food seems to be the big issue based on what you've written.

    I don't know you or what you've worked through in the past, but I think you can enjoy your birthday without hurting/damaging the work you've done to remain healthy by planning as many people suggest.

    Is there a friend there that will support you in making healthy choices? I hate when people tell me what to and what not to eat, but when I let someone know "This is what I plan on doing, it might not work out exactly like I plan but I'm going to try." They're much more supportive than a simple "Hit me if I'm eating too much of this, or drinking too much of that."

    If your family is going to be worried about you then maybe you can all make a plan. Since starting a previous tracking site two weeks ago, then moving to this one a few days ago I've only eaten out once and I'm still working on adding "out to eat" as an option. Right now it's because I know the temptations food has and I want to know the ingredients that I'm putting in to my body. I've told several friends about my goals and they've all been supportive but not pushy. I don't think we realize how much the people in our lives will be understanding about our struggles with food. Not all, but some. :)

    I'm not a doctor and I don't know what the right answer for you is, but I want to support you in whatever is healthy for you. You can still have an amazing night where you don't feel restricted. I think it just takes some planning and communication.

    Let us know if there's any help you need with that and how it goes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Oh. Not litetally after all. I thought this was going to be a post about Alli.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    2 meals out tomorrow. i hate hate hate eating out, it is just so stressful

    It really risks bad compensation habits coming back :/

    It's my flipping 21st birthday and I am more concerned with food than letting myself enjoy the celebrations with friends and family,

    what is wrong with me?!!?

    If i am allowed one day off in my entire year, and even life, it should be this. But im still absolutely dreading it.

    I know my parents will be worried too because of my multiple eating disorders over the last 5 years, i just don't want to ruin it for me, my twin AND Them :(

    Its not even a chain restaurant that i can find food on the database for.

    And goodness knows what gluten-free options they will have available :/


    just needing a bit of support from you guys to psyche me up, knock some sense into me so i don't go back to old habits, and cheer me up.

    I think you should see a therapist. Sounds like underlying issues.

    One day over eating will be very hard to pack on pounds once you excrete the actual waste and the food has been broken down and sent through the body. Quit freaking out and just eat sensibly. Drink water why you eat, drink a glass as you order you won't be as hungry.