

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.I too am one of the ones not in the Christmas spirit.This has been a difficult year for us.We lost our home,our savings and went to live with a friend.We are grateful to have a place to stay.I miss the holidays we had in the 17 years we lived in our home.Also has been difficult with the health problems I`ve had this year.
    After reading the posts,I am gonna try to make the best of the holidays.Do what I can.
    As for good news also,I finally had the EMG and there is no nerve damage.I am so thankful.I see the dr on Mon,but think the therapy is the key to the healing.
    So enjoy your day tomorrow and thanks for being there for me.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    To all of you celebrating tomorrow, HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I hope you get to enjoy the day with family and friends and at the very least, those that are working, you get to enjoy the time off.

    Again, enjoy your day.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for everyone on this board.

    Jeannie...thank you for the wishes!

    Jane...Hugs to you....what a year you have had.

  • goingmodern
    goingmodern Posts: 25 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all ... and my heartfelt thanks to all you ladies who encourage me every single day! A warm welcome to the newcomers to this site ... I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Maintaining for now. Having yoghurt/apple for breakfast, healthy sandwich for lunch, and tonight fish for dinner.

    :drinker: Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends and neighbours!!!

    Rebel :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,378 Member
    Welcome Wanda. We're so glad to have you. You know, I feel there's just something special about sharing our feelings/hopes whatever with others who are in the same situation and who have had more life experiences than a 20-something. Good luck to you, come back often

    I, too, used to love the holidays. Now they're playing Christmas music right after Halloween! By the time Christmas gets here, I'm all christmas-out. It's a bummer, it almost seems like a chore to buy presents. and the traffic at the mall! In some ways, I can't wait for all this holiday stuff to be over. A friend is having an open house so I asked if I could bring something. I was expecting to bring one, maybe two, things. She just got back to me saying that she can use all the help she can get. Looks like I may just be baking more.

    Did an hour of incline interveals on the treadmill today (Tues). Two minutes at 3% incline, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3% etc. Tomorrow I'll take the deep water. Vacuumed some today, for about two hours, did the whole downstairs and about 3/4 of the upstairs. Still have to do our bedroom and our closet.

    genalace - have a great trip. You know, no matter what MFP says I would weigh, I've NEVER been there.

    Exercised, then came home and iced the coca cola cake which I'll take up to Jessica's. A friend invited us to an open house at her house so I said only if I could bring something. I was expecting to bring one or two things. She just emailed me back saying that she'd be grateful for anything I could do, so it looks like I'll be baking some more. Not exactly the thing I was looking to do, but I guess it has to be done. Then I went to play mahjongg (I maj'd once!). I'm thinking that for some time being, I just may have to give up mahjongg so that I could get this baking, the shopping, and wrapping, card writing done. I'll continue to log my food, but I may be a bit scarce.

    Here it is, Wed. I did an hour of deep water aerobics (since I got out so early, I'm thinking that maybe she cut the class short). Tomorrow we'll be driving to Jess's so I'll do a Jari Love DVD at home. Which reminds me that I want to have a piece of fruit (carbs) early in the a.m. before breakfast. I'll have a fried egg and some egg whites (lots of protein) for breakfast. Update: put out a clementine so I'll have that

    jane - that's WONDERFUL news

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it. I, too, am especially thankful for all you wonderful ladies.

    Oh, about that social in December for the Newcomers, I'm supposed to bring an appetizer. I'm thinking that I'll just bring some shrimp. I would love to do veggies, but raw veggies for some reason, while I would like them, seems out of place to me. I'm betting that no one brings fruit for dessert (bummer).

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Happy Thansgiving!

    Tihs year has been dominated by my unemployment. I knew it would impact my weight because it's harder to eat well when there is less routine but I've only been working for three days and I can already see a dramatic improvement. My next task is to get back into running. I had to stop working out after I crashed my bike and I'm very nervous about going back too soon and giving myself persistent headaches. I still haven't gone 2 days without a headache, but I have gone one day. And I have a marathon to run in 2.5 weeks!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Having an incredibly busy week - looking after the grandtwins between fitting in hospital appointments, but wanted to drop by and wish those who celebrate it, a Happy Thanksgiving.

    We all have a lot to be thankful for ... even when we have to look hard to find it.

    I will just give thanks that I found this group of supportive, wise and loving women.

    Thank you all.

    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy turkey day. today is not a day we feast that will be tomorrow so tonight is a beautiful raspberry chipotle grilled salmon saldad for dinner. I hope you all have a great day.:drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all in the USA!

    May you eat well and enjoy the day.

    I did not buy a turkey this year just not to have the opportunity to over eat and friends without relatives called to ask to come over. lol So, it is our turkey breast, a small ham that a friend is bringing and a lot of over stuff. It will be fun and good to see everyone and that is what matters.

    I stood in line yesterday (before dinner) at Costco for a pumkin pie for $4.99. They were coming right out of the oven, getting wrapped and put into carts. The warm smell of the pumpkin pies was sweet and overwelming. I've already exercised this morning and will exercise again, because I am having pie later.

    Blessings on all of you today and everyday,

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!

    I had alot to catch up on!!

    I've been away a few days...out of my mind...not the area. I'm on board w/everyone trying to find Christmas spirit. It seems I struggle more w/it every year. It doesn't help that my neighbor put up her Christmas decorations 2 days after Halloween:huh: ...inside and out w/lights lit. It was like hitting my head w/a brick...yes, it's here again. I think it's cause my family (parents/3brothers) has dwindled considerably (1brother) and my 2 kids are grown so no little kid excitement and no cool toys to assemble. I actually liked that part of the Eve. Hubby says we are a "family in transition", too and I need to find spirit in future things...not keep looking at what was. He's right.
    I have to give him credit for smarts once in a while...:laugh:

    To everyone suffering from sinus/migraine...hubby gets migraines that land him in bed for a day or 2. He likes to put some eucalyptus oil in a warm tub and just soak. Helps clear his head.

    While I do get down once in a while....I also know there's an infinite list of people/things to be thankful for....from the smallest cloud and especially to those serving in other countries to protect us. Focusing on those always gets me out of my funk and puts everything back in perspective.:smile:

    Everyone enjoy your day, the great food, family and friends and travel safely even if it's only around the corner.:flowerforyou:

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!.
    Hubby says we are a "family in transition", too and I need to find spirit in future things...not keep looking at what was.


    thank you rita, i need to also look forward, and not back.....this time of the year becomes increasingly difficult, as you stated, family no longer with us,, children grown, and no little kiddies to bring that exciting feeling....

    have a lovely day to all:flowerforyou:
  • LaurieEReid
    I'll be 50 next spring and already feeling it. I've been kind of coasting on my weight loss for a few months - eating maintenance calories by default. I'm hoping to get back on the wagon of meeting my (slower loss goal) calorie targets and starting to lose again.

    I'm Canadian so Thanksgiving is long gone but I have to get under control and be strong before the Christmas season starts. There are already tins of chocolate covered cookies everywhere.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Bought a bunch of "Black Friday" stuff online. Now it's time for Mini-Mac and I to hit the stores in real life!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Staying as far away from the Black Friday shops and sales as I can :tongue:
    Thinking of posting a new thread "what I did differently yesterday", not sure I'll take the time.

    Have today off, so another chance to practice for retirement, by:
    eating my fruits, veggies and protein
    playing actively at least an hour
    keeping Beer Friday down to one pint
    and making progress on at least one project that's been sitting idle for awhile.

    Hugs to all!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Here I am writing to you all instead of doing my shopping. DBF had new meds from the doc yesterday and said he couldn't sleep so took a sleeping pill at 4:00 a.m., so was still too sleepy to go shopping this morning.

    So, I'll go for my aquafit class then call him in when I get home and we'll do our grocery shopping this afternoon, then go for supper with my GF this evening.

    Tomorrow I'm visiting my aunt in the morning and going to a friend's knitting group in the afternoon. I haven't met any of the other girls who go, so it will be interesting. They usually go afterwork to a local coffee shop, but now the cooler weather has arrived there are more clients in the shop because the patio is no longer in use.

    Welcome to the newcomers - this is a good group to belong to, lots of support.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so today is our family big dinner. last night my oven broke and this morning the stove top blew so i cooked what I have to take in a toaster oven and on a propane camp stove. I felt like I was on a cooking reality show and given a challenge. I survived. :laugh:
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Hello everyone,
    had a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoyed every bite of good food and wine, but did not go back for second helping. So I have no regrets the day after and I did 6 miles on the treadmill this morning. Will do the same tomorrow and Sunday, because we have another Thanksgiving to celebrate.
    Sunday is the first of Advent and I'm looking forward to putting the lights on the house, getting some decorations out and making an Advent Wreath. The Christmas spirit will come with every little step and I need to get going on my overseas Christmas mail !

    MacMadame - glad you are back into a routine of good habits! Stress can be so damaging and nothing helps more than getting back to things you enjoy, so good luck with your upcoming Marathon!!

    Take care,
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I am glad you all seem to have had good Thanksgivings. That's great. As you know, we in Canada, do our Thanksgiving in October so ours is long done!!

    I hope you all won't mind, I need to rant a bit andn I need some advice - I am struggling to get myself into the Christmas spirit and I just found out that my DIL has decided that when my son gets home from his tour of duty next month, she has booked a trip for them as a family and they are leaving for Florida, so they will not be here for Christmas :grumble:

    Now, I am a fairly laid back mother in law and I let my 2 sons that are married spend every occasion through the year with their wives families and I am okay with that and I also understand that I have to share Christmases, again, I am okay with that. Well, last Christmas, this son and family went to her family for Christmas and we never saw them at all!!! Now to be told that I won't get to see them AGAIN, I was so disappointed and I only found out because I wrote her an email to ask what exactly was happening over Christmas. Not only that, my son is coming home from his tour 4 days early and I didn't even know that either!!! Don't get me wrong, I like my DIL and I have a lot of respect for her and what she goes through. I understand that she wants to be alone with her husband when he gets home after being away for months, but geesh, you would have thought, being Christmas time and all, she might have taken some of that into consideration. I sound like such a *****, don't I? I don't mean to, I am just so disappointed, my son has been away, God knows where, doing heavens knows what and I have been worried sick about him and here I was thinking, since it was our turn for Christmas, we would have a nice visit together, only to have that quashed. My DIL advised that maybe they might stop by on their way back from the airport on January 2nd, if they have time :indifferent: I know he is a husband and father, but he is still my youngest son. Unfortunately, they will not understand that until their own daughter is grown and that is too long a time and anyway, they have a daughter so the relationship is different.

    I know I have to zip my lip and not say a word, that is just the way it is, but I am just venting to you, My Friends, because I know you will hear me out and may have some wise words of advice for me.

    In the meantime, I will continue to try and force myself to get into a better mood and I know my other sons will be very disappointed too and they will blame my DIL so I have to be careful how I tell them that Michael will not be there for Christmas as they are already leery of her and I don't want any further family friction. I will think of something or maybe you wise Ladies have some ideas???

    So, thank you so much for "listening" to me. I feel better already, just getting it out, as it were. I can't change anything, but I feel better already :smile:

    Take care, Ladies. Talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Taking an easy day today, we went to the dollar theater and are otherwise just hanging around. We thought it was going to snow, but it rained instead.

    Hope everyone is doing well heading into the weekend.
