Any food/drink you just can't give up?



  • bflicker11
    Nutella. I just can not do it!!!
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    beer and wine!
  • ras21
    ras21 Posts: 9
    My morning cup of coffee with a little french vanilla creamer. Heaven : )
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME DROOL. Haha. Honestly, I hadn't even thought about that.. I can't give up beer or wine, but I've had the same beer in the fridge and wine on the rack for months... saving for special occasions. (I drink less beer when baseball season is over, haha.) I could never give up Lime Tostitos or chicken wings for good, but I haven't bought them in a long while.
  • Shuliem
    i also am a fizzy drinker, but read something about diet sodas, that they are not good for you, so i gave soda up. i have found that clear american natural flavored water has taken the place of my soda. hopefully this is not something that i find that is not so great for you either. good luck!:smile:
  • sns123079
    I can't give up my wine, I usually have a normal size glass 3 or 4 evenings throughout the week. However, as long as I keep my calories where they should be during the day, it fits into my daily goals nicely. I also have to have a cup of coffee everyday with a tablespoon or two of half and half. Skim milk just doesn't cut it for me:)
  • gettingskinnysoon
    diet coke, chocolate, cereal and coffee

    Maccas, pizza, burgers, chips

    biscuits, cookies, brownies, bbq shapes!, cheese, peanuts's all moderation right? lol

    diet coke and cereal I have EVERYDAY though

    ^ This! All of it! And alcohol.. All kinds of the stuff. And pasta, can't get enough of it. I usually don't log my intake most weekends because I'm out with friends, and the last thing on my mind is counting calories! So I try not to worry about it until Mondays. Slack? Yeah. I know.
  • gettingskinnysoon
    hot chips with gravy (once every few months though lol)

    Oh hell yeah! Chips & gravy = heaven :heart:
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    The only thing I TOTALLY gave up was flavored creamers in my coffee.
  • mallred76
    mallred76 Posts: 50 Member
    Coffee w/ flavored creamer. I've tried so many times too give it up. I enjoy it too much. I have switched to sugar free creamer though.
  • robotaffliction
    Real Coke. *Sigh*. . .I might try diet, but I'd almost rather drink the calories and high fructose corn syrup than the artificial sweeteners.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I have a really hard time with diet pepsi. I have definitely lowered my intake but havnt been able to give it up completely. With food there isn't really anything. I really like bacon ahah back after new years im giving up beef and pork so bacon is out aha. i dont make myself give up treats and stuff, but i eat them pretty rarely. so its not a struggle to like.. give it up or anything i just dont eat it very often and eat it when my calories allow and i want it. i dont believe in cutting everything you love out.
  • robotaffliction
    I have a really hard time with diet pepsi. I have definitely lowered my intake but havnt been able to give it up completely. With food there isn't really anything. I really like bacon ahah back after new years im giving up beef and pork so bacon is out aha. i dont make myself give up treats and stuff, but i eat them pretty rarely. so its not a struggle to like.. give it up or anything i just dont eat it very often and eat it when my calories allow and i want it. i dont believe in cutting everything you love out.

    I used to love bacon but now I like the Morningstar Farms fake bacon even more. I like that it's not greasy at all and you can get it *just* crisp enough.
  • Ashleysh22
    candy!!! and not the chocolate. I have no problem giving up chocolate. it is the fruity and chewy that I crave. Particularly chewy sprees, starbursts, skittles, and gummy bears.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Once a year I allow myself to drink Orange Crush.

    On New Years.

    I deny myself the pleasures 364 days of the year.

    I haven't given it up.
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    My Starbucks. I refuse!! I must have my venti soy cafe latte at 220 calories or a venti soy cappucino at 140 calories. Every once in a while I'll cheat on my cafe latte and get my grande soy caramel latte though its a little too high in calories, so its a once in a while thing.
  • gumigal82
    My Starbucks. I refuse!! I must have my venti soy cafe latte at 220 calories or a venti soy cappucino at 140 calories. Every once in a while I'll cheat on my cafe latte and get my grande soy caramel latte though its a little too high in calories, so its a once in a while thing.

    Starbucks, definitely! I used to drink a non-fat mocha,now i drink a skinny version of a peppermint mocha, or any other skinny drink. Saves on calories and it's a snack in my day.
  • actresslass
    Alcohol definitely, but I try not to go too nuts cos on top of the calories in beer etc, you have the 'hangover calories' the next day when it feels medically urgent that you eat fried chicken!

    Aside from that, maybe potato - in all it's forms!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    kfc :-)