How many calories will use lose in a cold (not ice) bath?

I have been sick with a cold for the last week or so and have no energy for exercising. However, I know that being cold will burn calories. I don't want to get an ice bath, but in theory how many calories would a person burn in a cold (not ice) bath for every minute, 10 minutes, whatever? I can't find any info online. By cold, I mean cool enough to make you feel chilled after about 10 minutes, but not a shock to the system.

Also, does anyone know if you naturally burn more calories when you are sick? Thanks.


  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I know if I was sick the last thing I would be thinking about is taking a cold shower /bath to burn calories lol. Eat healthy , get better and maybe walk if you are feeling up to it. Other than that just, focus on your health.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    No where near enough calories for it to be worth it would be burned from a cold bath. You do burn slightly more calories when you are running a fever, but only very slightly more. When you're sick you should focus on getting well, eat at maintenance if you feel like you need to.
  • ChristinaMcKeever
    ChristinaMcKeever Posts: 84 Member
    Why would you want to stress your body when it's already sick? That can't help you heal any faster. :noway:

    As far as swimmers being thin and muscular from cold water, it's probably more likely due to moving their muscles a lot against the resistance of the water. :laugh:

    Good luck!

    that is very true i only copied and paste what i read i know its not enough to lose weight and burn calories just from swimming in cool water i agree with you on the resistance of the water that is the easiest way to burn calories and build muscle.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Seriously op, just forget this and focus on getting better.

    Swimmers are thin and muscular due to the cold water drawing off the heat from their bodies and the body compensating for it.

  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    1.25 calories, the same as watching tV. lol Just wait till you get better. I've read that your metabolism increases when you are sick anyways. You will be MORE than okay if you return to your routine within a week. You'll be fine.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    she asked a simple question whether or not if you can burn calories from cold temperatures i found my answers from the site i posted if you don't like the answer then take it up with the website, btw i have seen on doctor oz that you can burn calories from a cold ice pack for 20 mins. on the lower neck and shoulders no it obviously isn't as much as if you exercise but it does help kick your metabolism in gear, think about it your body is cold so your body has to work extra hard to warm you up which will get the blood pumping and then result in burning "some" calories. and no i dont think you should do this if you are still sick it will only make you worse... good luck and hope you are better

    Sorry but Dr. Oz is not the place to find facts... he is not respected anymore like he used to. The amount of calories you burn from the cold is not enough to make a difference.

    I live in Canada and it's pretty damn cold here these days... I spend a lot of time outside... my weight loss hasn't changed.

    The website you posted is crap... swimmers are thin because of the water? Ya, becuase they are moving in it... not because it's "cold"

    I will never understand why Oprah supports Dr. Oz. I hate that guy. But I'm not a fan of the Doctors either, but I LOVE Doctor radio on XM.. they are real doctors that work with patients daily.