30 Day Juicing Fast

I was recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and I want to start a body cleanse to get myself "cleaned-out" and ready to take on a full blown gluten-free lifestyle. So Starting January of 2012 I am going to try and do a 30 day juicing diet/fast. I just recently purchased a Champion juicer (the masticating type), and so far it runs fantastic. I plan on juicing lots of greens, veggies and fruit during my 30 day fast. Has anyone ever done anything like this? What types of things should I expect to happen? I know that I will have some diarrhea and weightloss, but how much? Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    What about protein?

    ETA: I don't think you really need to "clean out" your body.
    Just starting the gluten-free lifestyle would be a better choice I think.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    "The best way to 'detox' the body is simply to let your body do its job. Unless you have a medical problem, your body takes care of itself quite nicely, experts say.

    "The liver and kidneys are nature's best-kept secret, because they are the weapons to eliminate toxins from your body," says Gerbstadt. "If you are concerned about certain substances in your diet, it is easier and safer to simply eliminate [those substances] rather than engage in unhealthy detox plans."

  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    research has shown that juice fasting doesnt necessarily cleanse out your system and will only result in loss of water weight not actual body fat except your caloric intake in really low. you just need to pick a day and start your desired lifestyle and with time you body will adjust itself. There is no need for the extremity of a 30 day fast...

    Hope all goes well regardless.

    good luck
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I don't know anything about celiac's disease, so I may be wrong, but a 30 day juice fast sounds very unhealthy to me! I just can't see how you'll possibly have any energy and be able to keep up your metabolism!
  • bassklan
    bassklan Posts: 19 Member
    Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Unless your doctor told you to do this, I wouldn't even consider it.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Why not start tomorrow and eliminate items that aggravate Celiac? Cleanse sounds unhealthy and difficult as well.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!

    Fruits and veggies aren't exactly full of protein.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I think that's a dreadful idea, but there you go. This language about 'cleaning out your body' is not true or helpful, if you ask me.

    I'd suggest not stressing your body out with an extreme like all juice, but just learning how to eat with your condition and doing it!

    PS - why just juice? You could eat fruit and veg and you'd feel fuller and get more fibre.

    But really, human beings need a balanced diet. Just fruit n veg will not give you all the nutrients you need. Why do that to yourself?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!
    I have seen these documentaries mentioned several times, but I am wary of watching them... I suppose it couldn't hurt, but I don't like anything that's too heavily biased on one side or the other. But like I said, I haven't seen them, so I don't know.
  • Almiel
    Almiel Posts: 61 Member
    Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!

    Fruits and veggies aren't exactly full of protein.

    They don't have protein in a "pure" form but they contain the building blocks of protein, enzymes. Too much protein taxes the kidneys and sucks calcium from your bones. Vegetarians have less osteoporosis than meat eaters!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!
    I have seen these documentaries mentioned several times, but I am wary of watching them... I suppose it couldn't hurt, but I don't like anything that's too heavily biased on one side or the other. But like I said, I haven't seen them, so I don't know.
    They, along with juice fasts and detox programs, have been debunked.

  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and I want to start a body cleanse to get myself "cleaned-out" and ready to take on a full blown gluten-free lifestyle. So Starting January of 2012 I am going to try and do a 30 day juicing diet/fast. I just recently purchased a Champion juicer (the masticating type), and so far it runs fantastic. I plan on juicing lots of greens, veggies and fruit during my 30 day fast. Has anyone ever done anything like this? What types of things should I expect to happen? I know that I will have some diarrhea and weightloss, but how much? Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    What did your doctor say about this juice fast?
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!

    Of course you don't need meat! There are millions of perfectly healthy vegetarians and vegans. But you still need a varied and balanced diet. Grains, legumes (i.e. beans), a bit of good fat etc. Calcium is really important for woman to prevent osteoporosis and iron to prevent anaemia.

    Please talk to your Dr or better yet, see a dietician.
  • incircles_lp2
    incircles_lp2 Posts: 132 Member
    I appreciate all the responses to my post. The reason I am doing a juice fast is for personal reasons. It is more of a mental thing that I would like to try. 30 days is really not that bad, and I think I can do it with enough healthy fruits, veggies and greens (which do contain protein). I have been sick with Celiac Disease my whole life and I want to start off extreme so that I can stay focused-that's just how I work. Another motivator for me is losing the 15 lbs I gained the past month and a half. It took me a whole year to lose that weight:( . I haven't been taking care of myself like I should, and I want to start off with something extreme. I guess you can call it a spiritual awakening. Maybe it's too hard to explain over My Fitness Pal
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I appreciate all the responses to my post. The reason I am doing a juice fast is for personal reasons. It is more of a mental thing that I would like to try. 30 days is really not that bad, and I think I can do it with enough healthy fruits, veggies and greens (which do contain protein). I have been sick with Celiac Disease my whole life and I want to start off extreme so that I can stay focused-that's just how I work. Another motivator for me is losing the 15 lbs I gained the past month and a half. It took me a whole year to lose that weight:( . I haven't been taking care of myself like I should, and I want to start off with something extreme. I guess you can call it a spiritual awakening. Maybe it's too hard to explain over My Fitness Pal

    A lot of people find that it's easier to adhere to a restrictive diet if they start out with some sort of EPIC restrictive regime for 4-6 weeks first. I guess I get where you're coming from...but I would def speak to the doctor about it too.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Add wheatgrass juice.. it helps detoxing and also give you protein.
    It's so easy to grown indoor wheatgrass.
    If you are on a diet without protein for so long, your hair may fall out. I thiink 30 days is OK but I'm not an expert.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Yes! The first couple of days are 'detox' and you probably will experience some diarrhea, etc. But it is wonderfully energizing after that! You should watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead! It's all about a 60 juicing fast and it is Awesome! You won't really want have a desire for the other stuff - just fruit and veggies. There is Protein in fruits and vegetables - the fact that you need Meat to get protein is totally a myth! Forks Over Knives and Food Matters are two other great videos!

    You lost me at Forks Over Knives... I've watched these documentaries, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead was interesting although I don't believe this is a healthy approach to losing weight although I can understand the desire to do it for a short period of time, been tempted to myself. Forks Over Knives however was so strongly influenced by the China Study which should be held up as one big example of how CORRELATION != CAUSATION. It's been said so often it's almost cliched. I turned off Forks Over Knives when they started showing a model of atherosclerosis that is decades out of date.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    They don't have protein in a "pure" form but they contain the building blocks of protein, enzymes. Too much protein taxes the kidneys and sucks calcium from your bones. Vegetarians have less osteoporosis than meat eaters!

    errr... this is long been debunked, both the calcium excretion and the taxing the kidney ideas. Check out this article:

  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    i have done a few juice fast for 7-9 days at a time. Usually by this time i just get sick of cleaning my juicer. I also go 100% raw vegan from time to time. I need to do this again soon. It helps me get back on track.

    On the first few days of a juice fast you can expect to feel light headed, chilled to the point of freezing, and headaches. As long as you drink plenty of juice you should feel great after the withdrawal symptoms have passed and you can exercise like normal.

    My husband and one of my sons has celiac disease. feel free to add me as a friend.