

  • as long as you count your calories and enter data that works with the program,it shouldn't matter what time it is eaten, just be careful about eating more at night and then going to bed, you might be defeating all the good exercise you did during the day
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I love having "breakfast" for lunch or supper! Others must like it too or IHOP and Denny's wouldn't serve breakfast all day.
    The idea of what equals breakfast food has changed over the years and is different the world over. My husband likes kippers, (fish), for breakfast. He also like stewed tomatoes for breakfast. I had tamales for breakfast when I liked in California.
    Naming our meals and limiting what is appropriate for each label is pretty recent in human history.
  • jms11416
    jms11416 Posts: 25 Member
    NO!!! it's the best... i have no choice but to work out at night do to my schedule so for after workout protein i'll poach 2 eggs, & have a slice of wheat toast with laughing cow cheese spread on it - 245 cal breakfast/dinner!!!!!!!!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    as long as you count your calories and enter data that works with the program,it shouldn't matter what time it is eaten, just be careful about eating more at night and then going to bed, you might be defeating all the good exercise you did during the day
    Not true. The worst thing about eating right before bed would be indigestion. Won't affect weight loss.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I made a huge mistake this morning! I had my midnight snack for breakfast, and now I can barely keep my eyes open.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    I made a huge mistake this morning! I had my midnight snack for breakfast, and now I can barely keep my eyes open.

    You do realize a bunch of the people reading your posts have absolutely no clue what the word sarcasm means?? LOL
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I love breakfast for dinner :) I have egg white omlettes & toast for dinner all the time..yum!
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    Absolutely nothing wrong with that!!!! That is my go-to dinner when the rest of the family is eating something I don't want to waste my calories on. I have 1/2 cup eggbeaters and 2 pieces of toast. Sometimes I throw some turkey bacon in the mix! LOVE IT!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    I made a huge mistake this morning! I had my midnight snack for breakfast, and now I can barely keep my eyes open.

    You do realize a bunch of the people reading your posts have absolutely no clue what the word sarcasm means?? LOL


    sar·chasm ('sär-"ka-z&m) : The giant gulf (chasm) between what is said and the person who doesn't get it.