Breakfast Makes me Starving!!!



  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I don't agree with the "don't eat unless hungry theory"....IMO that facilitates the habit of over eating because it takes our bodies so long to realize we are full.

    I eat four planned meals a day and have two protein shakes (total of 6 times eating) - portioned out and planned so I eat only what I have allotted for each meal. ALWAYS a protein source with each meal as well (20ish grams). I have enough energy to get my workouts in and am not starving throughout the day (which is when I tend to get in trouble and chose "naughty" items).

    Also...if you start your morning with protein in conjunction with a helathy carb source you should find yourself satiated between meals.



    I know if I "wait until I'm hungry" I'll chew my own arm off.

    Also, if I only eat oatmeal & banana I'm starving w/in a couple of hours, but add a tablespoon (or two) of almond butter and I am full until noon.

    Quite simply that means you're not waiting until you're hungry. You're waiting until your starving. Totally different thing.

    Again I'm going to repeat, whatever makes you make the right lunch choices is the better option. If eating breakfast makes you make better lunch choices eat it. If not eating breakfast makes you make the better lunch choices don't. It's really quite simple.
  • LickyNees
    LickyNees Posts: 101 Member
    Does anyone else have this problem.. I'm okay, then I eat something small for breakfast cause I feel like I should... with all the studies etc... but then I'm starving before lunch time!

    Why do you feel like you should? What studies are these?

    Dont eat it if you dont want to. Plenty of people have reached their goals without it (Intermittent Fasting). Overall calories count. Meal frequency and timing do not.

    Wether you eat one meal of 1500 or 6 meals of 250, it's still 1500 calories which have no 'special metabolic furnace burning' properties in the morning as opposed to afternoon. You can break your fast at whatever time you want.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Happens to me the worst when I eat cereal for breakfast. For that reason, I avoid cereal. With other foods, it's not as bad, but still noticeable. I try to bring a snack like watermelon or strawberries to eat around 10:30 and that keeps me happy. But a lot of days I don't have fresh fruit in the house so I just suffer through it. Luckily, lunch at work is pretty early. But that's my recommendation, eat a small snack in the morning. Watermelon or strawberries have about 40 calories for a half serving - just enough to keep you going until lunch. :flowerforyou:
  • Lily_1
    Lily_1 Posts: 38
    It's okay to wait 12 hrs after you evening meal before you eat again. Actually breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day. You could have something with a lot of fiber like oatmeal for breakfast, or a fruit smoothie packed with fruit, yogurt and juices add honey for energy. You will train your body and metabolism to not feel so hungry. In addition the growling we often hear in our stomach is NOT hunger it is our intestines working hard at digesting our food, because we often do not chew it small enough.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    What you're aiming for is:

    1. A net caloric deficit (for loss) or surplus (for bulk) each WEEK.
    2. A daily macro breakdown. Either by ratios, or by determining required grams of protein per day, then filling in with carbs, fats.

    Meal timing, metabolism "stoking", and starvation mode in this context are largely based on anecdotal studies.

    So if you enjoy eating 6 meals per day, knock yourself out. If you want to have one large feast daily, seriously, knock yourself out. If you like eating 3 solid meals daily, again, go ahead. You are aiming to meet the two above goals. Our individual hunger responses vary drastically and telling someone to force feed themselves breakfast because "well I read it was a good idea on WebMD" is a bit goofy, don't you think?

    If you have a medical condition which requires you to eat at specific intervals or at certain times to coincide with prescription treatment, etc, then that's a different story.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    No... your metabolism doesn't really stop over night. But it does slow down from lack of activity. And as I stated in my post, eating will raise your metabolism faster than activity.
  • Mama2Brady
    Mama2Brady Posts: 1 Member
    I use to have that problem. Now, I make myself eggs in the microwave. It takes all of 5 minutes to make and is very full and satisfying. I go to the gym for 2 hours and have a protein bar on my way home. But, a mid morning snack of an apple, almonds, or cheesestick will work well also.

    Here's what I do:
    - Put about 2 ounces of frozen chopped spinach in microwave safe glass bowl and nuke for 1 minute
    - Pour in 1/2 cup of egg substitute and nuke for 1 minute
    - Chop up mixture and nuke for additional minute
    - Pour Medium Salsa (about 3 TBLS) and ENJOY!!
  • jwhitfield3
    jwhitfield3 Posts: 8 Member
    The Warrior Diet promotes little to nothing in the a.m. hours and feasting late in the day. It seems to work pretty well for physically active people.

    The high protein/fiber breakfast sounds reasonable as it increases satiety (feel full longer). Coffee seems to help curb appetite too - have a cup to delay the desire to eat.

    Go with what's best for you. We're all a bit different and you have to experiment a bit to find what works for you.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    It depends on what I have for breakfast. If I eat something carb heavy then I am starving very quickly. If I add a good protein to it I'm good for awhile.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Breakfast 'starting' or 'boosting' your metabolism is a MYTH!! It's MYTH PEOPLE!!!

    Bottom line is if you don't like breakfast or eating breakfast does nothing for you don't eat it.

    Do what is right for your body. Eating breakfast may not be right for you.
    Wether you eat one meal of 1500 or 6 meals of 250, it's still 1500 calories which have no 'special metabolic furnace burning' properties in the morning as opposed to afternoon. You can break your fast at whatever time you want.

    ditto on both
  • jesscaponigro
    jesscaponigro Posts: 114 Member
    When I used to see a nutritionist she had me eating 6 times a day. Breakfast (6:30AM) Snack (9:30AM) Lunch (Noon) Snack (2pm) Dinner (6pm) Snack (8pm). Always seem to keep me feeling full all day. I've been doing it again, and it works for me. After the first few weeks I stop being hungry all the time.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Okay everyone, here's the bottom line: Take a look at LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX diet recommendations. That is what my Physician highly recommends.

    If you have diabetes, you should be following the LGI diet all the time anyway.

    When you eat a breakfast that's high carb, especially simple carbohydrates, it sky rockets your blood glucose levels, then it crashes a couple of hours or even less later. Then, you feel like you're "starving". Such breakfasts usually consist of: pancakes, french toast, waffles with jams, jellies or syrup or a quickie like a muffin. It's the flour, the sugar and the fat that's doing y'all in.

    Solution: raise the COMPLEX carbohydrate intake and the PROTEIN levels but watch the total carbs for each meal.

    FYI: Calories in Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates
    Diet and Weight Loss Tutorial

    Macronutrient Calories Kilojoules
    Protein 4 16.7
    Fat 9 37.7
    Carbohydrate 4 16.7
    Yes, each gram of fat you consume provides more than twice as many calories as a gram of protein or carbohydrate!

    As an example of how these numbers are used, imagine a food containing 10 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat, and 10 grams of carbohydrates. That would total 170 calories:

    (10 g protein x 4) + (10 g fat x 9) + (10 g carbs x 4) = 170
    In this imaginary food 40 calories come from protein, 90 calories come from fat, and 40 calories come from carbohydrates.
  • LickyNees
    LickyNees Posts: 101 Member
    I am the same way! I went to a fat doctor and they say its important to get 30 grams of protien in the morning because it starts your metabolism. So if you dont eat enough in the morning your metabolism starts but then shift to starvation mode and your burning muscle instead of fat...

    With all due respect to your 'fat doctor', if this was the case the human race wouldnt have survived thousands of years. If eating breakfast helps with hunger etc, then eat it, however starvation mode only occurs after a number of days of inadequate caloric intake, adjusting metabolism downwards and turning to muscle.

    As long as youre eating all your alloted calories every day you wont starve/slow down your metabolism/die/spontaneously combust.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    There are several studies, I'm sure you can find some or all of them with a quick internet search. But what is important is the reasons the findings provide for why breakfast helps with weight control. All of the studies I've read give the same reason. People who skip breakfast to lower calorie consumption tend to eat more later because they are hungrier. But that is not the same as saying that everyone who skips breakfast will eat more later.

    The OP said that because of the research, she "feels like she should" eat breakfast. The research you describe shouldn't leave the OP with the impression that she "should" eat breakfast, especially when the reasons given conflict with her personal experiences
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Breakfast does not kick start your metabolism or boost it in any way. I wish this myth would die..... maybe someday.
  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    Agree 100%, I couldn't wait to devour my lunch this afternoon all because breakfast had left me starving
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    check this is the Sumo Wrestlers Diet
  • nighthawke
    nighthawke Posts: 45 Member
    Does anyone else have this problem.. I'm okay, then I eat something small for breakfast cause I feel like I should... with all the studies etc... but then I'm starving before lunch time!

    Sounds like you're not eating enough calories. Try to get some fiber, protein and carb in with your breakfast.

    I don't know your dietary requirements but I eat something like the following.

    1 English Muffin (120 Calories)
    2 Egg Whites (50 Calories) (I use the egg white beaters)
    2 Slices of low sodium turkey deli meat (60 calories)
    1 tbs of Spicy Red Pepper Hummus (30 calories adds a nice flavor texture contrast and it prevents me from using cheese)

    Depending on the day I'll also add a banana or small apple.

    Without the fruit this is 260 calories, is very filling and will provide you with the energy you need to make it to your first mid morning snack.

    I typically eat this at around 7:30am and have my mid morning snack around 10:30. Which will consist of a serving (and I do mean a serving) of an emerald nut mix at apx 150 calories.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    check this is the Sumo Wrestlers Diet
    That looks very well-researched and full of citations of peer-reviewed research to back up the statements.

    Or not.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There are several studies, I'm sure you can find some or all of them with a quick internet search. But what is important is the reasons the findings provide for why breakfast helps with weight control. All of the studies I've read give the same reason. People who skip breakfast to lower calorie consumption tend to eat more later because they are hungrier. But that is not the same as saying that everyone who skips breakfast will eat more later.

    The OP said that because of the research, she "feels like she should" eat breakfast. The research you describe shouldn't leave the OP with the impression that she "should" eat breakfast, especially when the reasons given conflict with her personal experiences

    Yes, I agree. But many people don't read the actual studies they just hear blurbs about them on the news or in magazines which don't always delve too deeply into the results. They may only read/hear the headline "Study Results Show Eating Breakfast Helps With Weight Loss" or the article may only say something like "88% of study participants who lost weight or maintained a healthy weight ate breakfast." Stuff like that can get confusing when you don't have the time or desire to find and read the study yourself. Especially when you read/hear it more than once.